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Everything posted by Pineappleking

  1. Hello everyone, I also got Spectravideo to work thanks to your tips. But now I have to type the following for every game: "cload", enter, "run", enter. With MAME you can automate this with a script. Is this option also available in Retroarch?
  2. Hello everyone, I would like to import my Amiga collection for Retroarch. I encountered a few obstacles and hope someone here can help me. All my Amiga games are packed as a zip archive. So far so good. However, games with multiple disks are combined in one zip. Means I only have one ZIP file in which Disk1, Disk2 and Disk3 are located. Actually, I would like to leave the files packed like this if possible. However, I have already done the test of importing the ZIP file and clicked "Extract Roms" in the emulator settings. Nevertheless, Retroarch or the core “puae” cannot cope with it. The file simply won't load. Once the files are unpacked, it works. Now to my next question; On the Libretro page it says that you can load multi-disk games directly so that the disks are integrated into different virtual drives so that you don't have to play while playing need to change more. This probably works with the tag “(MD)”. How do I integrate it?
  3. Whaaaaaat? Never heard about it. I'll give it a try. Thanks again 🤗
  4. @JoeViking245 I don't want to take advantage of your politeness, but could you help me again? It would once again be about Autohotkey, but my concern is very specific. The tables are all running - so far so good. And thanks again to your help, I was able to assign all the images to the files, so my collection looks very good in Launchbox. But there are still a lot of tables that have no pictures or have incorrect pictures. Since all of the tables in my pinball collection are shown as screenshots, I'm currently doing the following: I start a table that is missing the image. Take a screenshot using "🪟-Key + Print" which will place a PNG file in the "Screenshots" folder. I then name this after the table that I opened previously and move the file to the Launchbox image folder. Do you think this could be somewhat automated so that if I just start a table and take a screenshot, the file is automatically renamed and moved to the correct folder?
  5. It works, it works!!!! Thanks a lot. Really.... THANKS A LOT!
  6. Hello JoeViking, can you help me again? I adjusted the paths in the script - but haven't added all the emulator instances yet - just for testing purposes. I stored the script in my Visual Pinball Emulators folder and set up AHK as the new emulator. Unfortunately, something isn't working. When I try to start a table, I only get a black screen for a very short time. No error message or anything else from which I could deduce my error. Could you help me again? My adapted script follows here VPinball.ahk
  7. Thaaaaaaanks a lot!!!!! I´ll try this, tomorrow
  8. A long time ago I loaded a Visual Pinball X set with around 50 tables. I simply imported these into Launchbox, previously set up the emulator and everything worked. Then about a year ago I loaded up a large package of pinball tables. Everything was preconfigured there, except that the package was not intended for Launchbox. I tested many tables with the corresponding emulator versions and found that although the emulators were partially backwards compatible, the tables usually had errors if I didn't use the correct version of the emulator. Therefore I would like the emulators to remain in your version. This is the only way I can be sure that every table really works.
  9. Thank you very much 😊 I think I'd love to use a batch or AHK version, but I can't code 😒 Do you perhaps have a script at hand for me that I would only have to adapt to the exe files? Because there are now 33 emulator instances 🤷‍♂️
  10. Hello everyone, I have loaded a huge package of Pinball tables (more than 6000) and would like to import them into Launchbox. Now the tables always have to be loaded with a special version of the emulator in order for them to work. I have files that are named like this: "Empire Strikes Back, The [VP8]". Would mean I would have to start this table with "Visual Pinball Version 8" for it to work without any problems. If I add up all the versions, there would be 14 versions for which I would probably have to create my own emulator in Launchbox. I would also have to create a separate Pinball category or playlist for each version so that the different emulator versions work, right? Is there perhaps a better way? Then something about the image data. Each table is in its own folder. In each of these folders there is a JPG file that is named exactly like the table. The JPGs are screenshots of the tables. I would like to use this as a cover, but I don't know how to do it. Can someone help me?
