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Everything posted by dov_EL

  1. Sensorbar to work
  2. Do we have a real Zapper USB compatible with these emulators?
  3. Wait , Solvede for Apollo Lake, not for Baytrail Mamma mia .........
  4. SOLVED Very very strange I changed the sample rate to 94440 , V sync Off , And work (baytrail and cherrytrail , Apollo Lake)
  5. In this PC (my desktop ) , Same romset work fine . This is ini # # CORE CONFIGURATION OPTIONS # readconfig 1 writeconfig 0 # # CORE SEARCH PATH OPTIONS # homepath . rompath roms hashpath hash samplepath samples artpath artwork ctrlrpath ctrlr inipath .;ini;ini/presets fontpath . cheatpath cheat crosshairpath crosshair pluginspath plugins languagepath language swpath software # # CORE OUTPUT DIRECTORY OPTIONS # cfg_directory cfg nvram_directory nvram input_directory inp state_directory sta snapshot_directory snap diff_directory diff comment_directory comments # # CORE STATE/PLAYBACK OPTIONS # state autosave 0 playback record record_timecode 0 exit_after_playback 0 mngwrite aviwrite wavwrite snapname %g/%i snapsize auto snapview internal snapbilinear 1 statename %g burnin 0 # # CORE PERFORMANCE OPTIONS # autoframeskip 0 frameskip 0 seconds_to_run 0 throttle 1 sleep 1 speed 1.0 refreshspeed 0 # # CORE RENDER OPTIONS # keepaspect 1 unevenstretch 1 unevenstretchx 0 unevenstretchy 0 autostretchxy 0 intoverscan 0 intscalex 0 intscaley 0 # # CORE ROTATION OPTIONS # rotate 1 ror 0 rol 0 autoror 0 autorol 0 flipx 0 flipy 0 # # CORE ARTWORK OPTIONS # artwork_crop 0 use_backdrops 1 use_overlays 1 use_bezels 1 use_cpanels 1 use_marquees 1 # # CORE SCREEN OPTIONS # brightness 1.0 contrast 1.0 gamma 1.0 pause_brightness 0.65 effect none # # CORE VECTOR OPTIONS # beam_width_min 1.0 beam_width_max 1.0 beam_intensity_weight 0 flicker 0 # # CORE SOUND OPTIONS # samplerate 48000 samples 1 volume 0 # # CORE INPUT OPTIONS # coin_lockout 1 ctrlr mouse 0 joystick 1 lightgun 0 multikeyboard 0 multimouse 0 steadykey 0 ui_active 0 offscreen_reload 0 joystick_map auto joystick_deadzone 0.3 joystick_saturation 0.85 natural 0 joystick_contradictory 0 coin_impulse 0 # # CORE INPUT AUTOMATIC ENABLE OPTIONS # paddle_device keyboard adstick_device keyboard pedal_device keyboard dial_device keyboard trackball_device keyboard lightgun_device keyboard positional_device keyboard mouse_device mouse # # CORE DEBUGGING OPTIONS # verbose 0 log 0 oslog 0 debug 0 update_in_pause 0 debugscript # # CORE COMM OPTIONS # comm_localhost comm_localport 15112 comm_remotehost comm_remoteport 15112 # # CORE MISC OPTIONS # drc 1 drc_use_c 0 drc_log_uml 0 drc_log_native 0 bios cheat 0 skip_gameinfo 0 uifont default ui cabinet ramsize confirm_quit 0 ui_mouse 1 autoboot_command autoboot_delay 0 autoboot_script console 0 plugins 1 plugin noplugin language English # # HTTP SERVER OPTIONS # http 0 http_port 8080 http_root web # # Opciones del Parche Nonag # Desactivar_parche_nonag 0 Desactivar_parche_pantallas_de_carga 0 # # OSD KEYBOARD MAPPING OPTIONS # uimodekey SCRLOCK # # OSD FONT OPTIONS # uifontprovider auto # # OSD OUTPUT OPTIONS # output auto # # OSD INPUT OPTIONS # keyboardprovider auto mouseprovider auto lightgunprovider auto joystickprovider auto # # OSD DEBUGGING OPTIONS # debugger auto debugger_font auto debugger_font_size 0 watchdog 0 # # OSD PERFORMANCE OPTIONS # numprocessors auto bench 0 # # OSD VIDEO OPTIONS # video d3d numscreens 1 window 0 maximize 1 waitvsync 1 syncrefresh 1 monitorprovider auto # # OSD PER-WINDOW VIDEO OPTIONS # screen auto aspect auto resolution auto view auto screen0 auto aspect0 auto resolution0 auto view0 auto screen1 auto aspect1 auto resolution1 auto view1 auto screen2 auto aspect2 auto resolution2 auto view2 auto screen3 auto aspect3 auto resolution3 auto view3 auto # # OSD FULL SCREEN OPTIONS # switchres 0 # # OSD ACCELERATED VIDEO OPTIONS # filter 1 prescale 1 # # OpenGL-SPECIFIC OPTIONS # gl_forcepow2texture 0 gl_notexturerect 0 gl_vbo 1 gl_pbo 1 gl_glsl 0 gl_glsl_filter 1 glsl_shader_mame0 none glsl_shader_mame1 none glsl_shader_mame2 none glsl_shader_mame3 none glsl_shader_mame4 none glsl_shader_mame5 none glsl_shader_mame6 none glsl_shader_mame7 none glsl_shader_mame8 none glsl_shader_mame9 none glsl_shader_screen0 none glsl_shader_screen1 none glsl_shader_screen2 none glsl_shader_screen3 none glsl_shader_screen4 none glsl_shader_screen5 none glsl_shader_screen6 none glsl_shader_screen7 none glsl_shader_screen8 none glsl_shader_screen9 none # # OSD SOUND OPTIONS # sound auto audio_latency 2 # # PORTAUDIO OPTIONS # pa_api none pa_device none pa_latency 0 # # BGFX POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # bgfx_path bgfx bgfx_backend auto bgfx_debug 0 bgfx_screen_chains default bgfx_shadow_mask slot-mask.png bgfx_avi_name auto # # WINDOWS PERFORMANCE OPTIONS # priority 0 profile 0 # # WINDOWS VIDEO OPTIONS # menu 0 # # DIRECT3D POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # hlslpath hlsl hlsl_enable 1 hlsl_oversampling 0 hlsl_write auto hlsl_snap_width 2048 hlsl_snap_height 1536 shadow_mask_tile_mode 0 shadow_mask_alpha 0.25 shadow_mask_texture shadow-mask.png shadow_mask_x_count 12 shadow_mask_y_count 6 shadow_mask_usize 0.5 shadow_mask_vsize 0.5 shadow_mask_uoffset 0.0 shadow_mask_voffset 0.0 distortion 0.0 cubic_distortion 0.0 distort_corner 0.0 round_corner 0.0 smooth_border 0.0 reflection 0.0 vignetting 0.0 scanline_alpha 0.50 scanline_size 1.0 scanline_height 1.0 scanline_variation 1.0 scanline_bright_scale 2.0 scanline_bright_offset 0.0 scanline_jitter 0.0 hum_bar_alpha 0.0 defocus 0.75,0.0 converge_x 0.0,0.0,0.0 converge_y 0.0,0.0,0.0 radial_converge_x 0.0,0.0,0.0 radial_converge_y 0.0,0.0,0.0 red_ratio 1.05,0.00,0.10 grn_ratio -0.10,1.00,0.25 blu_ratio -0.25,0.25,1.25 saturation 1.25 offset -0.30,-0.20,-0.05 scale 1.15,1.05,0.90 power 0.90,0.90,1.15 floor 0.025,0.025,0.025 phosphor_life 0.10,0.10,0.10 # # NTSC POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # yiq_enable 0 yiq_jitter 0.0 yiq_cc 3.57954545 yiq_a 0.5 yiq_b 0.5 yiq_o 0.0 yiq_p 1.0 yiq_n 1.0 yiq_y 6.0 yiq_i 1.2 yiq_q 0.6 yiq_scan_time 52.6 yiq_phase_count 2 # # VECTOR POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # vector_beam_smooth 0.0 vector_length_scale 0.5 vector_length_ratio 0.5 # # BLOOM POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # bloom_blend_mode 0 bloom_scale 0.25 bloom_overdrive 1.00,1.00,1.00 bloom_lvl0_weight 1.00 bloom_lvl1_weight 0.64 bloom_lvl2_weight 0.32 bloom_lvl3_weight 0.16 bloom_lvl4_weight 0.08 bloom_lvl5_weight 0.06 bloom_lvl6_weight 0.04 bloom_lvl7_weight 0.02 bloom_lvl8_weight 0.01 # # FULL SCREEN OPTIONS # triplebuffer 1 full_screen_brightness 1.0 full_screen_contrast 1.0 full_screen_gamma 1.0 # # INPUT DEVICE OPTIONS # global_inputs 0 dual_lightgun 0
