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Everything posted by Hippyshake

  1. Jason Carr said Hi @Hippyshake, I do, actually. I only got through a few platforms myself, so we're still pretty close to needing everything. I started with the beginning of the alphabet, so I worked on 3DO, Amiga, and Amstrad. Sounds good, brotherman. I'll start at SNES and work my way toward the front of the alphabet.
  2. Awesome thread. Nice work taking the time to post all of these!
  3. I'm definitely going to get one (and a box) at some point. Just waiting for the income to catch up with the outgoing. :)
  4. Too busy sometimes. :) And your words humble me, my friend. Thank you.
  5. Wow, that's really useful! I've never been able to play the BFG edition of Doom, due to a graphics card conflict (although I can play the first edition just fine). Maybe I can get that cash back.
  6. Do you still need this done, Jason? What platforms are lagging?
  7. Wow...beautiful work, MonarKay!
  8. bd000 said This thread just made me think of that, thought it was funny. @hippyshake had some good ideas, maybe he could pipe up. I appreciate that, but those were the height of my creativity. lol (Sorry for the late reply...money's been tight lately and I forgot to pay the ISP bill, then couldn't for a while. ) This is not a knock against portachking because I can certainly see his viewpoint, but the "all-inclusiveness" thing has gotten a bit out of control, in my opinion. I actually had to scrap a sermon recently that was about the different facets of God as "God the Father,*" because (I was told) not everyone grew up with a father and so they might be offended and wouldn't know what I was talking about. Yet, we constantly refer to him in Worship Services and prayer as "God the Father" (and the entire point of the sermon was to define him for everyone in the same way). For my part in the Asian translation debacle (because I did suggest some of them), it's never been about being insensitive. The poor translations I quoted were never about making fun of people (nor would I ever find someone actually struggling with the language as humorous); rather, they were about poor quality control of a marketed product. I find them to be kind of funny in the same way I find or to be kind of funny: They're just honest mistakes that should have been caught before being sold. With the video game references, it's also that the collector and geek in me loves the history behind them, and makes me squee a little with joy at how innocent the medium was back then. All of that being said, however, I'm adding a "Thank You" to portaching's original post, because I can definitely see where some people might find this kind of thing offensive and stereotyping. In that case, motive doesn't matter, so it's something I should be aware of. In all sincerity, I say: Thank you for opening my eyes a little wider. Oh, and one more, because it's my favorite: XD (*How he loves us, guides us, and disciplines us)
  9. @Kriven and scree: That's so strange. I only receive that error if I've tried to Open DOSBox and declined the permissions window. If I accept, then DOSBox opens as it should, without error. If I try to play a game from within BB mode, it simply won't run (no error). The only other time I get that error is if I try to switch back to LB after getting the DOSBox error. If I try to switch back without getting the DOSBox error then LB opens fine. So odd.
  10. First chance I've had to test in a while. I wasn't sure how I'd feel about Big Box mode, but I love it. A couple of things I've noticed (strictly about Big Box): 1."Most Played Game" seems a bit arbitrary, as it's chosen games I've never played, and ignored the ones I do. Restarting the program does show the same games as being "Most Played," so I know it's not random; I'm just not sure why it's choosing what it's choosing. 2. Clicking on the right-most game in "Recently Played" will advance the row of games by one (could this be a mouse-over scroll instead?), but clicking on the left-most game will not bring off-screen games back (nor will continuing to click on the right-most game wrap around again). 3. Clicking on a game in "Recently played" will bring up the correct menu, but I can't actually get the game to launch from there. The other shortcuts work, however. Clicking on "Open DOSBox" and then declining the AVG permissions window gave me this error: Big Box.exe continued to run fine, however. :) 4. Trying to switch back to LB after that error produced this error: Switching to LB from BB without the DOSBox error worked fine. 5. There is no 5. 6. I actually have 666 PC games. That's uncomfortable. It's looking great, Jason! I'm amazed at far you've come in just a couple of days.
  11. Jason Carr said These days I crave time alone to play guitar; that's hard to find because the kids are either with me, or asleep. I can only play the Dora theme song so many times... ;) So I guess I never really switched, per se. I've also never really been a good lead guitarist, though I'm slowly getting there these days. I'd call myself a sufficient metal rhythm player, but hardly lead. No reason you can't start playing something other than Dora when the kids are around (I chuckled in recognition at that; I've been playing a lot of variations of the "ABC Song," because the "L-M-N-O-P" part makes him laugh). Do you still own a classical guitar? I play it softly with him sleeping in the room sometimes, but I wouldn't risk jamming to "Tie This Around Your Neck". :D I've never been lead either, except for bluesy stuff (ZZ Top, AC/DC, et al). I never developed the speed, although learning classical has taught me how much I tense up when I play, so that's improved more in a few months than in all my years of playing.
