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Everything posted by dov_EL

  1. I Have 3 PC . every time Microsoft launches a major release, I do not like to update, but completely I format the PC . Sure enough I have to repeat again the configuration launchbox + all emulators on every PC. Mainly I use only MAME and Retroarch . I saw this video and wanted to know if you can make a real backup, so you can move on all 3 of my PC not do it all again if I format the computer . at each installation in Windows 10 lacks this DLL that must be entered manually for the operation retroarch d3dx9_43.dll . This is Launchbox Dependencies link - https://mega.nz/#!Q8UVXLRT!LVjgSIkpu826al7QhV32JtOg_jBUTE726RYXX_hqi7U We can clarify here what are the steps step by step to do to move launchbox-retroarch and mame on a new PC without reinstalling everything? So you just have to configure the controls.
  2. ................. who wanb create Playlist C64 Playable game without keyboard ? Ps. the problem is : Retroarch not save Retrojoy setting
  3. Ok , F10 for GUI , Enable retroJoy , and Work .. but , is impossible remap other key like spacebar , 1 or 2 button etc.
  4. Joytstick with Vice (retroarch) not work in my Bartop DAMN !!!
  5. https://www.patreon.com/posts/3-new-cores-3rd-8569768?utm_campaign=postshare&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
  6. Thanks a lot, you're very kind though and amazing
  7. Thank YOU !!!!
  8. Work AMAZING !!!! THANK YOU !!!
  9. This ? https://postimg.org/image/ucpn7yhzx/
  10. No no , raspberry , i Have Mini PC with Windows ( Cpu Baytrail Work amazing )
  11. After solving the problem of MAME, finding an excellent scanline effect, which does not require a powerful PC to run, now I'd like to find something similar Also on retroarch. I tried 4 or 5 shader, some were heavy, some were light but ineffective. What do you recommend for Baytrail CPU with 4: 3 monitor?
  12. in MAME.ini # # WINDOWS VIDEO OPTIONS # menu 1 effect scanlines.png 1 This filter is AMAZING https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhJaE5ijxFe5hdMolEFexICm-a-ZpA ?
  13. in MAME.ini # # WINDOWS VIDEO OPTIONS # menu 1 effect scanlines.png 1 ?
  14. In My PC Main HLSL , work amazing , but in my Bartop (baytrail ) is very slow How to use .png overlays ?
  15. Mame allows us to activate the filter HLSL, which brings us back to what was the quality of a CRT monitor also on our LCD . The problem is that the HLSL filter is very heavy for the CPU and Baytrail Cherrytrail . I wonder if maybe someone has guessed some configuration where he managed to run the HLSL filter on these CPU Intel , Otherwise, it is not easy to find a low-cost mini PC that has an Nvidia GPU inside to activate these filters without any suffering.
  16. dov_EL

    Nintendo Switch

  17. Wow !! Thank You !!
  18. One of the new features should be the playlist if I understand it. How does it work ?
  19. The problem is that the message remains on the screen and you create a chart defect, regardless of seconds to expect at home. To remove the graph defect, you must exit and re-enter from Arcade Arcade game list.
  20. Set ANALOG W/Pad and worl all gamead
  21. HI Team , is possible fix this graphic Glitch ? Only with Arcade (Mame ? )
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