  6. Ok , same problem Mario Japan This is .ini (i try to change samplerate from 48000 to 24000 , Triple buffering off , and same problem) # # CORE CONFIGURATION OPTIONS # readconfig 1 writeconfig 0 # # CORE SEARCH PATH OPTIONS # homepath . rompath roms hashpath hash samplepath samples artpath artwork ctrlrpath ctrlr inipath .;ini;ini/presets fontpath . cheatpath cheat crosshairpath crosshair pluginspath plugins languagepath language swpath software # # CORE OUTPUT DIRECTORY OPTIONS # cfg_directory cfg nvram_directory nvram input_directory inp state_directory sta snapshot_directory snap diff_directory diff comment_directory comments # # CORE STATE/PLAYBACK OPTIONS # state autosave 0 playback record record_timecode 0 exit_after_playback 0 mngwrite aviwrite wavwrite snapname %g/%i snapsize auto snapview internal snapbilinear 1 statename %g burnin 0 # # CORE PERFORMANCE OPTIONS # autoframeskip 0 frameskip 0 seconds_to_run 0 throttle 1 sleep 1 speed 1.0 refreshspeed 0 # # CORE RENDER OPTIONS # keepaspect 1 unevenstretch 1 unevenstretchx 0 unevenstretchy 0 autostretchxy 0 intoverscan 0 intscalex 0 intscaley 0 # # CORE ROTATION OPTIONS # rotate 1 ror 0 rol 0 autoror 0 autorol 0 flipx 0 flipy 0 # # CORE ARTWORK OPTIONS # artwork_crop 0 use_backdrops 1 use_overlays 1 use_bezels 1 use_cpanels 1 use_marquees 1 # # CORE SCREEN OPTIONS # brightness 1.0 contrast 1.0 gamma 1.0 pause_brightness 0.65 effect "Scanlines75Dx4.png 1" # # CORE VECTOR OPTIONS # beam_width_min 1.0 beam_width_max 1.0 beam_intensity_weight 0 flicker 0 # # CORE SOUND OPTIONS # samplerate 48000 samples 1 volume 0 # # CORE INPUT OPTIONS # coin_lockout 1 ctrlr mouse 0 joystick 1 lightgun 0 multikeyboard 0 multimouse 0 steadykey 0 ui_active 0 offscreen_reload 0 joystick_map auto joystick_deadzone 0.3 joystick_saturation 0.85 natural 0 joystick_contradictory 0 coin_impulse 0 # # CORE INPUT AUTOMATIC ENABLE OPTIONS # paddle_device keyboard adstick_device keyboard pedal_device keyboard dial_device keyboard trackball_device keyboard lightgun_device keyboard positional_device keyboard mouse_device mouse # # CORE DEBUGGING OPTIONS # verbose 0 log 0 oslog 0 debug 0 update_in_pause 0 debugscript # # CORE COMM OPTIONS # comm_localhost comm_localport 15112 comm_remotehost comm_remoteport 15112 # # CORE MISC OPTIONS # drc 1 drc_use_c 0 drc_log_uml 0 drc_log_native 0 bios cheat 0 skip_gameinfo 0 uifont default ui cabinet ramsize confirm_quit 0 ui_mouse 1 autoboot_command autoboot_delay 0 autoboot_script console 0 plugins 1 plugin noplugin language English # # HTTP SERVER OPTIONS # http 0 http_port 8080 http_root web # # Opciones del Parche Nonag # Desactivar_parche_nonag 0 Desactivar_parche_pantallas_de_carga 0 # # OSD KEYBOARD MAPPING OPTIONS # uimodekey SCRLOCK # # OSD FONT OPTIONS # uifontprovider auto # # OSD OUTPUT OPTIONS # output auto # # OSD INPUT OPTIONS # keyboardprovider auto mouseprovider auto lightgunprovider auto joystickprovider auto # # OSD DEBUGGING OPTIONS # debugger auto debugger_font auto debugger_font_size 0 watchdog 0 # # OSD PERFORMANCE OPTIONS # numprocessors auto bench 0 # # OSD VIDEO OPTIONS # video d3d numscreens 1 window 0 maximize 1 waitvsync 1 syncrefresh 