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Everything posted by Muckers

  1. My Fingers on the download button....... ? looking forward to it mate. Thanks
  2. Perfect! Again.... Thank you! These look really nice. People will really enjoy these additions to their collections. I'll be waiting for these to drop for sure.
  3. Top Quality! they look absolutely mint mate, cant wait to add these beauties. Thanks Once again. let me know when you pop them on youtube and ill let my channel know. cheers pal have a great weekend.
  4. Thank You Sucramjd. Ill Make sure I say thank you and point people your way as your work is excellent. thank you so much. looking forward to the next batch!
    top quality addition thank you
  5. absolutely on point Sir! thank you for making the crusty edges of my launchbox/bigbox more palletable!
  6. I have been updating bigbox & Launchbox last night and it looks fantastic with your work. Would it be possible to link your work on one of my videos Please? Via My google drive? Understand if your not happy with that though. I just wanted more people to see your excellent work and ill happily give you a big shout out.
  7. looks fantastic thank you so much!
  8. Fantastic work! Thank You so much. Do You have the Following at all? Taito Type X - Boxes Sega All Net Multi - Boxes Nesica X Live - Boxes Regards.
  9. Excellent just what I needed! Again you have came to the rescue with your work!
  10. Muckers

    startup video

    go to your launchbox folder! its in there Videos / Startup... Place it in there, if you dont have one create it. (Startup folder that is)
  11. Thank You Kind Sir! The Top one i found towards the start of the thread and Is perfect!
  12. @sundogak @viking Thank you so much for all your work you put into these. you've made my bigbox go from decent to Awesome! Do you have a NESiCAXLive Silver Ring Logo at all? Ive had a look through and can't see one. I'm Sure there was one available but just cannot find it. Once Again tremendus job you have all done with all these! Edit Found it!
  13. I have just added a few to launchbox. only thing i noticed was they were a bit small compared to the others I have...but that is no way a critism they look great and your videos are fantastic too make my build look cleaner now Ive added those. Your Work is much appreciated. Thank YOU!
  14. Thank YOU! These are brilliant!
  15. it works for me! just emergency call ambulance i cannot get working. wip though!
  16. It works perfectly for me! so sharing how i did it with someone who needed help. always good to have more than one way to do something.
  17. Muckers

    startup video

    download the video you want to add off here.... ( click on thank you to the creator )goto your launchbox folder/videos/startup dump it in there... I re name mine to startup or startup1/2/3 depending on how many videos you want. only one loads per startup as random.
  18. you have to create a txt file in the roms folder. use this as your rom file. so SEGA RALLY 3 would be SegaRally3.txt follow the --profile= when you set teknoparrot as your emulator and add the system it defaults etc, once imported edit the game, click emulation tab down the bottom, tick use custom commandline parameters, and then add --profile=xxx.xml file ( for sega rally 3 it is SR3.xml ) (find this under userprofiles in teknoparrot emulator folder) for each game.
  19. Massive Thank you to everyone who has made these Clear logo's! They Are The Absolute Nuts!
  20. Brilliant! needed a few of these so much appreciated.
  21. worked first time on my main system. But i will monitor it as i tried it before and it didnt work. So will keep my eye on it and update you in a week or so when ive had time to play a few games and test different systems. thank you gents
  22. Ok ill test my reinstalled system when i get chance thanks
  23. Please tell your fix sir!
  24. Yes, ive rebuilt my test system with everything disabled will test asap and update you.
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