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  1. No that's some new funkiness to me, in what's already a funky emulator. Citra just crashes out for me when I use with SteamLauncher. It bugs me that development on it doesn't get the attention that the other Nintendo systems do. I'm very fond of the 3DS and it kills me that so much if its library plays poorly in emulation, whereas the Switch which is a contemporary console is already leaps and bounds ahead. But that's a discussion for another thread I suppose!
  2. Ah bummer. I've also ran into issues with Citra and Steam overlay breaking recently. Thankfully due to the selective use feature @Lahmahas added to the plugin I can just disable SteamLauncher from running when I launch 3DS games until a solution is found. Not ideal but I'm glad that I can at least toggle it off and keep the end experience seemless
  3. Heya, just stumbling on this. Try disabling shader caching in the Steam options. I had issues with Cemu in Vulkan donkeys ago and that worked for me. That said I haven't updated cemu recently so no promises on this one
  4. Not running into this issue at all. Have you tried a clean reinstall of the plugin?
  5. Have done a bit of testing on latest update. In particular the filter by source option. All smooth sailing. Love the added functionality. Makes my collection zero maintenance when streaming to my living room TV. Many thanks as always!
  6. Sad to report to you @Lahma that this issue now seems to have been rolled into the main Steam release as of today
  7. But it's really cool! Always grateful @Lahma man
  8. Hope you get well soon dude. Take care of yourself
  9. Are you on the latest Launchbox and are you trying to launch through BigBox? On the latest version I can launch nothing through BigBox at all, rolling back to the previous LB version fixes it however
  10. Hey @rfj831@gmail.com I gave it a go as well but was unable to replicate the issue. My thought is that maybe the GDP (they look so cool btw) has some inbuilt software that could be messing with the focus? On a sidenote BigBox does not work for me on the latest LB release, reverting back to the previous release it works grand. Wondering what other peoples experiences with this are?
  11. Have just stumbled upon another wee issue. It seems if a game title has a special character like an accent (or a as I would call it a fada) SteamLauncher is unable to load the game up. SteamLauncher loads and times out. In my case it was Pokémon (don't laugh) Renaming to "Pokemon" and the game launched grand. Was repeatable across different emulators (initially thought it was a Retroarch thing)
  12. Possibly unrelated but thought I'd mention. Last night I was messing with my PSX collection. I changed the core over (was playing Um Jammer Lammy and the latency on PCSX-Rearmed was killing me) Changed to Beetle and it wouldn't launch at all. No Retroarch launching, Steamlauncher opened then closed on timeout (the core wasn't set up right however) I went to change back to PCSX and it still wouldn't launch untill I rebooted Steam and Launchbox. Probably unrelated mind
  13. Rock and roll! Hopefully it all goes somewhere and makes life easier for you. Can report back that Rufus the greyhound is ecstatic. Dogs love it when API's are changed for the better, dontchaknow
  14. @Jason Carr This man has my vote. His plugin for many setups completely unifies controller setup no matter what device I choose. Would urge you to consider the reques,it will make my dog happy
  15. Thanks for your continued work on the plugin man. I know it's no small task. We all find it as useful as you yourself do. I'm as big a novice as the is when it comes to coding, but if there's anything we as a community can do to help I'm sure there's plenty of us that will pitch in.
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