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Everything posted by skizzosjt

  1. thank you for both of your replies. I do not have access to that screen in your previous post, I'm in the free version of LaunchBox for the time being. I have been using HyperSpin and RocketLauncher for a couple years and figured I should take the plunge into LaunchBox. So I am making sure I can get everything working in regular plain old LaunchBox the way I want it to before I make the choice to purchase a full copy and start using BigBox. Adding AHK code to the running script is easy for adjusting exiting games with hotkeys. I'm fine with added work there. But NOT fine with breaking things like Startup/Shutdown screens, which from what I can tell are the equivalent to RocketLaunchers "Fade In" and "Fade Out" screens? If so, YES those I def want to use. But I am not using them as of right now, again, due to being on free version of LaunchBox. Is this guaranteed to not work if I launch any game/emulator this way, or is it just a possibility? This is the only emulator I've had to fart around doing this for so far and I have like two dozen different systems using about 10 different emulators so far. So I'd hate to do it, but I would likely concede defeat and end up seeing an emulator screen pop up for a moment rather than break functionality. With that said, is that "Hide All Windows that are not in Exclusive Full Screen Mode" checkbox take care of this exact issue I am going on about for the Dolphin emulator? I cannot test it unfortunately, it appears to be locked out, behind a paywall. This is exactly the kind of info I need to make a choice on buying a premium license, if a checkbox can fix my issue that I spent literally hours trying to come up with some code for, then that's two thumbs up from me and another reason goes under the "pro" column for pushing me to make a purchase. I'd hate to buy it and find out some silly little stuff like this has yet to be implemented in LaunchBox. I never used the "render to main window" check box in Dolphin before so I tried that but it did not solve the issue I was trying to fix. The emulator screen with your list of games still momentarily pops up before launching the game so that didn't change. In fact, made it worse in my opinion since now it puts up a full screen white screen before the game launches instead of a full screen black screen. I like the black screen better, my eyeballs will thank me for not getting blinded by a giant white screen so I'm no technical code expert, obviously, 🤣 but was sorta confused with the terminology on the first line not being command lines .....I assumed if the code works in the CMD prompt then it is command line. Google is helping me understand some now (bat is old, cmd is newer, etc) but I thought they were one in the same. In all practicality of how I have used both the CMD prompt and bat/batch files they are one in the same to me....but I get the "technical" differences thanks to a couple articles. I never knew it, so thanks for pointing it out! But I agree on the other bit of your comment, that the other line is AHK script, I knew that, not debating that part, hence why I called it the "AHK equivalent".
  2. christ.....of course I post this due to reaching the end of my rope after spending half a day investigating this stuff....then I make some discovery/breakthrough just a few minutes after posting this. I just got it working! Sharing screen shots below to show how I got it setup. Just let it be known, I only got this working due to literally just tossing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks! I really do not understand why at other times I was using the %1% variable or %X% with X being a number and it would give me just a single word from the file name. Those test files from the other thread never spit back anything for me, just empty msg boxes, I couldn't figure it out. I just kept cycling through different combos of stuff and after getting more error messages I started to see a little bit more how it worked. However, I now clearly have this working with just a %1% being used for what I assume is the entire folder path to file/ROM. so my OCD is triggered not totally understanding all of this, but I can at least rest easy I accomplished what I wanted to.....now I wish I could understand better! If anyone is willing to take a moment and explain, I'd be super grateful for such a favor! and the code in the associated AHK file is as follows Run, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\v5.0\Dolphin.exe -b -e "%1%", , Min
