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Everything posted by dov_EL

  1. I tried to use the same AHK from Darius, but that's not good. Still, just press Enter to start the game. How can I write the AHK file to launch this game? Desktop_2018_12.07_-_20_56_45_01.mp4
  2. 10000000_320359825180110_7598849250402762752_n.mp4
  3. Solved
  4. Chai Love (Flappy Birds) in possible import this file in Launchbox ?
  5. Win Key %appdata% -> Return Go to : \Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup Create Shortcut BigBox.exe in Startup folder ;)
  6. It would be an impossible dream to conceive for a modern boy
  7. do you like my job? Completely in fir wood 19 Inch , Joystick and button Sanwa . painting with Chulk Paint water paints entirely by hand Mini PC Beelink Ap34 with Apollo Lake . 99% of retroarch (incluse MAME) work in DX 12 and Slang shaders 1% (Naomi Reicast) work in Open GL Powered by Launchbox
  8. i use retroarch in my two bartop. Everything works perfectly except if I remove the keyboard dongle by disconnecting it from the USB port (a wireless keyboard). If I also remove the USB connector of the keyboard, many MAME games do not start (I use the last core of MAME 0.198, but the same problem was also present with previous versions), Is there a setting to eliminate this problem? To make it work properly I’m forced to leave the USB jack of the keyboard inserted, even if the keyboard is turned off
  9. This is my videoguide in Italian
  10. https://github.com/libretro/reicast-emulator/tree/master/lst ou will need roms that worked on nullDC Naomi. These will typically be .dat/.lst or .bin/.lst pairs. The last value of the .lst file specifies the size of the .dat/.bin file in hexademical value. Here is an example of the .lst file used for Toy Fighter – Toy Fighter “Toy Fighter.dat”, 0x0000000, 0x05800000 You can find the existing .lst files here. NOTE: MAME ROMS won’t work (yet). Proper Atomiswave roms won’t work, however, most Atomiswave to Naomi GD-ROM conversions should at least work or boot. ----------------- How to convert Fist of north star ?
  11. https://forums.libretro.com/t/reicast-and-fist-of-north-start/16933
  12. Hi Reicast is Update today , and now in changelog i see Naomi/Compatibility) Hokuto No Ken / Fist Of The North Star now works. (Naomi/Compatibility) King of Fighters New Wave – no longer crashes during fights, there are still display glitches though. I put in System dc folder " naomi_boot.bin " file (rename the naomi bios ) , I can not understand how to start the First of North Star roms. Does anyone know how to do ? Thank you
  13. 19 inches You like it ?
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  14. This is neogeo mini And this is a Launchbox Playlist :)
  15. Congrat @Jason Carr
  16. It was not easy to understand the behavior and the possible cause. I hope it can be useful to many user.
  17. I found the solution. The monitor was set at 59 hz. It was enough to go from 59 to 60 hz to remove this annoyance. Thanks anyway to everyone.
  18. Loading game has been implemented to eliminate the problem of loading double instances. You can ask Jason if you do not believe me. I'm not a developer, but the methodology for possible solutions I understand it perfectly. I repeat, it is not for me to decide, I hope in the good sense of those who have the opportunity to act.
  19. OK , but Poll = New Feature or FIx a Bug ? This is what I did not understand . We can also add a thousand different features and COOL, but if these are full of bugs, does it make sense to move forward in this direction? I believe mine is a legitimate question
  20. VID_20180518_204909.mp4
  21. @Zombeaver I have collaborated several times with Microsoft as the official Italian Beta Tester in the period when the BOSS was called Sinofsky . The most effective methodology is to first make a stable build, and then add features to a system , Otherwise you run the risk of having to do it all over again sooner or later. I'm a huge fun of Launchbox and Jason, I grew up with Coin Op and the Consoles, I'm 42 years old , so if I feel like giving a suggestion to the Team, this should not be an offense, it must be taken as a criticism. Also I feel part of this team because I saw launchbox born , and I want the launchbox to be the best of the best. Many times the Devs. they may have clear ideas but their heads are confused because of what each one exposes as a big problem while in reality it is not a big problem. Like all those who complain about the performances. I use Launchbox on a PC Mini, Cpu Apollo Lake n3450 (4gb ram), and given the scalability of launchox, the performances are excellent (finding the right compromise with the settings depending on my hardware) Which is why, in my opinion, it is seriously necessary to correct the "serious" bugs, and not to say that everything is by design as Apple does with its own stupid customers. Then you are free to think what you want, we are free men. Shalom
  22. I was the first to report to Jason to insert this feature that originally was not in the launchbox, after introducing it I was hoping for an improvement in short times. Do you know how much time has passed?
  23. I think for those who use a PC exclusively for emulation, maybe in a Bartop. The best version of Windows paradoxically is WIndows 10 enterprise https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/client-management/group-policies-for-enterprise-and-education-editions
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