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Posts posted by dragon57

  1. 6 hours ago, supes123 said:

    Hi, I'm trying to switch my LB/BB mame away from RL in order to use mame high scores. Therefore need to set up bezels in native mame, without RL or retroarch. Using mame 0.199. I downloaded the bezel project and its created a subfolder in mame/artwork for each Rom. Each containing a bezel.png and default.lay. Bezels are activated in Mame.ini. HOWEVER, when launching mame games in lb, some games show bezels, but most don't. My files are following standard naming conventions. Any ideas?


    Some MAME rom names change over time, so it is possible the names used in our MAME bezel pack don't actually match the rom set you are using.

    Have you manually checked a few rom names with the files/directories the installer put in your artwork directory?

  2. 4 hours ago, Fredyyy said:

    True when the app was working yesterday I saw a new icon that says unregister. However I don't see it anymore. When I re-downloaded the file and unzipped I only get 3 files, (config, changelog, exe of the app, and help), I run the exe file as an administrator, but doesn't do anything and the unregister icon doesn't show up either.  Is there a way to remove/modify something in the registry?


    Readme says:    To silently uninstall use the -su switch like this:         c:\path\to\Files2Folder.exe -su

    what does -su mean?

    The -su is for 'Unregister'. I would open a cmd window in the directory that contains files2folder.exe and try it, then run the exe by itself and see if it fixes everything.

  3. 2 hours ago, Fredyyy said:

    Thank you the program worked great! I had the program on my desktop and I just i reorganized my files and now when I rightclick file2folder. I get a message a message: this  app doesn't have an app associated with it. I tried to reinstall the program again and place it in its original place and it doesn't work. The app doesn't have a regualr uninstaller. Any help to fix the issue, either erase it entirely and re installing it or just fixing what I currently have? thank you in advance

    If you moved the original .exe from the zip you downloaded, that probably caused things to be out of sync when you right-click.

    What happens when you run the Files2Folder.exe program from its current location? It is supposed to create a shortcut that allows you to unregister the right-click service. If it does, execute that shortcut, then run the .exe again. That should get things back in sync.

  4. The easiest way to find out which directory name a Retroarch core is expecting under ...\retroarch\config is to start Retroarch with a game for the core in question. Press F1 to return to the gui, then make a change under core settings that you can recognize in the filesystem. Save a custom core configuration and/or a core override. Exit Retroarch and look for the new cfg file under config. See what directory that file resides in and compare it to the directory containing the bezel project files. If they are the same, the issue is with your rom names. If different, rename the directory under config to match what the core is using and see if the bezels now show up when  running your games.

  5. 6 hours ago, Headrush69 said:

    These are my preferred bezels, but one thing I miss is some of the features of the built in MAME layouts, like color overlays and lamp support.

    Many of these are trivial to add so you have both the bezel and these features, Color overlays only require changes to the layout file, but lamp support requires additional images as well.

    I've done several myself. curious if there a way to submit these changes other than setting up github and using pull requests? (At least for adding color overlays which requires no other files)

    The bezel packs the project creates is first and foremost for Retroarch on a Raspberry Pi. My Windows app adapts those files for different platforms like Native MAME. I don't see the project supporting native MAME features like lamp images in the near future, but down the line, who knows? So never say never.

  6. 17 minutes ago, purplebot said:

    Why does this need to be a fully qualified path?  I've been using a relative path, and it seems ok?

    Fully qualified is only required if the roms are on a different drive than MAME itself, otherwise relative paths are fine.

  7. 10 hours ago, Zozio said:

    How to apply a console bezel when no game bezel are found and apply a game bezel when the game is found ?

    In other words

    - Defaut bezel is game bezel

    - If not exist => console bezel automatically.

    The Windows app tries to edit any existing core cfg files under ...\retroarch\config to do exactly what you asked. If for some reason that isn't working, you can manually use the Retroarch gui to set this. Start Retroarch with a game running for the console you want to affect. Hit F1 to return to the gui, then make sure you are in "Quick Settings", scroll down to "Onscreen Overlay" and select it, scroll down to "Overlay Preset" and select it. You can then navigate to the overlays directory under the Retroarch installation directory. You should have cfg files there you can select to set a default bezel.

