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Everything posted by Drakorex

  1. I've tried doing a full media download several times, but I still have to manually download screenshots for each game. Why isn't everything downloading?
  2. It seems to have a problem consistently working with yuzu. Can anyone else confirm this? Is there anything that can be done about it?
  3. But is there a way to know if a game came out only in Japan as opposed to just being the Japanese version of a game? I'm looking for some kind of list or database.
  4. Is there any way to identify games that only came out in a specific region?
  5. Sorry to sound like a broken record, but Steam Launcher is having issues again. Sometimes it stays running, more often than not, it crashes as soon as Yuzu boots up. This is happening on the latest freshly extracted plugin.
  6. ...I know how to have duplicate entries in Launchbox. I'm trying to have one boot default Smash, and have the other boot modded. I just about have it figured out, but now Steam Launcher is having fits and I'm trying to figure that out. Update: I got it working. The trick is to make a copy of your Yuzu installation and create a User folder in both, making them portable, and move everything from your "C:\Users\your user name\AppData\Roaming\yuzu" folder into the one you wish to use for mods, making sure to copy your keys into the new Yuzu. Additionally, you can redirect the paths of your nand and sd card to the old one if you wish to share between them. The result is two different installations of the emulator, each with different settings, in my case modded Smash and unmodded. Now the duplicate LaunchBox entry just has to be set to launch with the new Yuzu.exe. I hope this helps someone.
  7. is it possible to have two different entries for the same game, one using mods, and the other default? I want to have a separate entry for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate mods
  8. Drakorex

    Setup Theory

    What do you find is the best, cleanest and most convenient way to set up LaunchBox? Do you have other region games combined into a single entry, or set up as a different platform entirely? Do you have a special platform set up for commonly used apps and shortcuts? Share any personal touches you like to do to make LaunchBox work better for you!
  9. Since your last update, I set up all my emulators, and everything worked great. After a few days, everything went back to not launching when using the plugin. First I figured that Steam broke it again. So I deleted the plugin and extracted a freshly downloaded copy I had backed up, and everything worked again. I went and copied the settings I had before and everything still works fine. I just don't get how after several days of having everything set up and not messing with anything, it broke itself.
  10. I just tried booting emulators that I know were working before, nothing works as it should. Except if I fresh install it, then things work. Can anyone explain this?
  11. I just tried again, and emulators work as expected. With PC games, its a mixed bag. For some, Steam interface works right, some it doesn't work at all. For TMNT Shredders Revenge: Overlay works, Controller input not recognized. Plugin turned off, controllers work. I'm not sure how much of it is the plugin, and how much of it is particular games having issues with Steam UI as a whole.
  12. Is this currently working for anyone? Is it possible to have a older secondary instance of steam specifically for this? Why do things keep breaking? When I first downloaded the update, things worked again. Then they didn't.
  13. I think Steam may have borked something up again. It worked amazingly with both pc games and emulators when I first installed it. Then after a few days of not touching anything, nothing wants to launch, even with everything freshly installed.
  14. I'm running into issues when launching games that use Retroarch. When I press the guide button to bring up the steam overlay, it disconnects my controller from Retroarch.
  15. In-frickin-credible! I tried it on emulators, nefariously obtained steam games, seems to be workin great now. My only complaint is when exiting a game, it returns to Steam instead of LaunchBox. Perhaps there's a setting I missed?
  16. Gameboy Box Art Overlay View File Tried searching for this, but couldn't find it. So I took a stab at it myself. If anyone else is able to do a better job, I'd love to see it. Submitter Drakorex Submitted 07/14/2023 Category Platform Bezels/Overlays  
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Tried searching for this, but couldn't find it. So I took a stab at it myself. If anyone else is able to do a better job, I'd love to see it.
  18. I tried this a while back, and it worked great, but over time, it just started not working. It would cause my controller to stop working after closing a game, and now, it tries to launch a game and just crashes. It enters whatever game I just tried to launch into my nonsteam games, and I can launch the game with Steam overlay that way, but I just don't understand why it won't work correctly now. I even just got done reinstalling Windows 10 and Steam, as well as a fresh download of the plugin. Anyone else have this problem? Is there any way to fix it?
  19. That would be very convenient and eliminate any guess work. Same as with the theme downloader.
  20. Is there a reason why when after you quit a game, the desktop config stops responding while in BPM, requiring a restart?
  21. I added a shortcut link to a pdf as a separate entry. I then combined them into one. When I right click, I can see there are additional apps. I just want some kind of mark to show that.
  22. What I'm trying to do is group games together with a shortcut link to their bonus content, such as PDFs for digital artbooks, and shortcuts to folders containing soundtracks. Upon looking at my badges, I don't appear to have one for additional apps. 🤔
  23. The one showing that two entries have been combined? Also, when I try to expand them, they don't. It shows for other platforms such as GameCube, but it don't show for steam. If I right click, it shows there are are additional apps. Or is that different than multidisc?
  24. I combined two entries (in this case, game and artbook). I thought a badge was supposed to show indicating this.
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