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Everything posted by cybermat

  1. Sorry to bump this thread with no answers, but really nobody is using BigBox with a recent AMD card ? (and freesync on)
  2. Link please, but i'm talking about VRR on with Bigbox.
  3. Are you using a VRR monitor ?
  4. Hello, i have this strange use case using BigBox. Since VRR with BigBox (using WPF) is not a good user experience, i made an adrenaline amd rule, adding BigBox as a game, turning VRR off. With this rule i fix the laggish/stuttering experience, but i face the issue that launching a game through Retroarch, VRR is not engaged anymore. If i start a mame game, using mame standalone is all fine. - If i disable BigBox rule, it comes back to work - if i ALT ENTER twice it comes back to work - if i start windowed and then i press ALT ENTER comes back to work - if i start from Launchbox, it works - if i plays with video output, changing vulkan to d3d11 i usually see that comes back to work till i close/re enter Big Box I use Windows 11 and a RX 6400 with latest drivers, on a Samsung QN800A (65" Freesync Premium), I tried a lot of settings, disabled desktop fullscreen optimisation, disabled game loading screen, increased time of the game loading screen and so on, but with no luck. On another PC i have a GT 1030, with a Lg Ultragear (Gsync compatible) and it works fine with a rule to shut down VRR for BB. I put PC with Amd rx 6400 on Lg Ultragear, same issue. I cannot plug PC with GT 1030 to Samsung 65", since HDMI version is not 2.1 and cannot be used with Samsung VRR 2.1 monitor. If some users could test this scenario and confirm the issue, would be great. I think that could be a driver issue, but maybe since AMD and NVIDIA works differently, a developer could surely sheds light on this. Thanks
  5. In retroarch vsync and vrr should stay on, it's a RA spec. The user case is from Big Box with VRR off, if retroarch is used for nes / snes / genesis and you launch a game with 60 hz what you see on hud display ? What OS are you using ? There are a lot of variables, OS, monitor used and so on. Unfortunately seems that a few users use Launchbox with VRR monitor, because i didn't see many posts about it. EDIT : maybe i found out the root cause of my issue. This happens just with Retroarch (for the moment). If i start Retroarch in fullscreen and i come from Big Box with VRR OFF, there's no way to activate VRR on Retroarch. What i did to solve my issue is removing -f command under Launchbox Emulator section and put under Hotkey script to press ALT ENTER after some seconds after RA has been launched. This works like a charm,
  6. Could you please check this use case ? Game profile for Big Box with VRR OFF --> No stutter is all smooth Enter a Nes/Genesis/Snes game with a refresh of 60 (usually NTSC) --> VRR is working ? According to my experience VRR is not able to activate itself when you pass from BigBox with VRR off to the game you've selected. I have the latest amd drivers and a RX 6400 (24.5.1)
  7. Hello,i'm experiencing that sometimes during gameplay (mame for example) the frontend exits (game Over screen) and i have the mame running in background. I need to close BB and then mame, then restart BB.
  8. Hi, thanks for your hardworking! So for using these 3500 games we need to blindly assign the whole mame full folder ? Usually i create a txt list from adb.arcadeitalia.net and with a tool i copy just those games present in the list. Is there a way to just filters the games you configured ? Txt structure is as attached on this post Mame259.txt
  9. Hello, i have this issue. Is duckstation side o could be fixed by LB? is there a workaround ? I keep duckstation open, but i get the same error message.
  10. Doing this you enable the default hlsl settings. Here you can find other settings and if you search under OUT TOPIC - EMULATION section here you can find others. Here https://docs.mamedev.org/advanced/hlsl.html you can find documentation about that. Next time use OUT TOPIC - EMULATION section, because this is not the right section where discuss this.
  11. Sorry for necroposting, but i have the same issue since i use groovymame with Windows WDM-KS. With WASAPI is working fine. I can take logs for you or test a possible fix if can help. Thanks
