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Everything posted by Dreamwarrior77

  1. Ok Thanks lordmonkus I am trying that now, I downloaded the Steven Seagal Edition, LOL.. is this the correct version I should be using?
  2. Despite my best efforts and placing the tos.img in the retroarch system directory when loading a game file retroarch crashes.. does anyone have the hatari core in retroarch working?
  3. So I am trying to get The Philips CD-i machine emulated in MESS/Mame but for some reason I am getting an error message while trying to load a game. It's telling me "sorry to play this disc your cd-i player must be equipped with a cd-i digital video cartridge" what exactly does this mean and how can I fix this issue?
  4. For many years my brain has struggled to figure out how to organize my mame roms and now that m.e.s.s. has been integrated it is even more of a monster than ever before. So I am trying to figure a way to delete the stuff I will never use while keeping the rest of the files, the problem is not the current version collection I would be working with but.. when it comes time to upgrade my version files to a newer version. What is the best way to go about this? I was going to load all mame roms, software and chds via launchbox and then just one by one delete the ones I do not want in my collection. So then the problem is how do I make a list of the deleted roms/software,chd files and then when I have an updated collection to automatically be able to remove all of the files that I do not want in my collection? Been trying to figure this thing out for years.. launchbox makes it a bit easier since I can delete the files from the software I guess. This process seems very difficult considering the list of deleted files can not be created automatically? Even if it was somehow able to make this list of deleted files then it would need to have software to remove those unwanted files from the newer mame set. Maybe a new launchbox feature to organize and update our mame sets? (hint hint) Also the removal of other files like unused snapshots, titles, bios files and whatever else I may be forgetting. I just want to finally be able to have a mame set that only has what I want in it and not have to go crazy with so many files I will never use and be able to update to a newer set while easily being able to press a button and automagically have it remove my unwanted mame files files for me. This would be a dream come true feature if Launchbox made this easy to do for us!
  5. Hello everyone it has been quite a while that I have been really into my mame setup. I always tried to get my sets updated but never really setup a full mame installation in years and many things have changed with the M.E.S.S. integration so I am hoping to get some help on this. My current problem is that I do not know where to put the files or point the directories to.. for example.I have: MAME ROMs (merged) directory MAME ROMs (bios-devices) direcory MAME Software List ROMs (merged) directory MAME Software List ROMs (machines-bios-devices) directory MAME CHD (merged) directory I have been trying to use mameui as I always have in the past but it seems buggy and when I try to point it to the regular normal roms directory the program crashes every single time. so this is frustrating.. only thing I can seem to do is copy n paste all the rom folder files into mameui's rom folder and refresh/scan for roms, pointing to directory always crashes the program. Where do I place the other 4 folders of files?
  6. Thanks @SentaiBrad, hopefully this gets panned out, I am actually putting off Re Doing my collection from a fresh start until this gets patched so I can make sure no unnecessary images are downloaded into the folders. I have had Launchbox installed for a while now and I read somewhere that changes have been made in the folder structure? So that is why I would like to start fresh.. these updates have been Awesome! Really LOVING The Videos by @JamesBaker! Can Not Wait For MORE Of THOSE! Would like to see one for the Amiga
  7. Yes I did read this and vote for this on the poll, I understand how it downloaded the 3 images, 1 per similar game entry, but it should only show the 1 image per game.. that is where a programming bug fix should be patched since they are separate game entries.. at least I would hope so.
  8. It downloads more than it should, see image..
  9. ok Cool, Got it, it works now, the name was wrong, it was inside of another folder when I unzipped it I had to copy the folder and it worked fine. Thank You!
  10. Yes I have done that Maddoc, no luck..
  11. I would hate to have to reinstall my whole setup again..
  12. No luck, I tried unzipping and selecting RetrAO_Cafe_v1.6.1 but it will not switch themes. Am I missing something maybe in the options?
