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Everything posted by Tatts4Life

  1. I setup auto playlists and for my consoles, MAME, Handhelds, and Steam because it's fun to look through. With steam it created a subcatagory called Flying since I have 1 game, No Man's Sky. The problem is the video that Launchbox chose to play is wrong. It's playing Five Night's at Freddy's or something else from the horror section. The same has happened with the fighting section in I think MAME. It plays some kind of ball and paddle game instead. I had Launchbox go through my media and download the movies. How do I tell it which video should be playing?
  2. Figured it was a retroarch issue. I'll try that fix when I get a chance.
  3. So I saw a video from ETA Prime that there was a new release. I'm having an issue with Retroarch and I'm not sure how to fix it. My mouse cursor is visible now when I play games. The first game I selected in Launchbox was in the middle of the screen so the mouse was there when the game started. Same happened when I started Big Box. mouse was hidden, But start game and the mouse shows up again. I thought it was a Retroarch issue but I don't see anything that mentions hiding the mouse. Other than that issue the bezels for NES and SNES that I tested look great.
  4. What Ericcannon said. The Bezels look great but I would like to be able to choose different bezels.
  5. So I ended up finding a comment in a retropi video that says there is something coming sometime soon for the PC. I can't wait because that will look so cool.
  6. I saw a video where someone had a Super Mario Brothers 3 bezel for their game and then a bezel for another nes game. All the YouTube videos I've seen about bezels in Retroarch only mention system bezels. Is it even possible to have a specific game bezel? And if so where is a good place to find bezels for games?
  7. for NES, SNES, and Sega Genesis I went with what google or Wikipedia told me what was a full US set. If the number of files matched then I figured I had a full set.
  8. I use to think I wanted a complete collection from every system. The only complete collections I have are NES, SNES, and I think the Sega Genesis and N64 too. As far as PS1, PS2, Wii, Dreamcast, and the psp systems I’ll stick with what I want to play since those files are so large.
  9. I think my collection is almost complete. I have close to 9,000 games now. Just need to load my Wii and WiiU games and find psp and vita games.
  10. Awesome I'll have to buy a dolphin bar and try this out. It doesn't seem that hard to do.
  11. So the way I play games with launchbox my computer is in the back of our family room and an HDMI cable goes through the attic to our tv in the front of the room. Unless I can daisy chain a long usb cable to the tv I can't play Wii games right now. I was just thinking can I hook the dolphin bar to my nvidia shield and use GeForce streaming to play Wii games? Has anyone tried this kind of thing before?
  12. Not sure what happened but things are working fine now.
  13. So I've played a couple of games and they have either auto saved like it does with the physical ps2 or I found a save spot and saved that way. I'm trying to load my Incredible Hulk save and continue playing the game but it says there is no formatted card. If I load start up pcsx2 like if the ps2 has no disc then it shows my memory card and it shows that there is a save for the three games. how do I get it to load with launchbox?
  14. That's awesome. I'm going to download it and check it out.
  15. Wow that really is easy. I saw a thread in the link that fromlostdays posted that also talked about how you can have different config files for each game too. That also looks cool because I have several games that need certain settings tweaked in order for the game to play right. I really want to figure out how to do that now.
  16. Thanks, I'll try this tomorrow. Other than the PS2 which has multiple bios for different countries which other systems have those? Does Deamcast or ps1? Can't think right now which systems need a bios.
  17. So I was thinking today that I want to try something and was wondering is it even possible. Can I have two installs of pcsx2 so I can play American games and Japanese games? I take it with other systems that use retroarch I just make a second category called say NES Japan and put those games there.
    The consoles clear logo is perfect. Almost exactly what I was looking for. I wasn't a fan of the controller that looked like the SNES controller to represent all consoles. This version shows almost all the standard controllers from past and present systems.
  18. For now I just have PS1 and PS2 on my PC. I own a fat PS3 which is backwards compatible with the ps1 and ps2. Is there any way of getting my saves from my system and putting them on my PC? if this works I might as well get my PS3 saves too. My system has been turning itself on at random times of the day and night so I've had to unplug it. I think my system is about to kick the bucket and want to get all my saves off the system before it dies. how about psn games too? I have a few that I loved like re releases of the ps1 FInal Fantasy games and loved that those were one file instead of multiple discs. Can't think of any other psn games I have since my system has been having problems for over a year now.
  19. That reminds me I need to buy two more drives for my computer that has all my photos, music, and blu-rays I copied and use Kodi to watch. How much duplication do you do?
  20. Never mind I found it. Now to find a better looking consoles clear logo.
  21. Thanks, that was what I was looking for. Consoles and arcade are set up almost exactly how I want. Computers looks stupid because all it basically is for me is where my steam games are. I click on computers and the wheel fills up with the windows clear logo and then clicking that shows my games. Since there really isn't different categories it would be nice to show just the games. where is the folder located for the artwork in this view? I love the Pac-man look of the platform arcade logo.
  22. So I love the platform look in big box and then how I can go into say PS2 or Dreamcast and find a game. With MAME there are so many games I like to use playlists to separate the games into 2 player, 4 player, CPS and so on. I tried that with Big Box but after I select view playlists and hit back it just takes me back to the menu screen. Is there a way to have a playlist inside of platform view? I'm sure I'm missing some easy step.
  23. Thanks, that just cleaned up over 19,000 images.
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