thanks for this great project, love it. Had a 64 myself back in the 80s after an Atari 800XL and before moving on to Amiga 🙂.
I have some problems with my controller not working completely. It is a Logitech F310 with xinput. It is recognized by Win 10 the same way as a Xbox360 controller.
Playing games work fine and a few other functions (going up with a button, switch to manual) work also, but everything else fails. The first time using, it did nothing, from second time on Retroarch says "Controller not configured, using fallback".
So i want to try to configure it myself, Formerly i have already used and set up Retroarch for other cores, but as you use different ways to accomplish all functions, i am not quite sure, how to start.
Is this post still valid? All the "vice_mapper" lines are different or not there in my retroarch-core-options.cfg.
It would be nice, if you could explain a little more to this topic.