1 monitorprovider auto # # OSD PER-WINDOW VIDEO OPTIONS # screen auto aspect auto resolution auto view auto screen0 auto aspect0 auto resolution0 auto view0 auto screen1 auto aspect1 auto resolution1 auto view1 auto screen2 auto aspect2 auto resolution2 auto view2 auto screen3 auto aspect3 auto resolution3 auto view3 auto # # OSD FULL SCREEN OPTIONS # switchres 0 # # OSD ACCELERATED VIDEO OPTIONS # filter 1 prescale 1 # # OpenGL-SPECIFIC OPTIONS # gl_forcepow2texture 0 gl_notexturerect 0 gl_vbo 1 gl_pbo 1 gl_glsl 0 gl_glsl_filter 1 glsl_shader_mame0 none glsl_shader_mame1 none glsl_shader_mame2 none glsl_shader_mame3 none glsl_shader_mame4 none glsl_shader_mame5 none glsl_shader_mame6 none glsl_shader_mame7 none glsl_shader_mame8 none glsl_shader_mame9 none glsl_shader_screen0 none glsl_shader_screen1 none glsl_shader_screen2 none glsl_shader_screen3 none glsl_shader_screen4 none glsl_shader_screen5 none glsl_shader_screen6 none glsl_shader_screen7 none glsl_shader_screen8 none glsl_shader_screen9 none # # OSD SOUND OPTIONS # sound auto audio_latency 2 # # PORTAUDIO OPTIONS # pa_api none pa_device none pa_latency 0 # # BGFX POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # bgfx_path bgfx bgfx_backend auto bgfx_debug 0 bgfx_screen_chains default bgfx_shadow_mask slot-mask.png bgfx_avi_name auto # # WINDOWS PERFORMANCE OPTIONS # priority 0 profile 0 # # WINDOWS VIDEO OPTIONS # menu 1 # # DIRECT3D POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # hlslpath hlsl hlsl_enable 0 hlsl_oversampling 0 hlsl_write auto hlsl_snap_width 2048 hlsl_snap_height 1536 shadow_mask_tile_mode 0 shadow_mask_alpha 0.25 shadow_mask_texture shadow-mask.png shadow_mask_x_count 12 shadow_mask_y_count 6 shadow_mask_usize 0.5 shadow_mask_vsize 0.5 shadow_mask_uoffset 0.0 shadow_mask_voffset 0.0 distortion 0.0 cubic_distortion 0.0 distort_corner 0.0 round_corner 0.0 smooth_border 0.0 reflection 0.0 vignetting 0.0 scanline_alpha 0.50 scanline_size 1.0 scanline_height 1.0 scanline_variation 1.0 scanline_bright_scale 2.0 scanline_bright_offset 0.0 scanline_jitter 0.0 hum_bar_alpha 0.0 defocus 0.75,0.0 converge_x 0.0,0.0,0.0 converge_y 0.0,0.0,0.0 radial_converge_x 0.0,0.0,0.0 radial_converge_y 0.0,0.0,0.0 red_ratio 1.05,0.00,0.10 grn_ratio -0.10,1.00,0.25 blu_ratio -0.25,0.25,1.25 saturation 1.25 offset -0.30,-0.20,-0.05 scale 1.15,1.05,0.90 power 0.90,0.90,1.15 floor 0.025,0.025,0.025 phosphor_life 0.25,0.25,0.25 # # NTSC POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # yiq_enable 0 yiq_jitter 0.0 yiq_cc 3.57954545 yiq_a 0.5 yiq_b 0.5 yiq_o 0.0 yiq_p 1.0 yiq_n 1.0 yiq_y 6.0 yiq_i 1.2 yiq_q 0.6 yiq_scan_time 52.6 yiq_phase_count 2 # # VECTOR POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # vector_beam_smooth 0.0 vector_length_scale 0.5 vector_length_ratio 0.5 # # BLOOM POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # bloom_blend_mode 0 bloom_scale 0.25 bloom_overdrive 1.00,1.00,1.00 bloom_lvl0_weight 1.00 bloom_lvl1_weight 0.64 bloom_lvl2_weight 0.32 bloom_lvl3_weight 0.16 bloom_lvl4_weight 0.08 bloom_lvl5_weight 0.06 bloom_lvl6_weight 0.04 bloom_lvl7_weight 0.02 bloom_lvl8_weight 0.01 # # FULL SCREEN OPTIONS # triplebuffer 0 full_screen_brightness 1.0 full_screen_contrast 1.0 full_screen_gamma 1.0 # # INPUT DEVICE OPTIONS # global_inputs 0 dual_lightgun 0
