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Everything posted by BabyBillyFreeman

  1. So after reading my own post, I got curious and found that you can go to the //Data/Settings.XML and edit the following "theme" parameter from "Big Details" to "Default"; save the xml and relaunch LB and it works again by loading the default theme. Figured I'd share that info in case anyone else came across this same issue!
  2. Hi guys, hoping someone can help me solve a weird one I haven't come across before. What happened? The other day I was updating some of my personal LB builds and everything was going fine. On one LB build, I simply downloaded the "big details" theme through the LB themes manager. After LB restarted, I always get the following error and LB crashes everytime: For clarity, this is the theme I downloaded with LB's built in theme manager: The theme basically corrupted this specific LB build (but works fine with about 5 other LB builds) for some reason. Does anyone know of a way to recover LB through the xml files? I would hate to lose this specific build, as I've put a loooot of hours into it.... Thanks everyone for any help!
  3. thank you so much! was dealing with this for a long time and couldn't figure out the cause (process of elimination let me to realize it was a teknoparrot update at some point that caused this) your help is great!
  4. this is a great one and I am using it exclusively with my surface pro 9 LB build, it's fantastic man thanks!
  5. Ha wow didn't even think of that, great catch- I am using an external USB 3 hard drive plugged into this machine, that could very well be the cause of the problem, it makes sense! As for the dongle idea- that's awesome, I didn't know they made that. I'll do some research and see if I can find one that's compatible with this gaming laptop (my living room "megaconsole" runs on a gaming laptop that has a RTX 2070; which works super awesome for everything all the way through PS3 and modern Steam PC games like Alien Isolation, RE2 remake, etc.) Thanks guys, really appreciate how helpful people on this forum are!
  6. Hi @faeranthanks for chiming in, it's good to know that the feature does work in general, so at least it narrows it down that it's probably something about the machine itself. Windows has always been a pain with sleep and hibernation, on other machines I've had issues for years where Windows crashes when coming out of sleep mode and you have to mess with the power options until it's "happy" again lol. Ugh Windows.... I'll continue tinkering and if I figure out the problem I'll post here in case it helps anyone else. In the meantime, the final and biggest problem I'm having with my "mega-console" for the living room, is trying to figure out how to turn the machine on with an xbox controller- this is something that's eluded me for a while now. I've tried with both BT wireless, using the official xbox wireless dongle, and hard wired with USB cable- but none of those work to boot up the machine. I've researched this quite a bit, and I've found sites where people say that this does work with Windows, but you have to have a controller hard wired with a USB cable. I tried this, but still doesn't work, even when setting the device settings (device manager) to not allow USB ports, etc. to lose power in sleep mode. If anyone knows a solution to THAT problem, I would be eternally grateful!
  7. I'm working on a "mega-console" LB build for our living room, and in the process of setting this up (right at the finish line of course!)- I discovered that BigBox crashes anytime the PC comes out of sleep mode. Using Windows 10 Pro and latest Bigbox. To reproduce, launch BB, go to settings menus, go down and select "sleep"- PC goes to sleep like normal, but when PC wakes, BB settings menu shows up "frozen" and after about 30 seconds crashes. This is consistent and happens 100% of the time for me. Anyone else experience this? Maybe it's just this one machine I'm using? Thanks for any help!
  8. Hey @skizzosjt sorry i didn't respond earlier, got super busy with work and only now coming back to this. I'm trying this technique (thanks for the great suggestion BTW!) on a steam game called Door Kickers and I'm using Joy To Key for button mapping (gamepad to keyboard). I used the following AHK script which I saved as a .ahk file (uses the ahk.exe that comes with LB) WinWaitClose, ahk_exe DoorKickers.exe WinClose, ahk_exe JoyToKey.exe ExitApp However, it doesn't seem to have any effect at all whether I run it manually or with LB additional apps I also tried the following script, but same result: WinWaitClose, ahk_exe DoorKickers.exe Process, Close, JoyToKey.exe ExitApp I'm still learning so I'm positive I'm doing something wrong that is probably super obvious to more experienced folks haha If anyone has any pointers, it'd be very much appreciated!
  9. quick update, got this resolved. turns out I had same issues as you @Kiinkyfoxx- it was devreorder causing the issue, I got rid of it since its not that great anyways, thanks!
  10. thanks for the tip, this is new, great to learn about this! unfortunately the line error number that LB spits out doesn't exist in the mame xml dump! so this error might not even be from mame, it's probably from launchbox itself i reported the bug on LB, but one of the devs got back to me and said this is caused by using an old unsupported version of mame before 0.17'something. I explained that I'm using mame 0.246 (im even using the same one on several other LB machine setups and it works, so something is wrong with this LB on this machine (which was fine until I try to update it).
  11. Been using LB and setting up MAME on multiple machines since May, but this new error has me stumped No idea why this is happening, I'm simply using the MAME wizard to setup a full mame rom set with 0.246 if anyone has seen this error before, appreciate any help thanks!
  12. Wanted to post here to get a sanity check- yesterday I imported my steam games (was tricky) and everything was perfect; had my games imported with box art and everything. Today I open LB and my entire steam library is gone. It's completely gone, as if I had never set it up in the first place. Super odd and has me scratching my head..... My question is; has anyone come across this before? is this normal?
