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  1. I got driverbooster and advanced system care pro and set them up. Most of those type of programs always ended up being a gimmick for me and doing more harm that good but I've gotta say these have been amazing so far. I went for pro on a sale related to black Friday spent like 15 dollars and it's changed my boot time to 15 seconds, automatically fixes pretty much everything and my system runs greater than ever. I also did the legacy components thing. I had to do all the C++ manually too and I found the directx 9c installer and that also added 11 and 12, I use 11 in dolphin and things run pretty smooth. big box runs great now for everything. There is also a program I found called JTK joy to key you may wanna check out. It's free for people that use "ease of access" features and lets you map functions to a game controller to do anything in windows. Left click on xbox one joystick button is the esc key an works for all my emulators. The only issue I have left is getting desmume to do full screen I tried various scripts but still no luck.
  2. Hey all, so when I run big box mode I get a weird white text overlap In the snk neo geo pocket series, I've downloaded all available metadata including emumovies. Anyone got a tip to make this go away? I tried a couple themes as well but it was still there.
  3. Yeah I guess I'll google compatibility lists and then switch the games I have to whichever emulator runs it better in lb.
  4. Thanks this all sounds very helpful after I get my system like it was before this Happened I'll do a full clone of windows in case I do it again which I probably will unintentionally. I started rummaging thru the registry and developer tools and CPU over clocking computer started acting bizarre.
  5. Yeah I guess sticking with project64 isn't a bad choice. Sometimes the shiftiness of a program can be mostly resolved when you route it thru rocket launcher it can take over and make things run smoother. Sometimes it helps sometimes it doesn't. Retroarch for anything beyond Saturn seems like too much bs to deal with. PlayStation, dream cast, msx mess mame their all so temperamental.
  6. So I messed around with my CPU and developer tools in WINdows 10 and essentially Murdered my OS. I was trying to get xebra running smoothly and in the process demul started loading at an insanely slow rate. So I'm ghosting my PC now and was wondering if anyone knows of a comprehensive list for all the Microsoft downloads required to run retroarch, dolphin, PC D.C., etc. I know I can go to the various emulators and usually see what's needed. I also just wanted to vent to other fellow launchbox users. I blame bill gates...
  7. thanks what is the very good script your referring to though?
  8. Thanks for the quick reply, I have it set to L3 and R3 on my controller, it works great and I use it to save, load, and cheat etc. on other platforms no problem, but recently I'm getting ready to stop obsessing on configuring launchbox and hook it up to my tv for big box and enjoy myself. Long story short there is no cheat support for n64 in retroarch and I googled everywhere, I can't find anything. no matter which n64 core you add and how many times you update the cheats in RA there is no file in retroarch cheats for the n64 platform. It makes no sense to me. Its frustrating cause mupen64plus runs great for me but no cheats, and project 64 is just too technical to set up cheats per game on the pc itself, so basically no sitting across the room and pulling up a menu from controller.
  9. Hey all, I've been rummaging around the net and I can't find anything on cheat support in retroarch for any of the n64 cores available. I was using Project 64 thru rocket launcher and it was mostly ok but you have to config cheats per game in windowed mode thru p64 so I decided to give retroarch a shot for n64 due to the in game play menu feature you can pull up for save states, settings, cheats, etc which can be done with a game controller. Basically I'm saying I want to access cheats from my game pad in big box mode for n64 and aside from within retroarch I have no idea how to go about that.
  10. I still cant get it to work. I get this image, and I tried all the stuff that you suggested to this dude ^^^^^^^
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