  7. Rom is Mario Bros. (Japan) ?
  8. But in my PC Main Desktop work perfect same rom
  9. Other solution samplerate from 48000 to 24000
  10. I can not try it right now. Maybe it could be triple buffering
  11. No no , roms is perfect
  12. This is Mario INI # # CORE CONFIGURATION OPTIONS # readconfig 1 writeconfig 0 # # CORE SEARCH PATH OPTIONS # homepath . rompath roms hashpath hash samplepath samples artpath artwork ctrlrpath ctrlr inipath .;ini;ini/presets fontpath . cheatpath cheat crosshairpath crosshair pluginspath plugins languagepath language swpath software # # CORE OUTPUT DIRECTORY OPTIONS # cfg_directory cfg nvram_directory nvram input_directory inp state_directory sta snapshot_directory snap diff_directory diff comment_directory comments # # CORE STATE/PLAYBACK OPTIONS # state autosave 0 playback record record_timecode 0 exit_after_playback 0 mngwrite aviwrite wavwrite snapname %g/%i snapsize auto snapview internal snapbilinear 1 statename %g burnin 0 # # CORE PERFORMANCE OPTIONS # autoframeskip 0 frameskip 0 seconds_to_run 0 throttle 1 sleep 1 speed 1.0 refreshspeed 0 # # CORE RENDER OPTIONS # keepaspect 1 unevenstretch 1 unevenstretchx 0 unevenstretchy 0 autostretchxy 0 intoverscan 0 intscalex 0 intscaley 0 # # CORE ROTATION OPTIONS # rotate 1 ror 0 rol 0 autoror 0 autorol 0 flipx 0 flipy 0 # # CORE ARTWORK OPTIONS # artwork_crop 0 use_backdrops 1 use_overlays 1 use_bezels 1 use_cpanels 1 use_marquees 1 # # CORE SCREEN OPTIONS # brightness 1.0 contrast 1.0 gamma 1.0 pause_brightness 0.65 effect "Scanlines75Dx4.png 1" # # CORE VECTOR OPTIONS # beam_width_min 1.0 beam_width_max 1.0 beam_intensity_weight 0 flicker 0 # # CORE SOUND OPTIONS # samplerate 48000 samples 1 volume 0 # # CORE INPUT OPTIONS # coin_lockout 1 ctrlr mouse 0 joystick 1 lightgun 0 multikeyboard 0 multimouse 0 steadykey 0 ui_active 0 offscreen_reload 0 joystick_map auto joystick_deadzone 0.3 joystick_saturation 0.85 natural 0 joystick_contradictory 0 coin_impulse 0 # # CORE INPUT AUTOMATIC ENABLE OPTIONS # paddle_device keyboard adstick_device keyboard pedal_device keyboard dial_device keyboard trackball_device keyboard lightgun_device keyboard positional_device keyboard mouse_device mouse # # CORE DEBUGGING OPTIONS # verbose 0 log 0 oslog 0 debug 0 update_in_pause 0 debugscript # # CORE COMM OPTIONS # comm_localhost comm_localport 15112 comm_remotehost comm_remoteport 15112 # # CORE MISC OPTIONS # drc 1 drc_use_c 0 drc_log_uml 0 drc_log_native 0 bios cheat 0 skip_gameinfo 0 uifont default ui cabinet ramsize confirm_quit 0 ui_mouse 1 autoboot_command autoboot_delay 0 autoboot_script console 0 plugins 1 plugin noplugin language English # # HTTP SERVER OPTIONS # http 0 http_port 8080 http_root web # # Opciones del Parche Nonag # Desactivar_parche_nonag 0 Desactivar_parche_pantallas_de_carga 0 # # OSD KEYBOARD MAPPING OPTIONS # uimodekey SCRLOCK # # OSD FONT OPTIONS # uifontprovider auto # # OSD OUTPUT OPTIONS # output auto # # OSD INPUT OPTIONS # keyboardprovider auto mouseprovider auto lightgunprovider auto joystickprovider auto # # OSD DEBUGGING OPTIONS # debugger auto debugger_font