  13. Looking forward to the fix, ran into this myself yesterday
  14. hey everyone, started my journey into LB and retro gaming in general in June and have become a total addict, building arcades, etc. Anyways, I just wanted to post something here to get a sanity check real quick, since my mind can't make sense of this; I'll summarize quickly below: - I setup MAME 0.246 in LB like usual; LB auto sets up all the following emulator settings for me: - If I launch a game through LB; it simply won't launch. I discovered that if I remove the following command line option ("-rompath %romlocation%" this is added automatically by LB), everything works fine again, etc. My question is- is this normal? Why would that option cause issues? Important, but I place my MAME rom sets/files in another location (i.e. ../Launchbox/Games/MAME_ROMs) Notes: - Games launch/run fine through MAME outside of LB - Games launch/run fine through LB if I remove that command line option -rompath %romlocation% Thanks for any info that can help e understand the cause for this; I'm sure I'm doing something wrong that LB doesn't like!
  15. This is a fantastic build, congrats! I'm super curious- what emulator are you using for switch? I wasn't aware Switch was already emulated on PC! Also, this is one that's a complete brain twister for me- how are you running X360 games so well?! I'm using both Xenia and Xenia Canary, and they both are terrible- in the sense that they're highly unstable and performance is just bad (constant frame stuttering). I hope I'm using them wrong, I really do, because the constant crashes and bugs make all of my (100) X360 games unplayable. I think I've read on the Xenia github that some games run better with shaders cached (I know for example RPCS3 does this with PS3 games; which I have and use and it runs great). I have a feeling there's some setup that Xenia needs before it can run games well, but I can't find out what that is after a couple of weeks of searching everywhere. If anyone has any tips for getting X360 games to run decent, please share- I'd really appreciate it! Current system I'm testing Xenia on: Windows 10 (latest updates) Nvidia 2080Ti i9-7960X CPU @ 2.80GHz 64.0 GB RAM (@2133 MHz)
  16. This looks awesome! I'm starting to learn to make my own LB builds- question: how are you getting custom BG videos to play (and stay playing) while cycling through your game library? This is something I've been wanting to do, but had no idea if LB could even do it, or how Thanks!
  17. yeah just found this out myself- I wish there was documentation for all the features in LB/BB, I found out about this one by accident when searching for something else in this forum
  18. Yeah that's pretty much what I thought too. The forums have been awesome, the best resource, with youtube coming in second place- especially the videos by ETA Prime, his videos are by far the best out there for LB. I might actually start documenting things as I discover them. Either way, thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts dude!
  19. wow I just tried this last night and it works awesome! i wonder what other features LB has like this that I have no idea about is there documentation or anything that comes with LB that goes over all the features and tools in LB? that was the first thing I looked for when I purchased it, but couldn't find anything. The forums are great, but most of the features in LB (for example all the options in BigBox) are unknown to me and I can't find the technical documentation on it is it possible to run random videos on your playlists or platforms in Big Box?
  20. this is hands down one of the top 3 BB intro videos on this forum
  21. wait- there's a "startup" folder, where random videos are played from?.... I'm still newish to LB, only a couple of months in, I thought you could only have one startup video when BigBox launches and it had to be named "startup" and placed in the general "videos" folder?
  22. Thanks @JoeViking245for chiming in! Yeah I have noticed a pattern; this is only happening with games that launch via their own exe- not happening with games that run on emus (i.e. Retroarch, Pcsx, MAME, etc.) Currently looking for an alternative way of shutting down an app like xpadder, joy to key, antimicro, etc. after a game (exe) closes, but can't find anything so far- a real mind bender!
  23. Ive always had this prob, Im also curious if there's a solution for it
  24. I ran into a weird problem, hoping someone here can point me in the right direction. Goal: I'd like to have an app close when I'm finished (exit) a game. The only way I know to do this (I have very limited scripting knowledge) is to make a bat file that closes an app, and run the bat as an additional app in a game's properties in LB. For example: Here is what my bat file looks like; it's very simple nothing complex here: Issue: When I launch the game (DirtShowdown in this case), two apps launch: a) antimicro with my controller profile for my racing wheel, and b) the bat that closes antimicro. The problem is that antimicro is being closed as soon as I launch the game; I need it to wait until the game is closed before running the close bat file. I believe that in order to tell LB to only run the close bat when the game is closed, you have to choose this option: This works perfectly for other games that run on emulators, like Retroarch, etc.- but doesn't work with this game which is an exe, not running on an emulator. I've been hitting my head against the wall for hours because this setup worked until now; this is the first time where LB is running applications before/after at the same time, it's almost as if it's ignoring the flag to "Automatically Run After Main Application"- can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? Or maybe someone knows a better way altogether? Also, what is the bottom option for (Wait for Exit)? That sounded like it could be a solution but it's grayed out and you cant select it. Thanks for any help guys!
  25. thanks for the help! super weird, but when I use that script, it WILL launch J2K, BUT j2k will become the "active" window and I always have to ALT-TAB to the running instance of mame. It's a small issue, but not really usable with big box unless you have a keyboard nearby for Alt-Tabbing also trying to use process close (Process - Syntax & Usage | AutoHotkey) upon Exit Script to close/kill JoyToKey.exe but it doesn't work sorry I'm a noob at ahk scripting and learning this stuff for the first time. P.S. custom batch files seem to work fine for closing J2K so I might use bat files instead of ahk, just using ahk I think would be cleaner and more minimalistic so it's preferrable I guess
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