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Everything posted by shinra358
When adding in multiple discs for a game, can you make a checkbox that says insert as multi-disc? What this will do is depending on the emulated system, a panel will pop up over the game box which would display up to 4 visual generic cds only when the home button on an xinput controller is pressed. Apps in which 'insert as mult-disc' is not checked, will not appear as a disc in said panel. The Home button would either: A. Minimize the game window (if multi-disced only) and allow a display of a panel which holds up to 4 discs for you to choose from with the controller. When a disc is selected, game will re-maximize and you can continue gaming. B. Bring up an overlay (black {or with gradient, transparency, or custom image}) with a message asking if what disc you would want to switch to (which is controllable by the controller). The generic disc images from above would be here instead. Each cd highlighter would display a number of what CD it is. If it isn't highlighted, then no number will appear over said cd. Selecting a cd would resume emulation and emu will start with that disc. Just like you already have now, but with a keyboard/mouse free approach. So a user wouldn't have to get up to change it (like what psp does when playing multi-disc psone classics)
After-Plugging = Plugging in the controller after launchbox has already started. Hot-Plugging = Unplugging the controller and replugging when launchbox is already active. Launchbox doesn't have these features. You can get the controller to work again by going into options and going back out and launchbox will see the controllers again. But that can be inconvenient. So, based on the option of controlling launchbox with all controllers or just one, you should at the option for to reboot launchbox (like when you go into options and come back out) when a new controller is found connected. That way, launchbox can have hotplugging and afterplugging and ppl wouldn't be inconvenienced if there controller gets unplugged or times out from bluetooth. If a game is already playing, launchbox would reset in the background and not steal focus from the game that is currently playing when this happens. OR, you can do controller polling or similar so that launchbox wouldn't have to be auto restarted. Whichever way is easier. But there may be a conflict with the first way because somebody can press something while it is restarting and could probably mess up launchbox/game layering. After and Hot plugging are essential features for modern day gaming and are sometimes left out by a few games because of poor porting and by some emulators because a few devs may get lazy. Not only that, some games rely on it, like Metal Gear, or Fighting games when you are at tourneys and need to play with your own controller instead of someone elses. Do you agree? Possible for you to add/fix? I didn't know whether to put this in the features section or troubleshooting section because it can be considered both depending on who you ask. Thanks in advance Mr. Carr.
It's best to load cues instead for EPSXE or else CD sound based games won't play sound properly. Is there a cmdline for cue's?
Yay, your fix from pm worked I can get on site now.
Finally in! Had to use a proxy browser to be able to enter the site~ Mr. Jason, you already have seen these in email but I'm putting them here since I am now able to post on the site again: FEEDBACK: 1. Rearrangement of tabs so that they will be in sequential order to: Emulation, Launcher, Other, Additional Apps, Dos, Scumm, and then Notes. 2. Save highlight position in options when pressing [OK]. 3. In the options sections, program is updated when pressing [OK] without closing the options section (when [OK] is pressed, it gets grayed out until an option is changed). 4. Gamepad controls: CIRCLE = cancel, X = accept, TRIANGLE = Show/Remove game details while game is highlighted, SQUARE = show/hide sidebar, L1/R1 = show/flip game box art from front to back pictures, SELECT = toggle nvidia 3D vision. All can be configured in options of course. 5. Game Details panel automatically turns off when next game is highlighted. 6.Scale program's viewing area and game boxes in proportion to the programs window size when using window mode. Alternatively, you could make the box arts auto change into game icons/game banners in place of the box art in window mode only. It would have separate settings from the box art spacings in the options menu. 7. Option in options section to not occupy the taskbar space when in fullscreen. 8. Auto change background for indicated time period. Polls through background pic per . Make a folder for the 'animation' of the transition effect when making the background switch by itself. In this 'animation folder' would be pngs of transparency light to pure untransparent black and back to light transparency. Options for frame time in between will be in options section. When the background changes, this effect will start a few sections before the background switches. When the background changes, the program will display those pics one after the other (creating a simulated fading animation) before switching the background pics making an illusion of animation. Since this program can't play gifs of vids, this is a very good alternative. On the mid frame of the fading effect (black), the pic will change to the next pic so that you won't see it actually change to give that illusion. This 'fading animation' will be on top of the game art background and underneath the game's box art. Users will be able to mod the pngs to make the effect anything they want. Autohotkey doesn't have the ability to play vids or gifs so I do it this way for autohotkey and it can work here as well. 9.Option to close a started app when launched item is closed (process is gone). If app's process has a window, it will close by window only. If app process never had a window, it will force close that app's process. A variable can be set to identify which app has a window or not at its startup. This is so that if a window was closed for the app, it wont close the process too right after because closing the window will do that already. And vice versa as well. 10. Nvidia 3D Vision toggle. Checks for 3D vision system by checking a file in the user's program files folder. nvidia doesn't allow for custom installation so this area will always be the same on everyone's computer. If the file is found, it will use a command line to toggle 3D on or off. Pressing SELECT on the controller will toggle this. '3D' will be between the box art and the title. It will be fully visible if it is activated via SELECT and transparent if it is not activated. The location of this nvidia file on a x64 system is: /Program Files (x86)/Nvidia Corporation/3D Vision/nvstlink.exe The command line/BAT to toggle 3D is: 'CALL "C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision vstlink.exe" /enable' to enable 3D. Or 'CALL "C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision vstlink.exe" /disable' to disable 3D. This must be done before the game starts, hence why it would be activated on the highlighted game's box art before initiating the game. When the game's process isnt found, if it was activated, the 3D should automatically be deactivated with that command line. All games will share this same setting so you will have to press SELECT everytime before each game launch to activate it. 11. When deleting a game entry, automatically highlight the next game (currently it doesn't and if you move with the controller right after, the list will start at the beginning). If you delete a game entry that is last on the list, it would highlight next the entry right before it. 12. Request for option to use rom names without extension when batch importing. 13. Display of first letter, capitalized, of the highlighted game, centered, at the bottom of the sidebar. This will be usefully when fast scrolling (holding a direction) to find a game alphabetically. 14. Make 2 layers for the game background. Bottom layer will be always there and be the default launchbox background. Have the game background be on a layer above separating it from the default background. Then create a 500ms delay before the game background appears when highlighting a game box (for fast scrolling mode only). Lastly, remove the background instantly when switching a highlighted game box (for fast scrolling mode only). What this will do is eliminate the lag caused by constantly loading game backgrounds when fast scrolling. And when fast scrolling, the default background will always show until you stop on a game. And once stopped on a game, the game background will show and it will increase fast scrolling performance. 15. Divide Sidebar, Alphabet Indicator, 3DVision Indicator (from first feedback set), Sidebar feature placements ~ *See Attachment*
Yeah, instead of the option for just 1 column, other ppl may want their boxes small and have 3 to 5 colums so they can be able to see the background. So maybe an option for the user to input how many columns (vertical) they want would be good too (trying to keep other ppl in mind xD )
It would probably be good enough to keep them the same sizes. Program code would be used to edit their sizes if someone wanted that. This is how dolphin does their customizing. Also, you made need to code it so that if the .pngs are missing, the app doesn't crash because it can't find it.
