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  1. Has a solution been found? I have same issue
  2. I see I am late to the game here for Sord M5 I have successfully managed to run the cartridge based games for Sord M5 via current MAME I do not however understand “auto load” and “chained” games any advice on how to get these other games up and running
  3. I currently have run into the exact same issue Has anyone found a solution ?
  4. Did anyone figure out what exactly to do with the .xml file that is referenced above to address the “directory could not be created “ error?
  5. I have run into a new issue for me with “a directory could not be created” This occurs when I open “manage platforms” then LB immediately closes The error references a drive “D” that I have not used for my roms is there a fix without a total re-build ? I appreciate any advice thank you for the help
  6. I am unable to incorporate bezels with the NES HD pack The pack works well to run the roms and the HD add on pack / looks great I cannot figure out though how to add the bezels I updated the meta data but was unsuccessful I tried changing the rom names but was unsuccessful I tried updating retroarch but was unsuccessful any ideas would be helpful thank you
  7. I am having difficulty with Atari5200 with Retroarch When Launchbox installs the new Retroarch 1.13.0, the emulator Atari800 that is used with 5200 ROMS comes up with an error message halting the emulation of Atari 800 When Retroarch is installed as standalone, the same error message is seen When a5200 core is used with 5200 roms, background noise becomes an issue Is there a preferred emulator for Atari5200 via Retroarch
  8. Has anyone come across the issue of a continual popping noise when using Retroarch with the Atari 800 emulator with Atari 5200 games/ game plays perfectly but the sound plays with popping overlapped when the retroarch exe is run as a standalone with Atari 800 emulator without using Launchbox as the front end , it runs cleanly without noise or popping and plays perfectly any solution?
  9. I rebuilt my cab and now have run into the issue that my Ultimarc Ipac buttons are no longer recognized in keyboard mapping the arcade sticks and Xbox controllers are recognized no issue the Ipac buttons are not however the Ipac controller buttons work in the notepad and work in mame to set button functions perfectly though the Ipac buttons however are not seen in LB or BB Any suggestions?
  10. Is there a custom or default command line parameter required for retroarch emulator for neocd_libretro to run neo cd games
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