  13. No but I tried to use the one that comes with it besides the default theme but it does not work. I will try to unzip a new theme and see if that jogs it to start working correctly.. by default it will not use the one that comes with it though..
  14. Hi I have been using Launchbox for a while now and have not been able to switch to any of the themes in BigBox for some reason. It's a real bummer can anyone help me fix this problem? Maybe a bug or configuration problem? It has been broken for a whole bunch of versions and I am on the most current version now which is 7.9
  15. Hey everybody it's been a while since I posted but I'm back with more emulator issues and this time it's for the Acorn Archimedes emulator called RPCEmu. I tried 2 others but not much luck and this seems to be the only one still being updated and in development as far as I know unless mame/mess supports it. I have not yet tried that route but I have RPCEmu downloaded and a risc os 3.71 rom in my rom folder. I start up the software and it runs fine but I can not seem to figure out how to load an .adf game rom file. I tried loading it in the cd rom slot but nothing happens.. then I thought maybe I should hit the reset button thinking it may just load on startup but no luck either.. anyone know how to run .adf roms on this emulator? Also just wondering how we can configure a game pad there does not seem to be an option for this? I would not want to use this emulator with gamepad support is there a better way to emulate the Acorn Archimedes? Need some help with this, thanks..
  16. I don't remember what core I was trying I think it was snes9 next.. but I have to change the custom viewport back and see what is up with it but it looks like some cores do 16:9 and fill up my whole screen and some cores do not. I hope in the future they will fix this across all cores because it really kinda sucks if you want all full screen and some cores can not do it so you then have to resort to trying other emulators and see if they do full screen.
  17. I have been trying to download this for weeks but it looks like the main website is always down. http://reicast.com/ Does anyone know what is up with this and where I can download a windows build? Kinda strange because this link works: http://builds.reicast.com/ but I can not get this version to work it needs a file and when I tried to get that file in place it just threw another error and had to shut down.. Please someone tell me they have this working for windows..
  18. Ok Thanks, I will have to get myself upgraded to BigBox mode after I get my collection all setup.
  19. Retroarch is crashing everytime I try to load a N64 game.. this is with launchbox and without.. either way. Anyone else having this issue. I'm using version 1.3.6 of retroarch with the mupen 64 plus core.
  20. Ok nevermind I just had to bulk edit them with the wizard, but still it should have worked so it probably is a bug. It said it was going to overwrite fusion as the default for retroarch and it did not work so I think it may be an issue. Fixable but that overwrite default feature did not work as intended.
  21. Ok so I have my sega genesis, 32x and sega master system going with fusion emulator but little did I know that it will not start out in fullscreen mode? Not sure why and I do not see a setting to start games in fullscreen which seems odd.. ok so yeah I don't want to have to make it full screen via my keyboard so I wanted to try to switch to retroarch instead, unless someone knows how to start fusion in fullscreen? Well anyway so I tried to switch the default emulators to retroarch and it did but it will not load the games fusion was still loading them so I deleted the fusion emulator entry and it still does not load with retroarch despite the fact that it says that retroarch is the default emulator for those 3 systems.. why is this not working? Possible Bug?
  22. I am still rather new to LaunchBox and I have not yet tried to use videos for the games but I just downloaded a video pack from emumovies for TG16, I put them in the correct folder and reloaded the software but not sure how to enable the video to play. Do I need BigBox for videos or is there something I am not doing right?
  23. The example I am referring to is alisia dragoon for sega genesis if I click the game, the right sidebar has the same images repeating.. ok I checked the images folder for it and yes it has downloaded the same images multiple times with different numbered files. this seems like an issue and this is in version 6.7
  24. Just in case someone forgets to delete the folder they may have unwanted gigabytes on their drive
  25. I just uninstalled Launchbox becuase I am reinstalling on another drive but noticed that it still leaves files in a Launchbox folder. I know I can manually delete this folder but just thought someone from dev might want to add option to keep or delete these files just for ease of use..
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