auto debugger_font_size 0 watchdog 0 # # OSD PERFORMANCE OPTIONS # numprocessors auto bench 0 # # OSD VIDEO OPTIONS # video d3d numscreens 1 window 1 maximize 1 waitvsync 1 syncrefresh 1 monitorprovider auto # # OSD PER-WINDOW VIDEO OPTIONS # screen auto aspect auto resolution auto view auto screen0 auto aspect0 auto resolution0 auto view0 auto screen1 auto aspect1 auto resolution1 auto view1 auto screen2 auto aspect2 auto resolution2 auto view2 auto screen3 auto aspect3 auto resolution3 auto view3 auto # # OSD FULL SCREEN OPTIONS # switchres 0 # # OSD ACCELERATED VIDEO OPTIONS # filter 1 prescale 1 # # OpenGL-SPECIFIC OPTIONS # gl_forcepow2texture 0 gl_notexturerect 0 gl_vbo 1 gl_pbo 1 gl_glsl 0 gl_glsl_filter 1 glsl_shader_mame0 none glsl_shader_mame1 none glsl_shader_mame2 none glsl_shader_mame3 none glsl_shader_mame4 none glsl_shader_mame5 none glsl_shader_mame6 none glsl_shader_mame7 none glsl_shader_mame8 none glsl_shader_mame9 none glsl_shader_screen0 none glsl_shader_screen1 none glsl_shader_screen2 none glsl_shader_screen3 none glsl_shader_screen4 none glsl_shader_screen5 none glsl_shader_screen6 none glsl_shader_screen7 none glsl_shader_screen8 none glsl_shader_screen9 none # # OSD SOUND OPTIONS # sound auto audio_latency 2 # # PORTAUDIO OPTIONS # pa_api none pa_device none pa_latency 0 # # BGFX POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # bgfx_path bgfx bgfx_backend auto bgfx_debug 0 bgfx_screen_chains default bgfx_shadow_mask slot-mask.png bgfx_avi_name auto # # WINDOWS PERFORMANCE OPTIONS # priority 0 profile 0 # # WINDOWS VIDEO OPTIONS # menu 0 # # DIRECT3D POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # hlslpath hlsl hlsl_enable 0 hlsl_oversampling 0 hlsl_write auto hlsl_snap_width 2048 hlsl_snap_height 1536 shadow_mask_tile_mode 0 shadow_mask_alpha 0.25 shadow_mask_texture shadow-mask.png shadow_mask_x_count 12 shadow_mask_y_count 6 shadow_mask_usize 0.5 shadow_mask_vsize 0.5 shadow_mask_uoffset 0.0 shadow_mask_voffset 0.0 distortion 0.0 cubic_distortion 0.0 distort_corner 0.0 round_corner 0.0 smooth_border 0.0 reflection 0.0 vignetting 0.0 scanline_alpha 0.50 scanline_size 1.0 scanline_height 1.0 scanline_variation 1.0 scanline_bright_scale 2.0 scanline_bright_offset 0.0 scanline_jitter 0.0 hum_bar_alpha 0.0 defocus 0.75,0.0 converge_x 0.0,0.0,0.0 converge_y 0.0,0.0,0.0 radial_converge_x 0.0,0.0,0.0 radial_converge_y 0.0,0.0,0.0 red_ratio 1.05,0.00,0.10 grn_ratio -0.10,1.00,0.25 blu_ratio -0.25,0.25,1.25 saturation 1.25 offset -0.30,-0.20,-0.05 scale 1.15,1.05,0.90 power 0.90,0.90,1.15 floor 0.025,0.025,0.025 phosphor_life 0.25,0.25,0.25 # # NTSC POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # yiq_enable 0 yiq_jitter 0.0 yiq_cc 3.57954545 yiq_a 0.5 yiq_b 0.5 yiq_o 0.0 yiq_p 1.0 yiq_n 1.0 yiq_y 6.0 yiq_i 1.2 yiq_q 0.6 yiq_scan_time 52.6 yiq_phase_count 2 # # VECTOR POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # vector_beam_smooth 0.0 vector_length_scale 0.5 vector_length_ratio 0.5 # # BLOOM POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # bloom_blend_mode 0 bloom_scale 0.25 bloom_overdrive 1.00,1.00,1.00 bloom_lvl0_weight 1.00 bloom_lvl1_weight 0.64 bloom_lvl2_weight 0.32 bloom_lvl3_weight 0.16 bloom_lvl4_weight 0.08 bloom_lvl5_weight 0.06 bloom_lvl6_weight 0.04 bloom_lvl7_weight 0.02 bloom_lvl8_weight 0.01 # # FULL SCREEN OPTIONS # triplebuffer 1 full_screen_brightness 1.0 full_screen_contrast 1.0 full_screen_gamma 1.0 # # INPUT DEVICE OPTIONS # global_inputs 0 dual_lightgun 0