  8. 22 minutes ago, Krakerman said:

    To Chris's point about the LB gui and having the ability to resize any of the gui windows and remembering the positions would be nice. Always have to resize the Manage emulator window everytime gets old and be nice once you stretch it out it will remember that position. 

    Maybe at some point :)

    I use WinSize2 to handle automatic resizing and placement of windows, pop-ups, etc. It works great for the 'Manage Emulators', and other LB windows. http://winsize2.sourceforge.net/en/index.html

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Krakerman said:

    Squashed a bug was having but now all cinematic startup and shutdown videos are now handled in my ahk launcher script and no longer requires setting it up for each game in LB/BB as an additional application.

    New features: 

    • Cinematic startup/shutdown support. (Working 100% now!)
    • Built-in LaunchBox AHK support. (Ability to pass variables to internal AHK scripts.)

    You are SUCH a tease.

    • Haha 1
  10. 3 hours ago, arcadeknight said:


    So I'm trying to set up the Bezel Project in Retroarch on my PC. I just downloaded the Bezel Project, and after installing the bezel downloader utility, it gave me this prompt:

    "Before downloading or using any of the choices in the Utility menu, make sure you set the directory path(s) and bezel style type under Preferences."

    I understand what the bezel style type is, but as for the directory path(s), I need some help. What is the directory path suppose to be, or does it matter? For example, should it be in the layouts or overlays directories of the Retroarch parent directory? Or the config subdirectory? I read the help option in the Utility Menu for the Bezel Project, but it didn't say anything about which directory path I should be using.

    Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you!

    Each directory requestor that pops up when you are selecting a directory displays what you should select. Example for Retroarch below. You should always select the install/parent directory unless directed otherwise.


  11. 4 hours ago, Krakerman said:

    Ok, I now added:

    • Added ability to have 4 different sets of instruction cards.
    • Added an option to allow the game to be paused or not when displaying instruction cards.

    Looking at adding built-in marquee support via Display Fusion which will allow for animated marquees with gifs or mp4's. I have it up and running but there is a slight delay after launching and exiting game before the marquee changes but it does work.

    Reason I was looking at an alternative is because I have a multi monitor setup with 5 monitors and LaunchBox built in marquee support does not work correctly with my setup and this does.




    Holy smokes!

  12. I use it for LaunchBox, my Attract Mode and Emulation Station installs. Generally I feel it works better than the built in LB scraper, but your mileage may vary. No database will probably ever be totally complete. Be aware the free account is limited in the amount per day you can scrape, but unless you plan on scraping 24x7, you will probably never hit the limit.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  13. 9 hours ago, scheerce said:

    Hello Dragon57.  Thank you for the reply.  I like your Cray logo.  Do you  know that years ago HP bought Convex machines (and eventually the company I believe) and sold them as V class HPUX servers.  The Convex was similar to the Cray machines.  Anyway, fun history in IT.  I am running RA 1.8.4.  The exe is in d:\console\launchbox\emulators\retroarch.  In the Bezel Project .ini, here is the RA setting.  RAHomeDir=D:\Console\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch.  All of the cfg/png files are in d:\console\launchbox\emulators\retroarch\overlays\gamebezels\<console>\<game name>.cfg or .png.  They match the ROM name as I used the no-intro ROMs for all my console games.  The games run fine, just no bezels.  The screen is a BENQ 16:9, but the consoles show up in 4:3 as I believe they should.  Again, the MAME installer worked 100% perfect the first time.   Not sure what is going on with the Console bezels.  it should be simple.  

    Those paths look fine. Not sure what is going on. Like you said, it should just work.

    Hmm, have you verified the core directory names under d:\console\launchbox\emulators\retroarch\config match the core you are actually using for each console? That is the second naming convention that must match in addition to the cfg/rom names combo.

