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  1. Still having the issue after a updating. Below are a few answers to your questions. Not sure if anyone else has the same results as me: I'm running Unified Refried theme, but swapped to the default and it still freezes. Its random but consistent, if that makes sense. Its not after a set amount of time or triggered by any one wheel item it happens randomly but it always freezes at some point. No screen capture. No error, it just hangs. The video freezes and split second audio may loop if it was playing sound when it froze. Need to ctrl+alt+del and end the task to be able to close it out. I thought maybe it was a video decoding issue, so I checked my settings. I was set to Windows Media player but changed it to VLC and still experienced the freezing. Not sure if its related, but up to this version I was always able to press any button to skip my video intro, but I am no longer able to do that. Hope this info helps.
  2. I'm having the same issue. I'm running Unified Refried Theme. Bigbox will just freeze while browsing games and while its in attract mode and auto-scrolls through wheels. I'll try to use the default theme and see if it still freezes.
  3. From what I can tell its the same game but it was an early version of their cabinet art, so it would just be added to the Robotron 2084 artwork. They didn't make very many of these cabinets and very few still exist today. The cabinet had much different side art, control panel art was different and the marquee was different. When doing a google search for the marquee there were only a couple of results I had to work off of. Just trying to keep the rare alternate art alive, ya know? lol
  4. @Mr. RetroLust Your project is amazing and coming along great. I recently found out that Robotron 2084 had a prototype cabinet design that had all new artwork including a different style marquee, which I like a lot. I noticed that this prototype marquee was not in the images gallery of Launchbox, so I went ahead and recreated it. I remember you were interested in my recreation of the Chameleon game marquee and thought you might be interested in this one as well.
  5. I'm not sure if anyone else has had this specific issue. I have 2 screens: 48in 4K monitor 120hz (main screen) and a 1920x360 24in marquee monitor. I have an issue where my marquees will shift and disappear off the marquee screen if I start up a game that changes the desktop resolution to something other than 3840x2160. For example, the Tomb Raider game for TechnoParrot. Whenever I launch the game, I see the resolution change and the marquee disappears. I have read other places where the best position for the display under display properties is aligned to the right of your main display, which is where I have it because thats the only place it will work. After some time troubleshooting, I have found that the marquee will display if I have my desktop resolution set to 1080p and the marquee is aligned to the left of the main display. When I launch games like Tomb Raider, the marquee does not shift. BUT now when I play more modern games like Mortal Kombat 11 or Cuphead on Steam, they use your desktop resolution and will not go higher than 1920x1080 if my main displays resolution is not set to 4K. I have a pretty beefy gaming rig in my cab and I would like to run modern games at 4K, but I also like having my marquees visible while playing all games. 1st world arcade problems, I know lol If anyone has a fix or any suggestions, I'm open for any help at this point.
  6. Got it. So my marquees aren't individual videos / images. I made a custom view in the theme creator that will dynamically create a marquee for any game for any console using the artwork already downloaded by Launchbox / Bigbox. My code is set to distinguish between arcade and console games. If a game categorized as "arcade" is selected, it will display the arcade marquee and if a console game is selected it will build the dynamic marquee. I've attached the files and instructions on where to place them, hope they're easy to follow. I also put all the png's for platform banners that have a matching background. It makes it all look cohesive. Let me know if you have questions. Enjoy! Marquee Files.7z
  7. Thanks, it took quite a while to get everything working as it is. No worries, I appreciate the reply. The search continues I guess lol I'll tinker around with your plugin and see what I can create.
  8. Thank you for the prompt response. The issue is my marquees are not actual images. The background I use for them is a saved PNG. but the marquees are dynamically created using a combination of clear logo art, box art and cartridge art. Its so I can have marquees for all games and they all match my category marquees. I attached a video showing this. Currently my marquee display is on the right in display properties, thats the only place it works and I still get the shifting marquees when resolution changes. Its the weirdest thing, when I have my display set to 1080p, I can have the marquee display on the left and it doesn't shift when the resolution changes. But when I change it to 4k, it no longer works when its in any position but the right side of the main monitor. I could keep the monitor in 1080p, but some modern Steam games, like Mortal Kombat 11 and cuphead (to name a couple) use your desktop resolution and cannot change it to 4K unless your desktop resolution is set to 4K. I have a nice gaming machine and a 48in 4K 120hz OLED in my cabinet, so I'd like to take advantage of it if I can, but if I'm stuck at 1080p, then thats the way it has to be so my nice marquees stay visible. 20240620 190659-1.mp4
  9. I didn't see it listed anywhere, maybe someone knows. Can this be modified to use the "gamemarqueeview.xaml" file for the marquee. I made custom dynamic marquees with the theme creator and I'd like to continue using those if I can. Really, all I'm looking to do is keep my marquees from shifting any time I launch a game that changes my resolution thats lower than my desktop resolution. I heard this program can do that, but it looks like it just pulls in images from a directory.
  10. If you're looking for a basic photo editor that you can combine those images, GIMP is pretty good. Its like an open source Photoshop and its free. All the images I created are hi-res and have transparent backgrounds so depending on the color of background will determine the version you use. Light background, either black or blue. Dark background, white logo set. I'm not sure how launchbox / bigbox would scrape these images, but feel free to upload them to the database for people to use.
  11. Ok, here are the 3 missing icons in all 3 colors. PNG Icons - Missing Icons.7z
  12. I had a feeling I missed a couple. I'll work on those as soon as I can. Let me know of any others you find.
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