  13. yep
  14. OK , This is Ini
  15. https://s14.postimg.org/wc0u0cdb5/2017-05-29_19_30_53-mame.ini_-_Blocco_note.png
  16. But, for all game . Not only for Mario Bros ? The problem is only Mario bros
  17. YEAH !!
  18. Mame have only this sound option (for all game) , Single game not have sound option The problem is ECO (no double)
  19. I have emulation issue emulation issue with Mario Bros, This problem occurs on Intel baytrail, cherrytrail (i have not tried apollo lake), The problem does not appear on the main Desktop PC. Mame 0.185 Double Audio . This is a romset • Mario Bros. (US, Revision F) • Mario Bros. (Japan, bootleg) • Mario Bros. (Japan) • Mario Bros. (US, Revision E) • Mario Bros. (US, Unknown Rev) • Masao • Pest Place With v-sync , Without V-sync , The problem of double audio persists But • Mario Bros. (Japan, bootleg) ROm work perfect . Unfortunately in the bootleg version, audio is not the original one. I can not find the solution, yet on Baytrail and cherrytrail they work very high-grade ROMs without any problems, and if I do not remember badly, with the 0.17x version, the audio in Mario Bros worked perfectly. Any solution ?
  20. Me too
  21. I think genesis_plus_gx is accurate 100% in RA Is it worth trying this BlastEm ? https://www.retrodev.com/blastem/
  22. GOLD GOLD GOLD !!! or RTM
  23. Fix in 30 seconds , and GOLD !!!
  24. dov_EL


    No. It is the theology that manipulates the scriptures; I am simply giving you the scriptures that no one makes you read. All the theological branches that are esoteric, cabalistic, mystical, and so on, all adopt a single system that is this: They tell us when the bible says something, it actually means: .... Completely changing what you wrote down clearly . You think I still celebrate Christmas, Easter, my children are baptized, they made the 1st communion (maybe in other countries you do not) Religiousness is so rooted here that it is indisputable, but that does not mean that I want to reason with my mind and read what I wrote. I hope that a true good God can exist, but not that of the Bible
  25. dov_EL


    ps Yet believers have never noticed one thing. The name Jesus is decided at the Council of Nicea in 325, of course, D.C. That is, 325 years after his supposed existence. To form this religion there were over 50 groups in sharp contrast, and there was no agreement on the name. It is then decided that Jesus (arbitrarily decided), the fun thing is to know that the Jewish name was Yeshua (ישוע). Basically ... I've never seen translating the name of a Japanese type Akira, Takada, Tetsuo, why should the name of a God be localized? Yeshua = Joshua , not jesus
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