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Everything posted by slimskinny

  1. Yes, Finally the release for the platform i was waiting for ...but hold on a sec... which version of Solaris are we talkin about 8,9, 10??? or the oracle versions?
  2. I couldn't get CAVE to run in fullscreen using demul at first although dreamcast/naiomi/atomiswave were all fine. ended up adding this ahk script to do it for me...not fantastic but it does work. run,"E:\Tools\nomousy\nomousy.exe" "/hide"; sleep 2000 Send {F3}; sleep 500 send !{Enter}; Esc:: Send !{f4} ; Simulates the keypress alt+f4 run,"E:\Tools\nomousy\nomousy.exe" "/hide" return ;
  3. another very stylish intro...looks like harryoke has been busy recently :-D
  4. this is fantastic harryoke, I love it
  5. Damn, I love it... but wish it was longer
  6. thanks very much guys, I really appreciate your responses
  7. i5 8600k (although it says preorder at the moment) https://www.ebuyer.com/805378-intel-core-i5-8600k-processor-bx80684i58600k?mkwid=sWA3N2WiH_dc&pcrid=51630194939&pkw=&pmt=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqJnv4KKR1wIVyxbTCh1rbQaGEAkYASABEgKBIPD_BwE i7 7700k https://www.amazon.co.uk/Intel-i7-7700K-QuadCore-Cache-Processor/dp/B01MXSI216/ref=sr_1_2?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1509125264&sr=1-2&keywords=8600k
  8. it became available today I think
  9. the i5 doenst have hyperthreading, but it does have 6 cores.... not much use either...guess its all about the amount of instructions per clock cycle
  10. Hi guys, seeing that the core I5-8600k and I7-7700k (higher clock speed) are coming up at pretty much the same price. which one would you go for and why?
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=ow6IaHmDNLI
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