  12. bd000 said Aahhh thanks for that image. I can't get it out of my head now and I'm on my way to bed. If I dream about you playing air guitar to 'Back in Black' in tight tight shorts, me and you will be having words tomorrow! Night Better that, than you dreaming about me playing "You Shook Me All Night Long"!! :D
  13. Jason Carr said That's awesome to hear, Hippyshake. I've always wanted my main work to be some sort of a ministry, but haven't gotten there yet. I know I'm personally not called to be a preacher, though I was a youth leader for a good 10 years. I just stopped doing youth ministry because it was becoming painfully obvious that I was slowing down a bit too much for the kids. ;) I'm relatively denomination agnostic; I tend to go where I feel led. That said, I do consider myself Wesleyan, so I've mostly stuck to the United Methodist, Free Methodist, and Nazarene denominations. I hear you on the slowing down thing! VBS is getting more difficult each year. :) The funny thing about me being Presby is that, we (my gf and I) hadn't gone to church in years, but we made an agreement that when we moved to this new town three years ago, we were finding a church and going. We both come from Roman Catholic backgrounds, and wanted a change, so we asked someone on the street where the Methodist church was. He pointed to the Presbyterian church, and that's where we went. When the service started, it was obvious we were in the wrong place, but everyone was so warm and welcoming, and the sermon was great, so we just kept going. Since then, I've taken over the website, started podcasts, teach a weekly Bible study, run the Men's Group, and preach when needed. Proof that we go where we're led, I guess. lol As for your main work being some sort of ministry, I think you're already there, my friend. Consider this: I've read your blog post on faith, and I see what a generous person you are in these forums with your spirit, your time, your energy (and your Amazon gift cards!), and it's obvious that you lead with your heart. LaunchBox has led me and a lot of other people here. Trust me when I say that people see Christ through you.
  14. Jason Carr said I just finished Torchwood last night, and I already miss it. :,-( I have nothing to watch now. Jason Carr said @Hippyshake you're a preacher? What denomination? :) I'm a Ruling Presbyterian Elder, but I do Pulpit Supply. Typically I do Sunday service, but I've taken over a monthly Celtic Vespers service that's held on the third Thursday of each month. The sermon is about one-third the length of a Sunday sermon, so that was definitely a blessing today. :) It went pretty well. I think my calling is leading me toward seminary soon, so I try to accept everything that's offered to me. What denomination are you?
  15. bd000 said I play air guitar. Hey, I'll never knock a good air guitarist. I won a pizza in high school with two other guys in an air band contest (the irony is that were actually in a band together)...we did some AC/DC song. All I remember is those shorts were TIGHT.
  16. SentaiBrad said Yea, translators are one of the funniest unintentional things of all time. And, yet, still pretty impressive that they even come as close as they do. Thanks for that "Google Translate Sings" link, too. I'm liking the "Wrecking Ball" parody; it isn't anything special, but the payoff in the chorus is huge. =D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS-Gi5Z5zik
  17. Thanks, that's great stuff right there! What I find so intriguing is the journey, not the destination. You can see how, for example, "You're the saddest bunch I ever met" became "You are a depressed banana I met." Here's another: Original text: LaunchBox finally gives me a way to see everything that I own already, so that I'm not making the same purchase on multiple platforms anymore. Use the free version, fall in love, and then show your support by grabbing the lifetime license. What came out is poetry. Sheer, beautiful poetry. The lunch box gave me the opportunity to see you there, I want to buy this platform. If you are using the version of demonstration that we love each other and support them, to show, to capture a lifetime on the surface. *sniff*
  18. Jason Carr said Awesome John! I play guitar too actually, took classical lessons in college but play more metal stuff now. :) That's pretty funny, that we switched that way. I did the hair band thing from the mid-80s until the mid 90's. The main cover bands I was in played everything from Hendrix to Nirvana to Megadeth. Personally, I always had more fun playing progressive music, particularly Rush. The original (meaning, no cover tunes) bands I was in played kind of a mashup of all those things (my primary influences are blues-based, progressive rock, and jazz though). These days, I find myself unable to listen to most secular music, because of the negativity in a lot of the lyrics. I guess I'm too old, and I've just had too much darkness in my life already to listen to other people's darkness. I listen (and play along in my living room) to mainly Christian music now, but I'm amazed at how much goodness there is in CM (it used to be pretty much just Michael W. Smith, Phil Keaggy, Petra, Rez Band, and Amy Grant). For the first time, I find myself really enjoying hip-hop and rap (Tedashii, Trip Lee, Derek Minor (fka Pro), KB, and Andy Mineo (fka C-Lite) are favorites), and there's even some decent metal (Demon Hunter, Jesus Wept, Nine Lashes). Unfortunately, you can't really play that kind of thing (in a satisfying way) without a band, so classical was something I've always wanted to play, and it lets me play great, complete music by myself. Plus, I'm composing again, which I haven't done in twenty years. What made you switch? What are some of the classical pieces you used to play, and what do you enjoy playing these days? (And, wow...can I derail a thread, or what?)