  12. It's very impressive! Why ALL for "Arcade" ? It' s a bit misleading.
  13. First of all thanks for your plugin. I'm a total noob regarding coding, but analyzing your code i did same changes i applied for another front end. So according with my test cases, now i send rotate command only when needed. I tried to load a lot of 4 ways games, then a lot of 8 ways games with just one rotation. Furthermore, in order to cover all the cases (i hope), i also tested with games "out" from the config file and i get properly the default value only if i've servo rotated to 4 ways. (i put 8 ways as default, but turned off RESET on exit). The only case where i could "force" is when i boot the first time. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using TinyJson; using Unbroken.LaunchBox.Plugins; using Unbroken.LaunchBox.Plugins.Data; namespace ServoStiker { public class ServoStiker : IGameLaunchingPlugin { private string pathToJoyToTray; private string pathToConfig; private string defaultMode; private string[] eightNames; private string[] fourNames; private string resetOnExit; string arguments = ""; int x = 0; public ServoStiker() { this.pathToConfig = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "\\ServoStiker.conf"; Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = (Dictionary<string, object>)File.ReadAllText(this.pathToConfig).FromJson<object>(); this.pathToJoyToTray = dictionary["joytrayPath"].ToString(); this.defaultMode = dictionary["default"].ToString(); char[] chArray = new char[2] { ',', ';' }; this.eightNames = dictionary["8-way-names"].ToString().Split(chArray); this.fourNames = dictionary["4-way-names"].ToString().Split(chArray); this.resetOnExit = dictionary["reset-on-exit"].ToString(); } public void OnAfterGameLaunched(IGame game, IAdditionalApplication app, IEmulator emulator) { } public void OnBeforeGameLaunching(IGame game, IAdditionalApplication app, IEmulator emulator) { KeyValuePair<IGameController, int?>[] controllerSupport = game.GetControllerSupport(); for (int index = 0; index < controllerSupport.Length; ++index) { KeyValuePair<IGameController, int?> keyValuePair = controllerSupport[index]; int num1 = Array.IndexOf<string>(this.fourNames, keyValuePair.Key.Name); int num2 = Array.IndexOf<string>(this.eightNames, keyValuePair.Key.Name); if ((num1 > -1) && (x != 4)) { arguments = "-servo joy4way"; x = 4; Process.Start(this.pathToJoyToTray, arguments); } else if ((num2 > -1) && (x != 8)) { arguments = "-servo joy8way"; x = 8; Process.Start(this.pathToJoyToTray, arguments); } else if ((this.defaultMode == "4-way") && (num1 <= -1) && (num2 <= -1) && (x != 4)) { arguments = "-servo joy4way"; x = 4; Process.Start(this.pathToJoyToTray, arguments); } else if ((this.defaultMode == "8-way") && (num1 <= -1) && (num2 <= -1) && (x != 8)) { arguments = "-servo joy8way"; x = 8; Process.Start(this.pathToJoyToTray, arguments); } } } public void OnGameExited() { if (!(this.resetOnExit == "True")) return; string arguments = ""; if (this.defaultMode == "8-way") arguments = "-servo joy8way"; else if (this.defaultMode == "4-way") arguments = "-servo joy4way"; Process.Start(this.pathToJoyToTray, arguments); } } }
  14. I checked the source code of the DLL and is different. Could you please post the source code of the latest DLL ? (1.0.4) ? Anyway, i decompiled the DLL in order to get the code and changed the behaviour when the stick is already in 4 or 8 ways, in order to no stress the motor. It seems working but i need to reproduce different user cases. In the conf file there is a typo "4-way-names": "4-Way Joystick,Double 4-Way Joysticks,Half 4-Way Joystick,Double Horizontal Joysticks,Double Vertical JoysticksHorizontal Joystick,Vertical Joystick",
  15. Thanks for this plugin that i will try on my Bartop. I'm not a coder but i modified the coding for another frontend, in order to avoid to stress servostik if not necessary. Example : I start from 8 ways (default) and i play a 4 ways : a command is sent to rotate. In this case a variable X should take 4. I exit from that game and I play another 2/4 ways. If x=4 there's no need to send any command. I exit and i play a 8 (or more) ways. Since X != 8 then rotate and X=8 and so on... Do you think that it's feasible ?
  16. Is there a way to have a scrolling title ? Or having text running over Box's layer ?
  17. Ok you're right, Image group dictates that. Under LB "image group" was not refreshing ...and i keep to see CLEAR LOGOS for any platform! I rebooted and now for any platform i can see "image group" selection. BTW it's really a nice theme!
  18. If i select Text list with details , i noted that for Arcade i always have CLEAR LOGO, for Nes i have Title Screen, for Naomi Gameplay screen etc etc I mean in the right bottom section.
