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Everything posted by Yaboywhiteey

  1. I tried both, and still no. I however found an older build that you posted a while back. It works, but isn't quite as complete as the latest version. Am I out of luck? 😭
  2. This theme is sooo awesome, if I could work that would be so amazing!
  3. Hey @faeran, No I downloaded the theme from this link below. Then I placed the folder in Launchbox, Themes. And yes this is on my main NTFS formatted C drive.
  4. So while trying to use the theme "Colorful - Light" I get this error message in BigBox.. "an error occurred while parsing the custom platform wheel1filters view". It's quite frustrating and was wondering who would be a kind fellow and help me out.
  5. I need help with this!!!!
  6. UPDATE: Ok I'm writing this for the people in the future who have this problem. So firstly, download this program called Shift Window http://grismar.net/shiftwindow/ Then install it in the launchbox directory. Next open it and in the Rule name field type "Fullscreen 1964" Then in the shift to field click on "Full screen client area" and click on your monitor (or use the coordinates to do a custom resolution if you want) Then in the "Trigger" field, click Automatically after a 0 second delay. Then press the "trigger it button". Make sure your 1964 application is open so you can see the magic. Then in the top right click file and save the .swr file in the 1964 GEPD folder. Next go to the folder with the .swr file and click on it Windows will ask what program do you want to open .swr files with. Click browse and find the Shift Window program. Shift window should now open and you should be able to see your saved profile. Next close shift window then open launch box. Go to the game (Perfect Dark or Golden Eye) (if you havent already, add the games). Right click them and go to edit, then go to aditional apps and press add application. Then For "application name" name it to what you please or "Fullscreen 1964". Then click on application path, click browse and navigate to the .swr file that you made. Next click on Automatically run before application. Then Click ok. Next in launchbox go to tools then manage emulators then click on 1964 and select edit. Click on running auto Hot key script and copy and paste this: ; This section closes Project64 when pressing Escape $Esc:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} } Then Click on Exit auto Hot key script and copy and paste this: ; Project64 has a messy exit process; this ensures that it exits cleanly Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} Then click on OK. Now when you click on the game in launchbox or open it in bigbox it will open to a fullscreen version of 1964 and you will have to click on the game and it will launch. Also when you press the esc key the emulator will close. Repeat this for any other games and you should be fine. The reason for this method is that 1964 is an old emulator and doesn't work well with executing command lines.
  7. UPDATE: Ok I'm writing this for the people in the future who have this problem. So firstly, download this program called Shift Window http://grismar.net/shiftwindow/ Then install it in the launchbox directory. Next open it and in the Rule name field type "Fullscreen 1964" Then in the shift to field click on "Full screen client area" and click on your monitor (or use the coordinates to do a custom resolution if you want) Then in the "Trigger" field, click Automatically after a 0 second delay. Then press the "trigger it button". Make sure your 1964 application is open so you can see the magic. Then in the top right click file and save the .swr file in the 1964 GEPD folder. Next go to the folder with the .swr file and click on it Windows will ask what program do you want to open .swr files with. Click browse and find the Shift Window program. Shift window should now open and you should be able to see your saved profile. Next close shift window then open launch box. Go to the game (Perfect Dark or Golden Eye) (if you havent already, add the games). Right click them and go to edit, then go to aditional apps and press add application. Then For "application name" name it to what you please or "Fullscreen 1964". Then click on application path, click browse and navigate to the .swr file that you made. Next click on Automatically run before application. Then Click ok. Next in launchbox go to tools then manage emulators then click on 1964 and select edit. Click on running auto Hot key script and copy and paste this: ; This section closes Project64 when pressing Escape $Esc:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} } Then Click on Exit auto Hot key script and copy and paste this: ; Project64 has a messy exit process; this ensures that it exits cleanly Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} Then click on OK. Now when you click on the game in launchbox or open it in bigbox it will open to a fullscreen version of 1964 and you will have to click on the game and it will launch. Also when you press the esc key the emulator will close. Repeat this for any other games and you should be fine. The reason for this method is that 1964 is an old emulator and doesn't work well with executing command lines.
  8. do you still have the bat file many years later???
  9. And yes i've looked into other threads on this topic and none help!
  10. I have a version of the 1964 (N64) emulator that allows you to run Goldeneye and Perfect Dark in a silky smooth 60fps, and keyboard and mouse support. its absolutely the best option for emulating these games but I can't get it to work within Launchbox. When I try to run the game, it simply takes me to the rom browser screen of the emulator but doesn't auto start the game like other emulators do. I'm assuming there is a something I need to do in the command line. Does anyone know how to get this emulator up and running in Launchbox? Everytime I open both perfect dark and golden eye in launchbox it opens 1964 with an error message saying "error opening this file, please refresh the rom list". Please help!!!!!
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