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Community Answers

  1. Awesome thank you. Just wasn't sure since these aren't the revisited versions. And some of these are missing on those. I will try.
  2. tried this but still not working for me.
  3. how do we set this up? where do we place the files needed?
  4. did you ever figure this out? where do we place these to make them work correcetly??
  5. Great work bro, Can you please share the template fot this so i can make the rest of the covers please?
    Nice covers simple and look like actual cover box's released.amazing work bro.
  6. I'm thinking this is the way as well. 1237 4568 But when switching to xinput doesn't that throw off the button layout for sag stream games on a iPad ultimate io? Xbox would now be Abxy Lb RB LT RT this layout makes no sense. Can we have it arcade 1237 4568 And xinput Xy LB RB Ab LT rT ??
  7. Hey guys I recently built a arcade panel. How do I layout the buttons? I have 8 buttons for players 1&2 And 6 buttons for players 3&4. This is my thought Players 1&2 1237 4568 Players 3&4 123 456 Is this correct? Thanks in advance for your input.
  8. This a great idea 💡 Hopefully this gets added.
  9. Hey guys im in the middle of building my 4 player panel. I wanted to get your guys input on admin button suggestions. What should they be used for so whenm i make the artwork i can have it on the buttons or on the graphic itself. example 4 buttons play - exit- pause- enter or exit - pause - shift - enter what you guys suggest? im using launchbox\Bigbox of corse retro consols pc games and pinball. cant wait to see what you guuys think i should have.
  10. can you please share the template for these boxs please?
  11. question how do you guys update your mame rome sets if you already have afull rom ret installed? do we cpmpletely delete mame ( Arcade ) platform then reinport fresh rome set and let launchbox update mame automaticly? or do we replace the roms in the mame roms folder then scan for added roms to arcade platform, then updating mame emulator sepretly? whats the best way to not lose artwork and settings? thank you guys in advace for any input on this. its been bugging me. ive been doing a full delete of mame then reinporting mame full rom set from scratch. ive bzcked up my artwork first then re move it to image folders after inport. but then i lose all the mering or same game roms/ games ive done and stuff like that. somre game are named incorrectly so ive gone in and fixed those but upon reinporting fresh mame i have to do all that again.
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