  19. Inspired by Jason's Engrish "thank you for this post," I came across a pretty interesting site that lets you enter a phrase and translate it back and forth between English and other languages. The results can be funny, but also a bit fascinating. For example, consider this: I typed in: You must not commit adultery To Arabic: يجب أن لا يرتكب الزنا Back to English: You must not commit adultery To Armenian: Դուք պետք է прелюбодействовать Back to English: You must commit adultery O_O >_< Here's the Amazon description for Super Mario World (set on Yandex / Max / Random (unfortunately, it has a 250 character limit, so I had to enter each sentences individually (please excuse all these parentheticals))): Original text: Super Mario World (Super Nintendo) Mario and his dinosaur companion, Yoshi, are looking for the dinosaur eggs Bowser has stolen and placed in seven castles. Final translation: Super Mario World, Super game Boy and the girl, Marie, Yoshi the dinosaur. Bowser kidnapped, dinosaur eggs, seven. Original text: Many secret exits aid Mario in finding his way to Bowser's castle, completing 74 areas and finding all 96 exits. Final translation: The information, personal data, Mario and Bowser's castle, because in school all functions 74,96 results. Original text: With multiple layers of 3-D scrolling landscapes, find items including, a feather that gives Mario a cape allowing him to fly. and a flower so he can shoot fireballs. For any Mario fan this game is a must. Final translation: 3. Theatre, including the full Mario the pump, the treatment. Flowers you can shoot a ball of fire. Mario all fans of the game, of course. I find this a fascinating way to procrastinate. Here's the website. I'm curious to see what other people come up with.
  20. This is the title I think!!!! Believe it or not, that's not my original sentence. Your "Engrish" solution inspired me to seek out online translators, and that's what I ended up with after typing in "I think you've hit the nail on the head. Great work!" Oddly enough, it still makes sense. The full conversion is below, but I think my favorite moment was when it translated the same thing as "I think that you are the boss. In!!!!" Kinda interesting to see how it got there. Wow. I excel at procrastinating. I have a service to run tonight, and I still have to write the sermon, prayers, and benediction. o_O This "fun with translators" thing needs it's own thread on the monkey forum, methinks.
  21. I didn't realize you had already sent the gift cards until I read Derek's post. Thanks so much, Jason. I'm using mine to pick up a Snark tuner/metronome and an On Stage foot rest. I've recently made the switch from electric guitar to classical, and I've been getting serious enough about it that it's time to start picking up the necessary accessories. These will last me for years, so thanks!!
  22. Hippyshake has accomplished the mission. They are the very prevailer that protect right and justice. The following gamers express their sincere thanks: ROFL!! Smooth. :)
  23. Jason Carr said So I took a break from theater development tonight to build the upcoming Platform backend: [much goodness snipped] That's brilliant, Jason. It also gives me an idea for the theater development side of things. (I just went hunting for the theater thread, only to find I'm already in it. Clearly, I need more coffee than usual this morning). Most of my film / series "collection" is digital these days, and most of it is leased, not owned (having gotten rid of thousands of space-hogging discs a few years ago during a move). The problem is that it's difficult to juggle specific shows across streaming platforms. For example, my daughter watches How It's Made on Netflix, my grandson watches The Backyardigans on Amazon Prime, and I watch old Doctor Who on Hulu and Monty Python flicks on Crackle (when did Crackle suddenly get so good and how did they survive long enough to get to there??). Would there be a way to have favorite shows and movies digitally represented within LB's new mode, with the option to auto-log in (these services, for the most part, stay logged in, so that might not be an issue after the initial log-in.)? Another idea might be to represent streaming platforms in much the way that televisions do now, and in the way you're representing consoles in the above pic: Each service gets its own image and link, thusly (please ignore my horrible graphics manipulation anti-skills): (The input fields are just placeholders to give you an idea.)
  24. I see it used pretty often. Are you looking for something replace it with, or in addition to? I've also seen it used kind of like "I agree with what you've written," or a +1. Ideas: Where X=users or gamers or LaunchBoxers or LaunchBox Lovers or LBLs: These [X] raises a frosty glass in gratitude [can also be "in support" or "in your honor"]. These [X] salute you. These [X] think this post is groovy, baby. [a gaming AND Ash Williams reference! Double win! :) ] These [X] think this post is as awesome as a double rainbow! [see this video for reference] If you'd like it meta, or gaming related: These [X] say "Conglaturation ! ! !" [from the NES Ghostbusters ending] These [X] think A Winner is You. [from the US version of Pro Wrestling, also on the NES] These [X] gift you 10 virtual XP for this post. These [X} think you are a spoony bard! [from FFIV] These [X] think you are the Master of magnet! [from the X-Men arcade game] It's slightly disturbing, the amount of pre-coffe time I've spent on this already this morning. lol
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