  19. I'm using themes, that shows in the details, the version of the games. City Hunter theme is good for this, for example. I'm not a programmer and i'm a bit noob on coding, but i've been succesfully able to show the version after the title adding "<TextBlock Name="VersionString" Text="{Binding Path=VersionString}" under XAML files. I think that is a bit tricky, but does the job. I'm trying a lot of themes, when i will decide the definitive one, i will edit it accordingly.
  20. It seems that is not possible under Big Box and i would need to combine in order to enable this. Let me clarify, i just need to see the version information after the title. I have a set of unique version of the games (so combine is not the right way to act), but sometimes i see the same name of the games under Big Box.
  21. Hello, i enabled View - Show - Versions (CTRL+R) under Launchbox and i'm able to see Game Title + Versions, but i cannot do the same thing under Big Box I dug into Big Box options but i cannot see anything that could help me. I've seen the option ON under Game Details, but i don't understand how to display Version in the main scroll list. Thanks
  22. I have a custom set generated by http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/ , 3164 roms with just arcade games, working and imperfect parents and just some working/imperfect clones when the parents are not. I know that behind current solution there is a lot of work, but it would be nice using official metadata also with custom Mame set. Romname linked to Launchbox ID would help a lot for scraping the proper media, expecially for Arcade roms. Thanks for your help.
  23. I stated "simplified" because on official xml is like that <machine name="cannball" sourcefile="yunsung8.cpp"> <description>Cannon Ball (Yun Sung, horizontal)</description> <year>1995</year> <manufacturer>Yun Sung / Soft Vision</manufacturer> I avoided Mame Fullset because i don't have a full set , i will try with that and let you know!
  24. Hello, i have 3164 mame roms and i imported them via "IMPORT ROM FILES" forcing to use Mame metadata. I've seen that metadata file used is Mame.xml , but with "simplified" naming convention. For example the simplified game name of Cannon Ball appears twice for games totally different. <MameFile> <FileName>cannball</FileName> <Name>Cannon Ball</Name> <Status>good</Status> <Developer /> <Publisher>Yun Sung / Soft Vision</Publisher> <Year>1995</Year> <IsMechanical>false</IsMechanical> <Version>(Yun Sung, horizontal)</Version> <Region>North America</Region> <IsBootleg>false</IsBootleg> <IsPrototype>false</IsPrototype> <IsHack>false</IsHack> <IsMature>true</IsMature> <IsQuiz>false</IsQuiz> <IsFruit>false</IsFruit> <IsCasino>false</IsCasino> <IsRhythm>false</IsRhythm> <IsTableTop>false</IsTableTop> <IsPlayChoice>false</IsPlayChoice> <IsMahjong>false</IsMahjong> <IsNonArcade>false</IsNonArcade> <Genre>Puzzle / Toss * Mature *</Genre> <PlayMode>2P sim</PlayMode> <Language>English</Language> <Source>yunsung8.cpp</Source> <MameFile> <FileName>cannonb2</FileName> <Name>Cannon Ball</Name> <CloneOf>cannonbp</CloneOf> <Status>good</Status> <Developer /> <Publisher>bootleg (TV Game Gruenberg)</Publisher> <Year>1985</Year> <IsMechanical>false</IsMechanical> <Version>(bootleg on Crazy Kong hardware) (set 2, buggy)</Version> <Region>North America</Region> <IsBootleg>true</IsBootleg> <IsPrototype>false</IsPrototype> <IsHack>false</IsHack> <IsMature>false</IsMature> <IsQuiz>false</IsQuiz> <IsFruit>false</IsFruit> <IsCasino>false</IsCasino> <IsRhythm>false</IsRhythm> <IsTableTop>false</IsTableTop> <IsPlayChoice>false</IsPlayChoice> <IsMahjong>false</IsMahjong> <IsNonArcade>false</IsNonArcade> <Genre>Ball &amp; Paddle / Breakout</Genre> <PlayMode>6P alt</PlayMode> <Language>English</Language> <Source>cclimber.cpp</Source> With the same simplified name, scraped media are the same. To fix this i need to go under edit metadata and assign the proper launchbox database ID. It's not a problem but i ask 1) Why i cannot have the name used by OFFICIAL mame.xml ? Adding "version" surely helps to have an unique name, but it keeps to not being the original name of the rom. 2) Why romname is not used for automaticaly assign Launchbox ID ? In this way i could properly retrieve media in a reliable and faster way. Tell me if i well understood the mechanism under mame metadata and scraping.. Thanks
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