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Everything posted by OdinsPlayground

  1. Hey all. I know this might be a stretch, but would love to have a video to easily capture video snaps to be added to Launchbox. Using the pause menu to activate a 30 sec snap that automatically gets saved under the game you're playing. I imagine it asking you to confirm recording before initializing, then afterwards giving you a video preview before you choose to keep or delete it. With option to turn off prompts for faster captures. Insane or feasible? EDIT: Feature request has been created here: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/5755/feature-request-intuitive-video-snap (<- Feel free to upvote)
  2. Thanks! It's looking great! And I want to update on the "all green" bug! After months of this issue with nothing to fix it, I finally found the solution! The playtime tracker plugin I had installed from the forums caused this problem. I created a new Launchbox folder and started cleaning / deleting one folder at the time to eliminate and narrow down the problem. I installed it quite a while ago, but I guess it is this one: I have seen several people report the same problem I had, so it's worth noting this for future references of people having the same problem as I did. Now the colors per console works perfectly. Only exception being consoles which doesn't have a colorful video assigned to it, then it resets back to the green.
  3. It is looking awesome! I tested it(replaced the file above), and colors are showing all green for every console. I also noticed that the same thing (green everywhere) is also shown in your theme showcase:
  4. Don't worry, they're masterpieces! Can't wait for the next update.
  5. Yes, BigBox is on the latest Beta. This has been happening since I upgraded to the 0.9 Light version. Names are just standard. As this happens on all platforms and arcade playlists.
  6. Just wanted to mention I'm also getting green color on the interface buttons regardless of console.
  7. Hey, simply wondering what's the best Taito Type X launcher for Windows 10? The ones I have encountered so far either is giving me virus warning, changes my desktop resolution (even after quitting) or won't read Xbox one controller input in the config GUI.
    Been using the StationEmulation theme for a couple of years now, with photos only. Randomly decided to see what's changed since then, if there was any interesting new themes. I'm a person who loves minimalistic design, so many of the other themes and platform videos didn't interest me as they came across as messy and quite tacky. Finding this theme was such a blessing, fell in love with it completely. Very sleek and works so nicely together with the platform / playlist videos. Can't wait for more of them to be added! Truly amazing theme and work.
  8. Sadly its not working for me. It appears in the menu but nothing happens when I click the button.
  9. Is it possible to disable those grey boxes around every game? It looks less clean compared to the original Launchbox. When selecting a game, the background could either be a bit more toned down or even automatically blurred out a bit (similar to backgrounds in the Emulation Station theme). It would also be nice if the vertical height can be adjusted / automatically adjusted based on the maximum height of images. Vertical game covers look great with little space in between, but in particular N64 (or others that are square) look like way too much space between each line.
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