  11. I did the update to 13.06. but the problem is still there, for me. Show missing bios-folder for retroarch/system/pcsx2, but its there... 😢
  12. PERFECT! It works. Thank you, thank you, thank you
  13. Hello everyone, I need your help. I created a copy of Retroarch that I use to play lightgun games. To do this, the Sinden software must be started in parallel. I would like to implement this via an autohotkey script so that when I start a game, the Sinden software starts first and then after a few seconds Retroarch. When I close the game, I want the Sinden Software to close as well. Can someone help me?
  14. This seems to do not work for me. The following file is missing: TeknoParrot\Descriptions\SDR.json
  15. Edit: I found an easy way. I use "Spacedesk" for Windows/Android. https://www.spacedesk.net/de/#products Hello everyone, no new post since 2019, but I hope someone can help me. How did you solve the problem with the controller? Some games can only be played with a second screen. I thought an Android smartphone would be best. So I downloaded the IDisplay app. This allows me to set up my cell phone as a second wireless screen in Windows. But the problem is, as soon as I start CEMU in full screen mode, the screen on my smartphone freezes. I've already found a few tutorials on the Internet, many of which are considered outdated and no longer work. The others seem very complicated to me. Sometimes with several apps/programs that have to run in parallel. What is your solution?
  16. Thanks a lot, they helped me. The problem is, that some torrent-clients won´t download files without suffix. So I used another client and it worked.
  17. Hi all, I've loaded exos AppleIIGS collection, from the torrent-file, which I've found on their site. But I'm not able to get it extracted by the *bat file. It's still not working. So I think it's because of the missing file "AppleIIGS" in the content folder. It seems damaged in the torrent-sorce. So can someone help me?
  18. Hello together, I´ve followed the guide to import my ScummVM-games to launchbox and it worked In my setup, I´m running every game, every system through retroarch, so I wanted to keep that for the ScummVM-games. Now here´s a little problem... Every ScummVM-game, I´ll start within retroarch, is always set to a screen-resolution of 320x240 pixels. I´ts fit to my hole screen, but I can count every pixel. I´ve looked in the retroarch settings for that core, but I´ve seen no option, to change the resolution. Did I do something wrong? Or is that the only resolution, which is supported by the core? Can someone help me, please?
  19. 😶 oh... ok. Thank you. I think they won´t work in retroarch, too?
  20. Can someone tell me the settings to get SEGA Hikaru roms get run in MAME?
  21. Thanks a lot, I will try it 🙂
  22. Thanks a lot. I´ve searched, but didn´t found that thread.
  23. Hello, for my setup, I will try to get Mame fully work within retroarch, for all my systems, which will only work with mame/mess. It should be possible, or not? My arcade-games run fine, with the mame-core. But, for example, the system "Bally Astrocade". It will run fine with mame (standalone). It will work fine with the following command-line: "astrocde -cart". When I start a Bally Astrocade Game with the current mame-core within retroarch, it will show up the game-banner and after that, not more than a black sceen. No crash, no sound, no... nothing. I think the problem is the bios file. I don´t know, were to put it in. I´ve tried it in retroarch/rom, retroarch/system, retroarch/system/rom, retroarch/system/mame, retroarch/system/mame/rom. Nothing worked for me. Can someone help me?
  24. Same problem here. What I found on reddit is; there px68k_libretro core seems to be defect since a few "updates". It should work, if you use the core from the retroarch 1.8.6 release. But I can´t found the old core for this
  25. Hey Retro_Rage, could you help me? I´m trying to run the camputers lynx games in MAME, too, but I cannot get them run. MAME will start and opens the command-prompt. The "mload" command starts and a message popped up, with a 2:35 minute-timer (why 2:35, when your script says delay 3?). After the timer reached 2:35, it will hide and nothing more will happen. I know, I have to wait a little, but after 10 Minutes of waiting, I stopped MAME. Could it be, that theres something, I missed, in your script? In my roms-folder, theres a legit bios, my roms are compressed, as zip files.
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