  3. So I have noticed that Dolphin has the emulator window pop up for a split second before launching the game and this is not desirable behavior. I want it to start minimized! I have found a couple other threads on such a topic, and/or similar topics but they are all extraordinarily convoluted to achieve something so simple. I know how to do this, but am having trouble figuring out a nice and neat way of integrating it all with LaunchBox.....if it is even possible that is Using the Dolphin emulator edit window as reference below. Take note of the Sample command field, all "Default command-line parameters" come up after the exe, How in the world can I add anything at the start of the line, ie, BEFORE the actual executable I want to use this exact bit as my command line for launching Dolphin start /min D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\v5.0\Dolphin.exe -b -e "FULL\PATH\TO\ROM\FILE" an AHK file equivalent would look like this Run, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\v5.0\Dolphin.exe -b -e "FULL\PATH\TO\ROM\FILE", , Min Creating a bat file or AHK file of the above examples with appropriate folder path for the file name/ROM works perfectly fine. It launches the emulator completely minimized and out of sight and runs the game. However, no one would want to have to create a bat or AHK file for every game in their library. Is there not an easy way to amend the command line being used? All we need to do is add "start /min" at the beginning of the line. Super simple....but I'm lost for getting to an easy and manageable solution that doesn't potentially involve creating hundreds or thousands of extra files here is what I have put into an AHK file. I've been trying to figure out what the variables do with limited sucess. So I suppose I need help on all fronts. What to select in LunchBox for the emulator, as well as what to use in an AHK or bat file. the one line of code that is acrtually running obviously doesn't work. just trying to share what I have been trying to do so hopefully my mistakes can be pointed out Run, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\v5.0\Dolphin.exe -b -e "%romfile%", , Min ;Run, D:\Arcade\Emulators\Dolphin\v5.0\Dolphin.exe -b -e "D:\Arcade\ROMS\Nintendo Wii Ware\%1% %2%".wad, , Min ;****THIS ABOVE LINE WORKS!!! for any game with two words for game title for ex Contra ReBirth*** ; %0% = ??? not sure what this is, but it always returns a number ; %1% = 1st section of file name before a space. for ex Conta ReBirth would return "Contra" ; %2% = 2nd section of file name, after 1st space, before 2nd space. for ex Conta ReBirth would return "ReBirth" ; %3% = 3nd section of file name, (see above for explaination) for ex Donkey Kong Country Returns would return "Country" ; %4% = 4th section of file name, (see above for explaination) for ex Donkey Kong Country Returns would return "Returns" ; %5% = Just keeps going ; %6% = And going Seen threads on being able to pass variables to AHK but this is a bit out of my league. If that is the only way to do it, then someone just needs to break it down a little more for me than existing threads do Found info here, but I am failing miserably and executing what is being described here Any help is always appreciated. Thanks!
  4. CHD files go into a folder that is the same name as the game/ROM zip file, and that folder is in the same folder as the game/ROM zip file....for example for Blitz 99 rom/zip file is blitz99.zip it is in folder path MAME/ROMS this means you need a folder called blitz99 in the folder path MAME/ROMS. the folder path would therefore be MAME/ROMS/blitz99 in this blitz99 folder, is where CHD files go this concept is used for all CHD type games as far as I am aware
  5. if anyone wants to do exactly what you're after without installing other stuff like qres, you can actually do this all in AHK without additional programs/software here is an example I what I am doing. I also got this from the AHK forums, the actual bit on how to adjust all the display parameters that is. I am using this because I have a 120Hz display and wanted to play the Super Mario 64 PC Port and it kinda sorta freaks out when you enable the 60FPS mod but are on a 120Hz. So I needed to change my refresh rate to 60Hz when game launches and then back to 120Hz when it exits. The concept is the same, but I would think this is more elegant due to not needing additional resources like qres Apologies, the AHK script I originally included seemed to only work with the AHK version included with RocketLauncher but NOT the AHK version included with LaunchBox. I have cleaned up this script and edited my post to include this version that is much more compact but now actually works with LaunchBox. Apparently some things I was using were deprecated so the actual bits that were supposed to change display properties was not working. Here is updated script code. WinWait, ahk_exe Super Mario 64 PC.exe ChangeDisplaySettings(32, 3840, 2160, 60) WinWaitClose, ahk_exe Super Mario 64 PC.exe ChangeDisplaySettings(32, 3840, 2160, 120) ChangeDisplaySettings(cD, sW, sH, rR) { VarSetCapacity(dM,156,0), NumPut(156,2,&dM,36) DllCall("EnumDisplaySettingsA", UInt,0, UInt,-1, UInt,&dM), NumPut(0x5c0000,dM,40) NumPut(cD,dM,104), NumPut(sW,dM,108), NumPut(sH,dM,112), NumPut(rR,dM,120) Return DllCall("ChangeDisplaySettingsA", UInt,&dM, UInt,0) }
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