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Everything posted by angelobodetti

  1. Where do the "Genres" and "Play Mode" Images go? There is no plat list for them and when i add a playlist it still doesn't pick up the clear logo. Do I need to manually set in the playlist settings?
  2. Thanks @RetroHumanoid I will try this later. Mare we waiting on any updates to your themes? Or right now themes are good and we just need to make those filter adjustments to get everything too 100%?
  3. @RetroHumanoid Your "Favorites" theme does the same thing. If I set that as the theme for favorites under NES for example no matter what the name or nested name is, you wont get the proper theme, just default box. @Jason Carr But if i create a Nintendo Entertainment System Favorites playlist myself (not using the right click to auto generate feature - then this does work. So even though it is the exact same name, the theme only works if you create it manually. It's like the auto create have their own nomenclature somewhere not visible to theme.
  4. I am using the individual addon themes it seems as though where I use nested playlists - i will need to change the theme for every single one. Is that correct? so NES for example, i use the addon theme and the view with the static image - but for nes favorites and each genre i need to set that exact theme and view - it won't look at what the view for "all games" is. Is there a way to default the playlist view to the view of the "all games"?
  5. Are auto generated playlists "live"? Meaning if i have an auto generated playlist for "Sega Genesis Favorites" and then 2 days later I favorite a Gensis game, will it automatically end up in my playlist? Or do I need to delete and then recreate the playlist?
  6. You’re going to get people who love and people who hate all of these features (particularly bezels). My opinion is that you should absolutely build the functionality which would please the people who want it and will use it. The ones who utensils it, simply won’t use that feature - which keeps them happy. Not building the functionality at all takes away personal choice and will disappoint half of the people. The only way to please everyone is to build Bezel, Fade and Pause functionality allowing people to use or not use those features how they please.
  7. Same, I’ve never had performance issues with or without bezel in or out of window mode.
  8. That was a typo. Bezel IS very important.l because it changes the look and feel of the entire arcade.
  9. I have no had any performance issues at all using rocket launcher and I have bezels setup for all 150 platforms over like 25 different emulators. Including PCSX2, Dolphin, and many others that don’t have native support.
  10. Great news that you are working on bringing all of that into LaunchBox. I personally only use rocket launcher for fade, pause and bezel. I hate that I even use it all all because it’s overly complex and never gets updated. But it’s a necessary evil because of fade, pause and bezel. To me bezel isn’t very important because it changes the entire look of the game and arcade. It keeps things beatific from start to finish. Its obviously an opinion thing, but I would stick with rocket launcher if I can’t get bezels in LaunchBox.
  11. It was because I already had a playlist named "Nintendo Entertainment System Favorites". So I just edited where that playlist sits. False Alarm!
  12. Downloaded new version and am going to add Platform Playlists. My question is - What are the "In XXX Sub Category" options. I understand LB will create a playlist called All Games, another called Genres, another called, Play Modes, etc... But if I check the "In Play Modes Sub Category" what happens, does it create another set of playlists for single player, cooperative, etc?
  13. @RetroHumanoid all the new sub categories look great. I look forward to adding to my build. Do we need to wait for an updated refried or will it all work now? I know i saw some random threads with issues and I see that a new official release came out.
  14. Look great, is your theme working with the bested auto playlists? I thought I saw people, and Jason, posting it needs to be updated? welcome back by the way!
  15. Thats good to hear - So that would handle a good chunk of my collection - would still use RocketLauncher for the others. RocketLauncher isn't being updated often and while ti is easier for some emulators (like pinball) it's a pain in the ass for others. I would love to have to same beautiful look of fades, pause, and bezels only in LaunchBox.
  16. Mine has always worked and I didn't need to change anything. Are you using the right theme? Use the "plugin" version of the theme. It has the individual backgrounds that the base does not.
  17. Hi All - I just added 3 requests to Bit Bucket - Feel free to up-vote if you agree with them: Search Playlists and Platforms by Letter: Issue #4616 It would be nice to search at the platform level by letter - similar to how within a platform you can press right and the letters pop up to scroll by. I have hundreds of platforms and hundreds of playlists, which become cumbersome to get to the one I want because there is no way to jump to a letter. Add "Platform Category" to Auto Generate Playlist Criteria: Issue #4617 I would like to see "Platform Category" as a criteria in the Auto Generate Playlist function. I am using this feature to build out playlists automatically, but I would like to exclude entire categories - like "Computers" or "Pinball" but right now I can only do it by the platform itself and not the Platform Category. That means I need to remember all of the specific platforms and build each "is not equal to" individually. Bezel Support: Issue #4618 I know you are working on Fade (Loading) and Pause Screens which is great - I would also love Bezel support. This would completely eliminate the need to use RocketLauncher. Right now Retroarch is the only emulator that natively supports Bezels (that i know of), but it is 1 bezel per core, so where you have a core that supports a handful of platforms you can only use 1 single bezel - for example, Genesis GX Plus supports Game Gear and Genesis - As you can imagine those bezels wouldn't be the same.
  18. OK beta 10 improved the lag VERY much. Now it seems it only did it for extended periods of time (15 - 20 seconds) the first time up and down the category wheel - almost as if it was caching each platform and it's settings. I will mess around the next few days and see. PC Specs: - Intel i7-6700 3.4GHz - 16GM RAM - Geforce GTX 970 So not the most powerful PC but certainly shouldn't be the cause of any BigBox lag.
  19. Thank you. I will download and test now. Definitely more than a second, it is literally 30 to 40 seconds from when i press down to when the screen changes or from when the wheel changes to when the video changes. I will record my screen and post if it still happens so you can see. I have not changed any hardware or software configurations on my PC, so it is definitely a self contained issue.
  20. Great, just sent it to you. I tested with Beta 9 and i have the same performance issues: It seems to be at the Platform Category level and it takes a very long time to jump between categories, if i select a category and go into the the platform lists, it is much faster. I am also noticing that some category videos are loading faster than others - it seem as though the categories with very few platforms (pinball and favorites) load normal speed, but the others are very slow.
  21. What data? My data folder?
  22. Currently on beta 8 and I still have performance issues in BigBox. LaunchBox runs well. Using latest unified refried theme. Worst performance is at the Platform Category level. Once you’re at platform or inside a platform it seems to run well. But even scrolling down from within platform category view could take 30-40 seconds to change.
  23. I grabbed it from the download section of LaunchBox in your Logos package.
  24. Awesome, no rush as I am sure they are not very common. I went through every single platform and playlist and here is everything that was missing: - Doujin Soft - Locomolito - MSX 2+ - Nintendo 64 HD - Philips VideoPac Plus G7400 - Ball & Paddle Genre - Maze Genre - Multigames Genre - Angry Video Game Nerd Collection
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