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Everything posted by Runadumb

  1. Thank you very much, that sorted it. Unfortunately it appears my files are not named with the game name so I am having to manually extract them and use koroth's life saving script to rename the files to the folder name then I begin just a normal CHD conversion process. Again, cheers for the help.
  2. I'm trying this script but can't get it to work. I am receiving this error I have tried renaming both the chdman exe and the one from this line of the script so they are the same but to no avail. When I run the script (which I thankfully set up a test folder to do) it just deletes the zips without doing anything. I have reinstalled 7zip but that hasn't helped and the zip files I want to convert are not in a folder inside the zip FOR %%i IN (*.cue, *.gdi, *.iso) DO "%~dp0_chdman.exe" createcd -i "%%i" -o "%%~ni.chd"
  3. Love this theme, thank you!
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