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  1. Hey, I have found a certain "logic" with this problem, it seems to happen when the description of the game (note metadata) is a certain length for the gamedetails windows. If i resize the gamedetails panel, it does'nt occur no more on this particular game (but will on others ones that did'nt dance before) At some point of "zoom" the theme don't know if it has to display a scrollbar or not to display the notes.
  2. Sure, a video will be more signifiant. Res is 3840x2160 and windows 250%. VID_20240630_193745.mp4
  3. Hey, thx for the theme and updates, sluterring issue is not solved for me (LB up to date)
  4. Thx! i was just looking for it , I need one for VR games and Amazon Games now.
  5. Yep, it seems to be ok now :), i probably share the code about the maxplayers after few tests. About the ESRB, i like the idea to have the 2 ratings as now, just adding a not rated icon would complete it (the must would be to mix the news logo with the old ones :))
  6. @The Papaw I agree I've done this too about maxplayer in game; not sure if it can interest someone, i've taken the images in the AeonNox bigbox theme but I am not so satisfied about them. Maybe with some other images...
  7. Hey, about point 2. I assume too, if you respect the naming of files and sizes. about the point 1. Could you have a test replace in gamedetailsview from line 1687 to 1741 by this :
  8. Hey, I've done a little enhancement to allow a pdf icon in game details to open manual if available. Feel free to insert this after line 1685 after the </textblock> about wikipedia url in gamedetailsview.xaml
  9. Hey, I'm sorry to come back on this question, but after two years, there is a good solution for skipping the win10 confirmation box in LB or BB without break launchbox or change the uac settings ?
  10. Krako13


    Hi, just a thank you for the last DS theme that is really nice just the fontsize of the game list maybe too small on a high resolution, but easy to change it by myself. I hope a really similar one for the 3ds next ? Keep doing good job, appreciate
  11. Hey i'm trying to custom the GameDetailsView to add Genre and multiplayers icons near ESRB/Favortite... I'm not a hard developer and everything I try, failed... I think it is beacause in this file the property "ActiveGame." doesn't work for some reason... Could someone help me ? GameDetailsView.xaml
  12. Krako13


    Hey could someone help me with this error on nec turbografx 16 ? This is the line in question : <y2guru:Element1Text x:Key="Element1Text"/>
  13. Hey, i still have'nt the answer about series, also someone know if there is a command to avoid the user control account on pc games ?
  14. hey i make some changes in my own theme too, and your idea about the background is pretty nice, could you tell me where and how make the background image fill the whole space pls ?
  15. Nice, i didn't notice that thanx, for who are seeking to do the same thing, you have to edit the GameDetailsView.xaml in LBThemes\Default\Views and just cut/paste what you need in order you need. Any idea about series location ?
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