I would like to ask for you to have a folder in this program's folder that has .pngs which are used for the box highlighters, the category rectangles, and the game detail boxes. This way users would be able to edit those .pngs and have a bit of a customizable interface. Also, I would like to be able to change fonts, font sizes, colors, etc. for the category letters and the game names. I would also like for category letters and game names to be able to be customized separately. One idea would be to add forum letter customizations in the edit game section (where you input the game's info) and users would be able to change things there as they write like they can in most forums using forum tags like font color, italic, bold, font shadowing, etc.
Hey, thanks for adding the feature in the new version. However, when I put the box at a decent size in order to just be able to view one game on-screen, a second game is still shown. In order to only get one game to be shown, I have to make it so big that the box is cut off on-screen. So I would like to redirect this request by asking for: - Option for 1 game per row - Option to add pixels between rows via numerical input box (editable spacers), so that other rows won't be seen when viewing one game - A snapping option so that when you scroll with mouse wheel or gamepad that the box art is never cut off by the screen (this would also allow the category bar to be on screen with the box art if a game is near it with equal spacing between the top and bottom of the view area)
View > Arrange By View > Arrange By II *each one will have the same exact options* Example of this usefullness would be to categorize your listings withing categorizations. This way, I can organize by platform and by genre at the same time. For Example (Platform + Genre)=: Sony Playstation 2 -Action -Adventure -Fighting Nintendo Wii -Adventure -Platforming -Puzzle It would be displayed in the black bars like this (with the '-' not the ':'): ------------------------------------------------ | Nintendo Wii - Adventure ------------------------------------------------ *games here* ------------------------------------------------ | Sony Playstation 2 - Fighting ------------------------------------------------ *games here* ------------------------------------------------ | Sony Playstation 2 - Puzzle ------------------------------------------------ *games here* etc.
Currently, if you set a program to start with a game, when the game is exited, the program stays on. Can you put a checkbox to tell the program to close when that paired game isn't running?
Sounds good to me
Cool, that would be great. Thanks.
I would like to request that if a game box is on focus, it will auto switch to the back of the game box after a certain period and will keep alternating from front cover to back cover (with a gradual transition effect too if you can). I would also like the same thing to happen with the backgrounds. If you have multiple backgrounds for a game, it will automatically gradually fade into the next image after a certain interval (like to automatic background changer for Windows 7) with a nice transition effect (also like Windows 7). P.S. last request, i promise xD Question: Can images in the gameboxes or backgrounds be videos or gifs ( i can't remember)?
Whatever you think is best but: Genre: Fighting The 'Genre:' is what I want to hide because I want to see 'Fighting' for example. I'm on the fence as to if I like the whole bar invisible or just showing the 'Fighting (or input word here)'.
View > [ ] Show Category Dividers (black bars underneath the category categories and category titles) View > [ ] Show Category Categories (categories on the left side of the ':') View > [ ] Show Category Titles (categories on the right side of the ':') ^Can these option be added? Or at least a feature to make them more transparent. They currently take away from being able to view the background. I would like to be able to view the Title without the Category Category or the Black Bars like 'Category: Title'.
Can you increase how far the slider can increase box size? This is because whether small or big, you can't really see the background very well. I would like to be able to increase the box size so that only one game can be shown at a time so that I can be able to see the background good (like PSP).
May I request: -autohide mouse cursor after 5 seconds of mouse inactivity and when it is hidden, it doesn't still highlight game. -mouse to immediately hide when gamepad button is pressed -Add Game > Details > Custom Category box. When choosing 'sort by > Custom', it sorts everything according the the category you chose to type for those games. -Category individual section horizontal scrolling (only scrolls that section, not every section) -Add Game > Other > Game Shader Path (use for PCSX2 and EPSXE). If selected game exe is not PCSX2.exe or EPSXE.exe, then it is greyed out. -Actively random interval (customizable) changing box art backgrounds, etc. (gradual change, not abrupt change with transition effects) for when you have multiple background images for the games. -A few more game box enlarging levels (to get only one game box to show on screen). Usefully for those who want to admire the background image (to not have all the games cover it up) -Video and .GIF game image background options. Thanks in advance.