  14. 14 hours ago, scheerce said:

    Guys, I know this has been discussed and I am beating my head against the wall.  I have what I will call a dual modular build.  I have a folder, d:\MAME, with all associated ROMS/Bezel/LaunchBox.  Then I have another folder d:\CONSOLE.  In here is another Launchbox /Bezels/RetroArch/cores/ROMS/etc.  I keep it modular and separate.  I downloaded the Bezel Project and ran it for MAME.  Right out of the box works perfectly.  Did the same for my Console directory, which has NES/SNES/N64/Sega.  All the files (.cfg and .png) appear to be going to the right place.  I use the no-intro ROM's for everything.  I can't for the live of me figure out why the bezels are not showing up.  The games work (well, those that do work properly).  I have watched countless videos on how to setup the overlays i RetroArch but nothing is working.  Any help is appreciated.

    A few questions. What version of Retroarch are you running? What is the exact path where your retroarch.exe is located? In the Bezel Project installer, is the Retroarch directory under Preferences the same as the exact path where retroarch.exe is located?


  15. On 6/27/2020 at 12:11 AM, Krakerman said:

    Good News!

    Since learning how to pass variables to ahk scripts I been working on a custom launcher for the Altirra (Atari 400/800/5200) emulator. With great success I have the following setup and working within the Launcher script:

    • Custom system settings.
    • Per game settings.
    • Cinematic fades for startup and shutdown and the ability to turn them on/off per game. No longer need to setup via Additional Applications in LB.
    • Default Cinematic Fades for Platforms. So if a game cinematic fade is not found will look for a _Default video for both startup and shutdown.
    • Works with LaunchBox Pause feature.
    • Ability to select the following: hide desktop, taskbar and/or mouse pointer so launching from within LB/BB is seamless. 
    • Cartridge, Disks and Tape images all supported. 
    • All games and platform can be setup and configured via configuration ini file. Gives you more control over how to setup your games for Altirra.
    • Custom location ability for your Cinematic fades.
    • Easy setup in LB. Just setup as an emulator with a command line and that's all! No Plugins ... No RocketLauncher ?
    • To setup each game you will need to edit the ini file using Notepad++ or any text editor.
    • Altirra profiles feature support!

    Working on adding more features but currently all the above is working perfectly!

    Holy moly! I've been waiting on something like this. I did a private proof on concept very similar to this long ago, but never went as far as you have (because LIFE!). Can't wait to see this, and how it can be extended to other platforms/emus. Thanks so much for the excitement. :)

    • Like 1
  16. 12 hours ago, scheerce said:

    Good day very smart people.  I have built a new arcade, running BigBox, Mame.  All is working just fine.  I implemented the Bezel Project files based on the standard installation and it works fine.  However, for some reason I cannot figure out yet, the bezels show up properly for each game, but I have a horizontal "bar" that scrolls up in the bezel, both sides.  I can turn off the Bezel and I don't see the bar.  The bar is "transparent" not a full black bar.  it is about an inch tall, inch and a half tall.  The best way to describe is way back in the old days when you would see a monitor on a TV show/movie,  you could see the refresh, same kind of bars scrolling up on the screen.  it is not on my game, just on the side bezels.  It is an HP PC about 3  years old, I think Intel 4600.  it is a brand new BENQ 27" monitor.  All is working 100% except these bars scrolling up in the bezel.  Driving me crazy.  FYI, i have read every thread in this topic and google searched for hours, can't find anything.  I have also posted in some other boards here.  nothing yet.

    Is your BenQ monitor aspect ration 4:3? If so, that is your issue. The bezels are made for a 16:9 ratio on wide screen monitors only.

  17. 3 hours ago, bsweet0us said:

    Just a couple quick questions (that may have already been answered, but couldn't find it via search), I'm in the process of setting up a cab with a rotatable 19" 16:9 LCD and was curious if the bezels will still appear on the sides if the monitor is in the vertical/portrait orientation?

    If so, how much of my already narrow screen horizontally will I lose?  is it recommended to keep the bezels when in portrait mode?

    Thanks in advance for any help you can offer or pointers for me with this endeavor!

    Yes, you will still display the bezels. The bezels are built for 16:9 landscape mode, so I would disable/remove them if you plan on using portrait mode.

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