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Everything posted by niglurion

  1. I have the same problem as another member: all supports colors remain green, without exception.Windows is up to date. Launchbox is up to date (I even tried the latest beta version). .dll files are unlocked. The .config files are in the right folder and are ok. I tested a new installation of the theme, starting from scratch. .NET framework is up to date. I tested in another folder, with another name, but same shit. That is, just another testimony. It's no longer an isolated case: p Sorry to bother you.
    The best theme (by far) for BigBox. According to my tastes of course You are an excellent graphic designer and I hope to see your productions for a long time. I am impressed by the attention to details and the intelligent use of space. Never overloaded, always super stylish, clean and responsive. Bravo!
  2. I've made every one of them.
  3. In CleanBG\Styles, in: BoxListBoxItemStyle.xaml HorizontalListBoxItemStyle.xaml ListBoxItemStyle.xaml ThumbnailListBoxItemStyle.xaml change every Value="#d8b23e" by your value.
  4. Ahah, no, I apologize for not giving any news. But thank you
  5. Sorry sorry sorry Yes, ALIE is right: I'm very very busy right now (for 3 months now). My job takes me a lot of time (and it's pretty good! ). I'm a graphist in real life and the end of the year is often very busy. A lot of great projects I have to finish. I plan to finish this work (it's always in WIP, with a version for every resolution (4:3 - 16:9 - 21:9 - ...) but right now, I can't spend a lot of time with any community, not enough time (and I've got a family and a daughter ). I'll come back as soon as I can to make another theme Sorry for being a ghost for the last three months... (Sorry not to answer questions... I prefer you wait for the final version. Everything here is just a beta version (0.5X))
  6. Sorry I don't have a solution for this right now. My tests are not, on the whole, particularly striking. (HorizontalAlignment ="right" doesn't work ) You can resize every background to 1600x1200 with a right alignment on photoshop if you want. It's the brute-force way, but the only one I know it's working.
  7. ahah, quite the contrary, @Maddoc1007 It's good to see that. For my part, I'm never satisfied with my work and always want to change a thing or two. The views I've made for this theme probably won't be the final ones . So don't hesitate to change what you want, especially for 4/3 monitors.
  8. Thank you @MatticusFinch1820 Yeah, I have answered that question a number of times: I will do it after the completion of the main views, after the release of the v1.0 . At this time, I work mainly on what I said earlier in this topic. It's already a lot of work, but I'll add multiple banners later, yes
  9. Thank you @donatello I'm really happy to read such a wonderful compliment! It's for that I love to do such things ^^ For the translucent wheel, it's a good point. You inspired me and I think I'll do something for that. It may be a good feature. Right now, I'm developing this theme and I hope it will be complete in the end of the week. This theme will be compatible for every type of monitor (4/3, 21/9 or even vertical) and for that, I have to remake every single element of the grid and UI. It's much more work than I thought. But it worth it. That way, for the next theme I'll make, I'll have a solid base. And of course, it can help others theme creators. Also, I'll delete some views, like the one with the title plateform on the top. It's not good enough to keep it. better to make a new version with a horizontal wheel instead. I'll also make alternative views with the wheel on the left and a better view for videos. (But I'll give another link if someone wants to keep these views). And of course, news views for game lists will be available for the v1.0. I think I'll work on only two and not 5, (5 is really a nightmare to update when you have to change one thing). So, my todo list, right now: Make the wheel translucent (and can be set directly by the user) Compatible with any type of monitor News views for game lists Reconsider Plateforms lists New view with horizontal menu Unfortunately, I've got a lot of work to do this week for my job IRL, so I can't work on it like I want, but I'll do my best to finish that as soon as possible I've also a new idea, a new theme I want to develop, but I have to finish this one first. Thank you everyone (and @Jason Carr of course, for this wonderful software and its help to build better custom themes )
  10. you just miss the scrolling text. You can wait the next official launchbox update, everything will work out of the box.
  11. that's why it's not working it's specified on the download page in update notes
  12. did you update launchbox to the last beta version?
  13. I don't know how for now, but I'll fix that. There are a lot of problems with videos and custom themes. It's working for me and some users but not for evryone... But yeah, I'll'work on that next week for the v1.0 A better grid, a cleaner code... we'll see.
  14. I think this is both a good and a bad idea. Good because with we can see great new ideas emerge. It's good for inspiration and future custom options in BigBox. But on the other hand, design a theme without knowing limitations of the present BigBox is not the best thing to do. We can design an awesome theme, really impressive with a tons of unseen features but... If in the end, we can't make them... I don't see the point. It's the same logic in webdesign with html/css. So yes, I can support this kind of approach but I'll keep in mind it will be mostly a good source of inspiration, not necessarily an end in itself in order to make a new theme.
  15. @subatomic09 : did you update launchbox to the last beta version?
  16. I've already answered to that a couple of posts earlier. And I don't think I'll modify this theme anymore (just add some backgrounds). But you're free to use it, modify it and share it with another name if you want. Per example, you can use the theme version without plateforms (CleanBGnosystem) and change the .xaml according to your desire.
  17. Same here, I.ve no problem with videos, so it's hard to help you @8Phantasm, you can read this post, it might help you But, yes I plan to add it when I'll come back from holidays
  18. Ok thank you. I'll fix that soon.
  19. Here's a screenshot. It's exactly why I love this soft. Soooooooo much better than xpadder and all soft like that. And it has a very good UI. Nice and clean. Very easy to configure.
  20. what's your screen resolution?
  21. I'm using Controller Companion for that. In my case, the home button of my DS4 controller opens BigBox. And select + home opens BigPicture. It's really handy. What's more, I can control anything on my computer with the controller only. Really. I can type anything in any software just with the controller, right or left click everywhere, scroll a web page with the right stick, and so on... It's an awesome software that I recommend. 3$, but it worth it. (if you want, you can also bind any key to any button in any application or game. Usefull, particularly for games which need mouse (for menus) + controller like Trackmania 2. ). Love it. Voila, that's just another solution
  22. Thank you @kerszr, Your help is welcome. But I have a couple of points. Neo Geo Banner: The left character is stretched. It's something we must avoid at any cost. Atari and Apple II: There're some artefacts remaining (on the right of the atari and on the II of the Apple one). The famicom one is perfect! I'll add it in the next update, next week (I am going on vacation tomorrow). Thank you. By the way, the new version has a new view. A big tv screen
  23. I'm french and I don't have any problem... Maybe it's related to your internet service provider... Sorry. Try to download the new version (0.5.4). Maybe it's better.
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