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  1. Thx for sharing! The artwork of blood wolf(battlera.zip) with the ArcCabview shader doesn't display properly, only the right side shows the reflection effect. And outrunner missed the gear shifter as well. Pls feel free to check it out.😋
  2. Maybe not.😋 Are they good to go?
  3. Hi! Would you pls make the artwork for Rush'n Attack(oversea ver. of Green Beret)? As it has the own bezel art.😊
  4. Mr. RL:I got 3 wonders(chelnov, sky adventure, chopper I) as below. 🥰
  5. Hi! Mr. RL. I just found the gun smoke bezel online, please consider if it is possible for an update? 😜
  6. I have found the Varth (ROMSTAR bezel) which is credited by ArsInvictus at the MAMEWORLD forum. https://www.mameworld.info/ubbthreads/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Number=389504&page=0&view=expanded&sb=5&o=&fpart=1&vc=1 Would you please buy me extra coin to fulfil my wish??
  7. My bezels wishing list as belows: 1.Exerion 2.Gun Frontier 3.Jungler 4.Rally-X 5.Super Cobra 6.Superman 7.Street Smart 8.Street Fighter EX2plus 9.Tank Battalion 10.XX-Mission Please refer to the link belows for more detail: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AlmIvsNrbMnLgr1oq__YiP5dwS4gRQ?e=YVMbWb Thx RL!
  8. Amazing stuffs! I like these realistic arcade bezels with lights out visual effect so much. Dark mode looks cool and suitable for night eyes user likes me. Thx for the great project you are going on. Once an arcade hardcore, always be in life.
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