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Everything posted by master333

  1. Hi While using Platform Category view I noticed that if you have a system called Arcade in the Arcade category/group that also has other systems like Cave or Sega Model 3 when clicking on Arcade you still see everything (Model 3 and Cave games as well instead of seeing just your games in Arcade). Ex: +Arcade 100 games - the Platform Category -Arcade 60 games -Cave 30 games -Sega Model 3 10 When I click on Arcade 60 games I should just see 60 games but I see 100 games - I see the same view as the platform category but not the 60 games view. I found a workaround by calling the Platform Category Arcades and putting everything under that so Arcade was unique and it worked.
  2. Hi Upgraded to 7b8 and everything is great except: My platform sidebar with all my systems is now not in alpha numeric order. Anyone else come across this?
  3. @CriticalCidFantastic work! I have attached a screenshot mockup of a game view I was hoping you would be interested in creating for your theme? Inspired by your own platform view design! It could replace the Horizontal view in Games or you could just add another view? Not sure. Anyway it would be amazing to have a game view like the one I have proposed. Thanks
  4. It's all good, thanks for the assistance.
  5. Fixed it - all the issues - it was a typo! -run=cave3d -rom= is what you said -run=cave3rd -rom= is what was needed. Now it runs using LB and Demul. Now I see Demul doesnt support as many Cave games as MAME so I reinstalled MAME and used bgfx video option now all games work in MAME and run smooth! Thanks guys and take note of the typo!
  6. Thanks. Not working....using demul 18aug16. Will temporarily use a shortcut to demul and add that so that demul opens when I click on a game in LB and then I use the mouse to select the game to play in demul for now. MAME is too unacceptable with that stuttering.
  7. tried another copy of demul and still LB refuses to open the games! @lordmonkus What are your Video settings set to? I use auto but I have tried opengl and d3d. i dont have vsync or triple buffering on.
  8. Demul is great with Cave games - best emu I have seen them working on. Cheers @DOS76 for the heads up.
  9. It has not worked. I have the cave games in zip files and I also have demul as an associated platform for dreamcast. The Cave games work fine in Demul without Launchbox so its not the zips and its not Demul!! I have the games in a mame folder but demul is pointing to it and again it works in demul. Any other ideas?
  10. Thanks both for your input. FBA didnt have all the CAVE games supported so it was a no go. Demul works amazing! but @DOS76 Please can you let me know the rest of your instructions so I can run these games from LB instead of Demul standalone? I have a platform called Cave which I have added into LB Demul emu settings as default platform and added your code above but when I double click nothing happens! I need the rest of your instruction. Thanks.
  11. Every Cave game I try Deathsmiles, Much Muchi Pork on MAME 0.178b is stuttery to the point of unplayability. I try F8 & F9 to sort it but nothing really helps. Has anyone got these running buttery smooth or do I need another emulator or am I missing an important video option?? i7 4970 gt 980ti 16gb ram
  12. This is a front end application for your existing roms and emulators. Roms and emulators you have to figure out yourself. There is help on the forums and video guides done by the team. To start you off I can recommend you look at retroarch which is multiple emulators in 1.
  13. I have had to rescrape each platform using launchbox db. I am getting there and at least once it is done I dont have to keep redoing it now. Still found no quick solution though.
  14. Hi Did a clean install last night so I could have my emulators and roms in a better place. As I started scraping via launchbox db for images it was so slow so I decided to scrape everything from the Wikipedia db and select no images just to get everything on as quick as possible so I could then use refresh metadata and images option to get the images that way or so I thought. After 3 hours with 23 platforms my work was done and I just needed to use the above option to scrape from launchbox db images. well every time I tried nothing changed, no images showed up,I tried refresh all images option and restarting launchbox itself too. I had foolishly deleted my previous installations images folder so no backup there. What can can I do to batch image (quickly retrieve images) for my collection via launchbox db or am I stuck with manual, going into each individual game for lots of games?
  15. tested and i like using mame for cps2 and neogeo and cps1 now. I can use cheats too! using good old 0.141 for Dec 2010! HLSL is no good for me - those scanlines are unsightly! Only issue is its 9:35pm gmt and downloading the next version of launchbox is taking forever! also trying to redo my launchbox library for those platforms as well is taking so long for launchbox to get the info before updating it must be a busy time?! will try again later.
  16. just got mame 0.178 and it runs lots of games but doesn't run my cps2 cps1 games. keeps saying rom or chd is missing. what bios name do i need to get for cps1 & 2?
  17. when just choosing the core it says no core options available. when loading a game i get options like diagnostics and so on but it doesnt stick. oh well i will have to setup the games as i play them each time or use an alternative to retroarch for cps1, cps2 and neogeo.
  18. Does anyone know how to make sure the diagnostic settings you make in Retroarch for CPS2 and NeoGeo (the FBA cores) can be saved? I change the difficulty of SSF2T and when I exit and restart it is back to how it was. I change Metal Slug to enable blood and after a restart and exit it is back to default. Can these settings be stored within retroarch?
  19. All fixed with the 1.1.1! Happy gaming to all!
  20. Using your latest upload. Using your recommendation: video details thumbs looks more like default theme and the recents are greyed out but i can use right to select the unknown games. Using image detail video view the whole view looks like your theme and nicer but as i said before i cannot move right on recents. pics attached! Thoughts?
  21. Perfect and amazing! No scroll lag anywhere in sight and videos are now playing in your theme! Bug: You cannot select a recents in platform view. Normally on a platform that is selected you press right and you can go through the recents. Can this be amended? Thanks for your excellent work.
  22. Fantastic this worked perfectly! Saved me an hour or two there!
  23. Hi Updated 6.9 to 6.10b3 then went back to 6.9 made lots of changes and added and removed lots of games. Everything was OK. Updated to 6.10 final and now my games list, platforms etc/database is not current and not showing the changes I have made since 22 Sep. I looked in Backups folder and there is only backups from the 22nd not 27th and one from tonight which is useless. I found a game I had deleted and when I click on it LB states there is no such directory. How can I restore my LB database and why did this happen? HELP! Thanks!
  24. OK by using an alternate view other than text for the platform view I have achieved what I wanted but would you be able to fix the theme so the images for the 'recents' game thumbnails show on the platform views? At the moment the games pics/thumbs are greyed out? Thanks
  25. press 6 then 5 on error message and then use wasd keys to go down and change master to single. https://www.supermodel3.com/FAQ.html#NetworkBoardError
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