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Everything posted by dingodan

  1. dingodan

    Amiga cd 32

    I just got into this myself, so am no expert, but it sounds like your config file has a hard coded reference to a game. Open wUAE separately and check the game field. It should be blank. Then OPs syntax should work from LB.
  2. dingodan

    Amiga cd 32

    Thank you. For the benefit of others: If using win10 and a gamepad, remember the -norawinput switch. In the above example CD32.uae is the name of your config file - you can use quickstart or do it manually: http://wiki.abime.net/emulation/winuae/cd32
  3. Just the backend? Both the GUI and the XML are showing only a single title field. I guess I could add it as a custom field, but the value of it for me would be using it during scrapes.
  4. +1 for alternate titles. Some Japan exclusives that have english titles can't be easily googled - I guess this is hurting the wikipedia metadata scraper too. Example: try google image search for "Desire", then try "デザイア" instead.
  5. This might seem dumb, but I couldn't let it go. I think I've actually come up with a cool workaround that can help others: use the XMLs included with MAME to read the full name of each rom for each system, then make symbolic links of the full name. This way I can have my MESS set, but represent it in a friendly way - even with UTF8 support. Then I import the symbolic links from Launchbox and my unsupported romset can be used without renaming it (which breaks other apps that also use the same set). PowerShell this time, US roms preferred: http://pastebin.com/D2mxhw3Z
  6. Bummer - I'm really impressed by the softwarelist concept. TOSEC too. Very ambitious and I hope they both succeed. I recognise that I'm not in the majority, but still look forward to support for their naming conventions in future versions LB. Is there a way for the community to contribute to file name->title mapping for the LB scraper? Not directly via source, just a form or a google doc where we could provide file-title maps to help improve the scraper over time? I could also make a bitbucket proposal and attach the XMLs, if you think that's appropriate. My workaround, for what it's worth: In case anyone else out there has a merged 2600 SoftwareList or TOSEC set, here are some bash scripts to make them more friendly for the LB scraper. When importing it is important to not select MAME or use MAME metadata. In Windows, GitBash does the job just fine. First SoftwareList; this will extract the first bin file found in each 7z archive, to a destination dir of your choice: #/bin/bash destDir="../Atari/2600" files=`find ./Roms/a2600 -name *.7z` for f in $files do first="`7z l $f | grep '.bin' | grep -oP '^.+\.\.\.\.\. +\d+ +\d*+ *+\K.+' | head -1`" cmd='7z x -o"'$destDir'" '$f' "'$first'"' eval $cmd done This should get you 729 files. They are all named lowercase - I couldn't be bothered renaming for Upper Case Words. For a merged TOSEC set the filenames are more conducive to a successful LB scrape and they Respect Title Case, but there are many different versions of each game. To cut them down to *almost* one of each I used this (reduces 1800 to about 500): #/bin/bash sourceDir="./2600" destDir="../output" cd $sourceDir i=0 while read line do files[ $i ]="$line" (( i++ )) done < <(ls | grep -v 'ZZZ\|Contest\|Cassette' | grep -Ev ' v[0-9]') m=0 for f in "${files[@]}" do if [[ $f == *"("* ]] then var=`echo $f | grep -oP '.+ \('` var=${var::-2} match=0 for item in "${processed[@]}" do if [[ "$var" == "$item" ]]; then match=1 fi done if [[ $match == 0 ]]; then processed[$m]=$var x=$(printf '%q' "$f") cmd='cp '$x' '$destDir eval $cmd echo $f (( m++ )) fi fi done Neither of these are perfect solutions, but they are certainly better than manually renaming. Hope somebody finds them useful.
  7. Maybe I misunderstand, but wouldn't both of these suggestions require that I have a differently named romset?
  8. Ah well, so long as its on the list - thank you for a prompt reply!
  9. Hi, I tried to import the atari 2600 roms from MESS but the scraper detected only 125 of 790. I told the scraper to use MAME metadata (tried without for even worse results). Some of these will not be in the DB - not worried about them. But some are in the DB and are not matching (river raid, for example). Ive attached the xml that comes with mame 180 for this system and a list of my file names. These match the XML and clrmamepro confirms this is a good set for 180. Is mess filename scraping something that should work at the moment? If not, any advice on how I can get the title-filename mappings from the mame xmls into the games db? Edit: I can, and will, extract all the roms to get better matches. I just wonder if we could also get matches for the short archive names (id rather leave them compressed with original file name - easier for set updating) a2600.xml a2600.txt
  10. And what does the stdout of your emulator say?
  11. Edit: this applies only to mame I had problems too, turned out I had to force mame to use xinput. If it attempts to use dinput it will crash. This probably isn't your issue since you can run for 5 mins, just mentioning in case you hadn't considered it. To isolate input devices as an issue you can edit your mame.ini to disable all input devices. Then open LB, MAME and a game (maybe via a direct keyboard, or bluetooth / teamviewer) and leave it running via steamlink. Another tip is to enable verbose logging to stdout: make a batch file of just one line: mame64.exe -verbose %1 > debug.log Then point LB at your bat file and review the log after the crash. Might give you a clue.
  12. aaaaannnnnd I'm an idiot: joystickprovider xinput Every steamlink tutorial tells you to use xinput, but I had left this at auto. Thank you very much for responding - knowing that it was possible made me double check my assumptions. Pro tip for anyone troubleshooting mame in windows without easy access to a keyboard: set your LB emulator to use a batch file, then redirect the verbose output to a log file: mame64 -verbose %1 > output.log %1 is the first argument LB will give it (the romname). 2500+ Coin-ops in my lounge room! Yeah!
  13. Has anybody else got mame working via steamlink & bigbox?
  14. Disclaimer: not a problem with LB, but I've seen people here use bigbox and steamlink, so thought I'd try my luck. Has anybody else got mame working via steamlink & bigbox? Works fine for SNES and NES (retroarch) but plain old mame 179 (and mameui 179) has problems. Works great via big picture + bigbox, just not over the steam link. As soon as mame opens it crashes. Verbose output doesn't explain the behaviour: video, audio, input init, then it crashes without saying why. I know this seems like an edge case, but my htpc is linux, so I'm hoping to get my frontend sorted in a single place. Also, my romset is 179, and I don't have an older one (am aware of libretro mame support and steamlink mame support). edit: win10x64, 980ti
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