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Everything posted by StuDentBR

  1. Well today when i've tried to open my launchbox, but instead of the software opens this error showed up, i have tried to restore the launchbox.xml file from the backup folder but it did not work, i tried also to dele the launchbox.xml but it did not work either, and when i looked at launchbox directory the bigbox.exe, uninstal000.exe were missing. I took the files that wew missing from other pc that i had installed and was is working, but nothing solves the problem... I don't know what to do, i just don't want to have to configure everything again, plese help !! I am using windows 10 64bit and the version of launchbox is 6.12 beta 5.
  2. I am having this same issue with the 6.12 beta 5 Seems that some files disappeared... like Bigbox.exe and uninstal.exe and debug.log what i am suposed to do to fix it without losing my collection ?
  3. Ok after think about these things i see the save and load state could be a bit hard to do because each emulator has it is own shortcut (epsxe is F1 and F3, PPSSPP is F2 and F4), but it would not be possible to make diferent controller automation settings for each plataform ? Anyways it would be nice if we could have more options in controle automation, i mean some custom slots where could choose which keyboard button or combination of them we wanted to be peform and we use specific button on conttoller automation. Some that would be good: ESC (to exit some emulators), F1 (which could be useful for retroarch to show menu and in many emulators save state) , F2 (save state on ppspp), F3 (loads state in many emulators), F4 (load states on ppspp), Alt+Enter (toggle full screen on and off) and so on.... The menu thing when i thought about it it was just a menu with shortcuts for already existing and controller automation functions but i understand what you said that it would be a bit hard to alternate focus between the menu and the emulator or game. But that would be nice anyways What do you think ?
  4. Well i don't know anything about software devolopment, but in my mind i did not realize that it woud be that hard to do it, i mean most of the fuctions already exists in automation, i thought it was a good idea was to put them in a menu that would show up like the one i sent the picture when you press a combination of buttons, and the save and load state function it could be something customizable (you could choose which button would do what but most like to be F1 and F3 since many emulators use this) these functions could be customizable by plataform... At least the menu could begin with the functions that are already present in automation, and just make a menu with "shortcuts" for then. And after then give more customizable options in automation menu like make customizable commands. Quit (Alt+F4) Continue (Esc or anything that just close the menu) Volume + OR - (their respective command) Save State (F1 or a user specified command) Load State (F3 or user specified command) you know xpadder ? It could work like this for the customizable command part.
  5. I was wondering that would be cool if bigbox had and in game menu which could shown as we press one or a combination of buttons like in automation, for exemple like press start + select ( or any combination on joystick) and a menu would show up with these (or other) options: quit game, volume up and down, show bigobox, save state (which in many emulators is made with F1 and some like retroarch can choose a button for this) load state (which in many emulators is made with F3 and some like retroarch can choose a button for this) Is that possible ?
  6. Because i can't run doom at constant 60fps on bsnes accuracy, i think i will try test the bsnes balanced and see if it works. Thank you
  7. Well thank you guys it is working as expected now , i will just keep using the snes9x standalone to run the snes, and the retroarch with bsnes accuracy core to run the "hard to emulate" games, and by the way if you guys wondering the game that i am using with bsnes is speedy gonzales hehehe
  8. Thank you guys, i just figure it out, it worked fine doing what he said, but i had to edit the default retroarch core for snes which was set to be snes9x core to bsnes accuracy, so it is not really possible to have more than one RA core for one plataform ?
  9. Well Actually i use the snes9x standalone and the bsnes accuracy in retroarch.
  10. Well i am having one issues that i could not figure out how to solve it, in my Snes colletions i use snes9x to run the games, but there is one game that i would like to run on a different emulator, just because the game does not run until the on it, so i would like to run this game using the retroarch with bsnes accuracy, but i could not figure out how to configure it, i've tried to follow the video tutorial, but it does not work. Any help? Is possible to use more than one emulator on a same plataform ? How do i which core is used in retroarch ?
  11. Thank you for this solution.
  12. Yes you must have a paid subscription on emumovies in order to get to download the videos. Except the steam videos.
  13. It's just here or the emumovies is down ?
  14. Well after doing some testing i found somethings: if you create the rom folder by yourself at launchbox\games and move your roms to this folder before importing and choose not to move or copy but to keep the files where they are, then you will not have trouble with the location of the games even if you move your launchbox folder. It will be like this: Games\Nintendo 64\Conker's Bad Fur Day (E) [!].z64 (without device letter), but if you choose to move or copy the files when you are importing it will be like this: L:\LaunchBox\Games\Nintendo 64\Conker's Bad Fur Day (E) [!].z64 (with device letter in my case the "L"). It would not be better if no matter what option you choose at time of import (move,copy, or keep them without trying to organize) the roms the result would be like this: Games\Nintendo 64\Conker's Bad Fur Day (E) [!].z64 (without device letter), so if you have to move the launchbox folder you would not need to fix the files locations at the launchbox collection ? I hope i made myself clear...
  15. Well guys i decided today to set up my collection of games on external hard drive, so i can use it in diferent computers without having to configure everything more than once, everything worked very well (except by some slow downs in cover flow), And I had one issue with the N64 roms i don't know why the path of roms became diferent than other plataforms For exemple the N64 roms did not work when i conected the external hard drive on another PC because the file path were very especific like this: L:\LaunchBox\Games\Nintendo 64\Conker's Bad Fur Day (E) [!].z64 (with device letter in my case the "L") But the other plataforms worked because the file paths were relative (i think this the right term) like this: Games\Sony Playstation\Blasto\Blasto.cue (without the device letter) Why did this happend ? Is this intetional to happen only with the N64 Plataform ? Or did i do something wrong ? PS. Anyway i managed to fix this by manually editing the path of the N64 roms like this: Before: L:\LaunchBox\Games\Nintendo 64\Conker's Bad Fur Day (E) [!].z64 (with device letter in my case the "L") After: Games\Nintendo 64\Conker's Bad Fur Day (E) [!].z64 (without device letter)
  16. StuDentBR


    well thank you, this is the right thing to do, i did not try to contact him, i know i should have done that. And be sure that i will.
  17. StuDentBR


    First of all i do not see the point of showing to everyone over the forum the usernames and even worse the personal email of people that you don't even know, well i really like launchbox and bigbox and i tried to buy but i don't have an international credit card, do you really think that no one ever shared this license between friends ? We have made this small group of only 4 people so we could afford to buy it, we did not steal anything, each of us contribued it with what we could, and i don't think none of us would make this license public, well i am sorry for any harm we did cause...
  18. Great work man, can't wait to see the next version of your theme.
  19. Is PC (Windows Games) plataform missing ?
  20. I Think after you implement other payment methods you should also think about putting a price based on locations like they do on steam and orgin does with their games ( i mean in some places 50$ is a lot of money, like in Brazil it is about R$ 200,00 which expensive for most of people) , so people could buy it instead of trying alternative methods to get your software.
  21. So what happend with your kodi add on ? will you share it ?
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