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Everything posted by Jabb3rJaw

  1. Anyone have advice on naming the txt files? Everything works and I know the emulator is newer but a lot of games are playable. I just don't know about renaming 1000 txt files! Seems like there should be an easier way.
  2. So I read on a thread here to disable game video in the options. This seemed to stop the sound from the game video playing still while entering a game but I need to test it more. On a side note I was also starting to get random freezing in Bigbox that I had to c alt delete to get out of. I will test more tomorrow but hopefully that’s the fix. Sucked starting a game and having to exit it then restart it to get rid of the game video sound!
  3. I don’t know if anything has changed but now when I load a game I can hear the games video from the main wheel playing even when the game is loaded and playing? I have to exit the game and restart it to stop both audio from playing.
  4. Very strange… mine runs fine. I think I’m using the refried theme but never had an issue with lag between key presses. Sometimes the wheels in Bigbox take a half second to load but that’s getting better.
  5. Is this still the way with txt files? I have my roms zipped. Is this even a supported platform in Bigbox? I will be setting it up soon and noticed you have to click start every game and that screen is small. Any way around this?
  6. Is there a setting to have Bigbox start on a random game per platform? Kind of boring always starting on 88 games for Mame everytime lol
  7. I tried deleting and redownloading the theme for Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga: 20th Anniversary but some other theme appears for some Chinese game. I've looked in the downloads but cant find it. I was actually looking for the Ms. Pac-Man speed up hack but don't see that on the wheel but know its there since its on my Hyperspin wheel?
  8. I run the bezel project manually. If you have bezel project you can also just update or enable bezels. Makes it really easy. I use retroarch for most of my emulators for my cab since it makes it easy. Theirs is a few I don’t like Mame though.
  9. Ok I was able to click on the add to platform for light gun games and it’s now showing in Bigbox. 2 questions though 1. The games showing are all Mame games I think with bezels. I’m getting ready to get a lightgun probably aim track and I know those need bezels off. Will this be possible for just those games? 2. How can I add other platforms to this list of lightgun games? Hopefully I won’t have to add each game separately ?
  10. I'm running 1.16 and bezels are fine.
  11. I see under arcade platform there is a bunch of sub categories and one has light gun games listed with some games in it. If I right click it I have the option to add new platform. Is this all in need to do so I have it show up on the wheel in Bigbox? I ask because I don’t want to mess up my arcade platform. I also read I could create a new playlist but just wondering what the best way is? -Thanks
  12. For me it has improved over the updates! It was so bad I couldn’t even use it in my cab but now I have it in place of Hyperspin. It still could be faster as sometime the wheels won’t load for a split second in Bigbox but still way better than before. So for me I agree could still be faster but good enough now that I left my other front end. Could it be your pc? I think there’s a thread on here about getting the best performance from Launchbox. Good luck!
  13. This worked great for Spotify!! With YouTube Music it doesn't work and I think its because when exiting there's a pop up that shows up that you have to click on to leave. Also I have to use Chrome.exe as my additional app then run Youtube music in the command line as the profile. Everything works great otherwise!! Also to exit YouTube Music fullscreen you have to hit escape so that could be interfering as well.
  14. Thanks for this!! I will work on this tomorrow but with your detailed explanation hopefully I should be good!
  15. Just want to say thanks to C Beats and Joeviking! With your help I was able to get everything set up. Spotify and YouTube music need alt+f4 to close nicely. Is there a way to link the 2 exe’s to send alt+f4 as escape key? I see you can on the emulator section but don’t see the option for the games themselves. Super happy though with this!
  16. Ok thanks again. And for me I haven’t done anything for clear logos for games so sounds like the easy way is update and replace game clear logos every so often. Thanks for the help!
  17. Thanks Sundogak!! Great explanation! It would be nice if there were options under the update media, like update wheels or update carts… I just see a lot of wheels getting remade and they say added to Launchbox database when done. So to get these new improved wheels I have to update all media sounds like?
  18. I just found a setting that requires you to hold the back button to have the details screen show. This is great as it will stop kids from accidently messing with that screen as now its kind of hidden. As a long time Hyperspin user the more I'm playing around with launchbox/Bigbox I'm really liking it. Before it was laggy on the wheel but is much better now and defiantly easier to set up. Launchbox team has really made a great front end and I'm just getting into it so who knows what else there is that I haven't come across yet!!
  19. Thanks C-Beats. I'm really confused as you can see in the pictures I have a music platform and the hide in bigbox isn't checked?
  20. You are right if I do platform category I do see it. Just curious why I can’t see it in just platform view? I have the root box checked so it’s in my root platform and shows in Launchbox just not Bigbox. I’m surprised there isn’t a jukebox or music platform already. Sometimes when people are over I just have the music playing.
  21. Yes I have it set to platforms but it’s still not showing up but I’m Launchbox it does show under platform category
  22. Every time I start Bigbox it starts on 3DO but I’d like it to start on Mame. I know you can save on exit a specific platform but can you make it start on a specific platform everytime it boots up?
  23. Thanks for the help guys! I’m making progress. First I will start with my music program and get the running. I have a platform called music with the exe listed as a game. I can launch it in Launchbox however in Bigbox my platform wheel isn’t showing up at all on the main wheel?
  24. There’s no way launch an .exe from under a platform? I’m really wanted a Music wheel then when I click on the music wheel I’d like to launch an exe.
  25. I just updated yesterday and just installed Daphne for the first time and everything works great on my end. I did have to check hide emulator because I kept seeing a command line but after that no problems. I'm still learning Launchbox so cant give you much help but can confirm it works with the update.
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