It made me happy to hear him say he has changed his mind on emulation.
Most of the bigger retro gaming youtubers are fairly open minded about emulation but there is at least 1 or 2 out there that still shit all over like they have some sort of superiority complex because they play on real hardware. They even go so far as to say shit like "if i have a physical copy of the game I bought and paid for I am more likely to play it and appreciate it more". That isn't an emulation problem, that's a personal problem. I have no problems appreciating and enjoying the games I emulate.
I also don't shit on ZSnes and Nesticle, they served their purpose in a time when emulation was new and got people into it but they have certainly not aged well and are bad examples nowadays of what emulation can do.
As far as input lag goes, with a good low lag gaming display and using the 240p test suites manual lag test I consistently get less than one frame of input lag. Also keep in mind that just because some of these "hardware purists" say there is 0 input lag on real hardware and a CRT that doesn't mean it is 0. There is some but no one seems to care to measure it or maybe it isn't possible to measure. I sure as hell remember playing shitty games back in the day with "laggy" controls. It's in the games coding often.