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Everything posted by Lordmonkus

  1. SSF right now is the best option for Saturn emulation and to be fair it does a very good job but the fact it does not support disk images directly makes it a massive pain the ass. It can be worked around but it shouldn't need to be. Yabause is so-so, it's sound emulation right now is garbage. With the Mednafen people behind it we know there is quality there and the people behind it know what they are doing and it will make its way into Retroarch for all that shader goodness which the Saturn is going to need badly.
  2. Indeed. Hopefully the wait isn't terribly long.
  3. I came across this and it got my interest https://www.reddit.com/r/emulation/comments/4jaclo/first_pic_of_progress_from_mednafens_saturn_core/ More Saturn emulation is always good, especially coming from someone who has a proven track record.
  4. There is no easy way within Mame itself to move roms. Yeah those are the bios files that systems use, certain games require having those.
  5. Looks good to me, you aren't going to get a 100% Green or Yellow status on games. There are going to be some Red or Gray results. Now you just need to start tweaking some settings to get things playing and looking the best they can.
  6. Yeah that looks very good, hopefully Retroarchs Mupen core will get texture pack support because for that reason alone right now I use PJ64.
  7. There's your mistake you found a tutorial :P I just loaded up and banged at it and it worked first try, I was shocked it actually worked. Maybe it is the game you used, I only tested it with the 2 Lunar games since that is the only multi disk games I have at the moment.
  8. Ahh ok, I thought you meant you edited the cue sheet to point to the PBP instead of the bin file. Probably a stupid question but you did select all your disk images for each of the File #s in psx2psp right ? I'm sure you did but I have to ask so please don't slap me lol
  9. Hehe yeah im learning all the time too. Maybe the fact you are using a cue sheet. I Just used the straight PBP and no cue sheet.
  10. I don't know what tool you are using to merge your disks. I used PSX2PSP v1.4.2, chose the disk images in the ISO/PBP drop down menu. Picked the output folder and clicked convert, let it do its thing then just renamed the finished output file to what I wanted it to be. I could then load the PBP file in Retroarch itself and I could import it into Launchbox and load it that way. I also tested loading it using ePSXe on its own (not through Launchbox) and on load it let me choose which disk and it loaded fine. This is as far as I went with the test.
  11. Or you can just add that folder to your roms folder list if you do not want to move them.
  12. Try installing to another directory, preferably another drive or something like C:\Games\Launchbox Also try running as admin.
  13. I think if you just dump them into the appropriate videos folder in the Launhbox folder itself it should work. I won't say it will for sure since I don't use videos but this does for me for my arcade art since I just use the clear art logos instead of posters. I just dumped all my clear logos I had downloaded in the past for Hyperspin.
  14. Before importing your roms into Launchbox you should get a version of MameUI and use the audit tool to check all your roms. You can then view the non working games and skim over them to see if there are games in there you actually care about. Then you can right click a game and do an individual audit and it will tell you which roms are missing and what file it is expecting to find it in. Check all your stuff in MameUI first. That's how I do it anyways. I also don't use the latest version of Mame, I use a slightly older version.
  15. Damn dude, this is looking better and better all the time.
  16. Accurate emulation isn't about looks but about game glitches, game timing and compatibility. The only possible benefits of less accurate emulation is speed on extremely low end hardware and certain rom hacks the use those speed hacks to manipulate how a game plays. Those old 32 bit 3D era games aged extremely poorly and the only way to even begin to make it looks less terrible is by up-scaling the internal resolution but that will only go so far for the 32 bit era. While you can upscale the resolution to sort of clean up the polygons edges you cannot clean up the textures, they are what they are. This is why I limit my Playstation game collection to 2D sprite based stuff. You are right about what we all thought about 3D for it's time back then, it looked great. I remember when I picked up my Saturn back in the day and took it home to play Daytona and Virtua Fighter 2, man did they ever look amazing back then. Now not so much, lol. Looking back at it I wish game companies would have waited on the 3D games until the N64, PS2 and Dreamcast era. I wish they would have pushed the 2D sprite based stuff more instead of jumping on the 3D bandwagon. Just looking strictly at the art compare a game like FF7 to Lunar on the Playstation and Lunar just destroys FF7 today. FF7 looks horrendous while Lunars sprites look amazing still to this day.
  17. Much like in ePSXe different shaders will have different looks based on whether or not the game is 2D or 3D. Right now ePSXe is probably better at handling the 3D stuff but don't hold me to that statement since I do not play any 3D games in the Playstation. But the PSX core is getting lots of work done to it to better handle how 3D games look. PSX is getting hardware openGL support. Also take a look at the Retroarch main site and scroll down a tiny bit to see some of the work that is being done on it. http://www.libretro.com/
  18. Yup, very good read there for people who are new to emulation. Intel is definitely the better CPU choice for emulation but AMD can do it just fine. You may need to throw some extra raw CPU power at it to make up the difference though.
  19. Oh I knew you weren't skeptical of me asking. I knew you were saying you were skeptical of the support and if it actually worked. I would imagine the problems with the PSP playing PS1 games in PBP format would be due to the emulation or the fact it's not a native game to the system. But yeah I am interested in if there will be any issues with the PBP formats. I hope it's all good though just for the fact it would be nice to have multi disk games in single image format to remove the need for disk swapping, just to simplify things. I will have to look around some more for a save game file at the disk swap, I took a short look but did not find anything.
  20. MameUIs built in rom audit tool will at least tell him how complete or incomplete his rom set is.
  21. I asked over on the RA forums and got a response from Hunterk, a forum admin saying that the latest Mednafen PSX core does support multi disk PBP images. http://libretro.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5009&page=2 If someone has a save file for either of the Lunar games at a point right before the disk swap I would be happy to test it out. I have merged my Lunar disks and the PBP files do in fact load but I have no save games that far along to test the swap point.
  22. I would like to make a simple suggestion avoiding the use of ClrMamePro and Romcenter. Those tools are great so please don't take what I am saying me criticizing those tools because I am not doing any such thing. These tools make my eyes glaze over and I have been at this stuff for a while so I can only imagine how someone new to it all might feel. However they both can be very confusing to use and much simpler place to start would be to just load up MameUI and set your roms folder and have Mame do an audit. This will tell you what roms are good and what roms are bad. You can view all the roms that come back as red and you can then do individual audits and it will tell you which rom files you actually have, which ones are missing and what zip / 7z file it is expecting / looking in to find it. Just a thought.
  23. PBP is now a valid option for PS1 games especially since it supports merged disk images.
  24. If it did work I would imagine it would pick the first readable rom it finds. Personally I keep all my roms extracted (except for Mame for obvious reasons). You really don't save much drive space with those tiny old cartridge based games. The larger CD based games I can see compressing but I have yet to see those come with multiple dumps / versions in one archive.
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