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Everything posted by teeedubb

  1. Yeah, playing through that is on my to do list aswell
  2. Got around to playing the remake and really enjoyed it! Kudos to the devs for capturing the feel of the original! I prefered the original soundtrack, but the new sprites are great. Being able to switch graphics at any time is a really cool feature... being able to see how it originally looked is a great trip down memory lane. @thraxlol charm stones are still in the remake While searching around I also found out there is a fan made remake of the original game, with new levels and increased difficulty, called Dragons Curse: Havent played through it yet, but its on my to do list
  3. I mucked around with 5200 emulation last night as kat5200 wasnt filling the whole screen (didnt know there was an updated version on emucr though which fixes this). Got it working via RetroArch and the Atari800 core. Place the 5200.rom file in your RA system dir (you can check that its the right one by loading the core, then going to core options). After its loaded you will still get a error about requiring a Atari OS file. Press F1 on the keyboard twice (it also brings up the RA menu). Configure the path to the BIOS file via the menu, then save your config. Then youre set, and can play Atari 5200 roms via RA in fullscreen with shaders.
  4. I got a casing like the one you linked and am happy with it. It feels solid and has a bit of weight to it. I also got a Wii sharpshooter casing as some Wii shooters use both controllers.
  5. Ahhh I didnt know that.. never used a air mouse before. Since the PSMove worked well as a lightgun on the PS3 I was hoping to be able to replicate this on PC. Also, the wiimote in mouse mode with a dolphin bar doesnt have this issue, so I guess its possible to do with that type of hardware
  6. I use the PSMoveService: https://github.com/cboulay/PSMoveService Wiki with a setup guide: https://github.com/cboulay/PSMoveService/wiki I have tried with both free camera drivers with the same results. Discussion regarding using the PSMove as a mouse: https://bitbucket.org/hawkinse/psmovefreepiebridge/issues/14/psmove-as-a-light-gun-via-mouse-emulation The two issues I have are the cursor drifting (I've tried re-calibrating very carefully, and while it helped, it still drifts) and when moving the cursor off screen and back again the cursor and PS move don't line up (its like the cursor stops at the edge of the screen but starts moving as soon as you move the PSMove back in the opposite direction) I have a similar setup and I have found the same, though the xb360 wireless + scp reloaded seem to play nicely, the dolphinbar gets preference over them so I just keep it disconnected unless Im using a wiimote.
  7. Thanks for the info guys, ill try this out whem i have some free time. Its a shame that 'modern' light guns dont compare to the ones from yesteryear. Ive been playing around with the psmove in a attempt to use it as a mouse/light gun (due to it being more accurate than a Wiimote), and while it works, it has some calibration and movement issues which I haven't been able to work out as of yet.
  8. Anyone know how the accuracy of this method compares to using a wiimote in Wii mode with a dolphin bar in dolphin? I've been using it as a light gun cause I already had wiimote and a dolphin bar and other options are expensive and not that great, but the accuracy leaves alot to be desired.
  9. That did the trick - since enabling that option LB hasnt crashed with SMGm it wold crash with that game all the time before. Thanks!
  10. launchbox crashes when I launch a game via dolphin, and not lb itself - dolphin runs fine
  11. hmmm its still happening with the latest nightly, even when a game is launched in dolphin outside of lb. anyway to trouble shoot this in lb? does lb have a log file?
  12. When launching Dolphin, LB + BB will crash with this version of LB (aswell as prior versions). Seems to happen with the majority of games, but for some LB doesnt crash. Happens with 5x stable and nightly versions of dolphin. Any chance can you look at this @Jason Carr?
  13. http://www.thedragonstrap.com/ http://store.steampowered.com/app/543260/Wonder_Boy_The_Dragons_Trap/ http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/256683809/movie480.webm?t=1493115583 The original is my favourite game of that era. I remember renting it for the first time from Video Ezy as a kid and being blown away by the huge sprites with colourful graphics, catchy soundtrack and gameplay like which I had never seen before - beating a section, unlocking new powers and finally being able to get to that area which I hadn't been able reach to before. It was my first taste of metroidvania style gameplay, and I was hooked. I didn't have enough pocket money to buy the game at time and I couldn't bare to wait to save the money, so I kept renting it till I 'clocked' it. Every now and then I put on a TAS video of this game and relive the nostalgia of all the different areas. I am really looking forward to this game (unfortunately PC gamers have to wait till June) and it will be a release day purchase for me. I always worry about remakes straying too far from the originals, but I have a good feeling about this game after reading/watching through the dev diaries. Also, you can switch between the original and HD version on the fly, which is a good sign that LizardCube haven't fixed what wasn't broken. Anyone else excited about this game?
  14. Yeah I should have mentioned that scenario, but doesnt LB already cater for this? /LaunchBox/Images/Super Nintendo Entertainment System/Box - Front $ Brazil/ Japan/ United Kingdom/ Europe/ North America/ United States/ France/ North America, Japan/ Germany/ Spain/
  15. Use a ahk script Run, c:\path-to\AutoHideMouseCursor_x64.exeRunWait, c:\path-to\LaunchBox.exeRun, %comspec% /c TASKKILL /F /IM AutoHideMouseCursor_x64.exe That's off the top of my head and on a phone, bit that's the gist of it. Also, rocket launcher has a option to hide the cursor when a emulator is run.
  16. Just a thought... Couldn't duplication of images be minimised by limiting certain artwork types to only one image? Eg covers, media,title, game over, clear logo etc. If a user wants to change the artwork of a particular category all available artwork for that category is shown, and the user can select which one they want? (Like what Kodi does). Multiple art for some catergories like fanart etc has benefit from multiple image, but I don't see much point in, for example, having multiple covers
  17. Hi, I have had some rejections on the DB, how can I see which games they were? I've had a look through my 'Change Statuses' but there are 37 pages of them. ( I think I know why they were rejected, but not sure which games - I submitted before I had uploaded all images, and went back and re-submitted the game with the missing image thinking that they would be combined)
  18. Incase anyone has the same issue, script is located here
  19. Hi, This is a python 2.7 script to remove incorrect version info from the LB xml's. Due to a bug in LB, if a game does not have any version info in the file name (eg region etc) that is enclosed in brackets, LB will use the filename as the version info, which causes game names to display twice in LB. It is possible to use two methods of identifying incorrect version info - searching for version info that does not start with '(' and end with ')', or using fuzzy matching to compare the 'Title' and 'Version' info in the xml. Fuzzy matching is not recommended because if the match score is to low it will return lots of false positives and if it is too high it will miss lots of entries. From what I have seen all version info is enclosed in brackets, so this method works best. In the script set 'lb_dir = ' to point to your LB platform xml dir (beware of the forward slashes). Script will create backups in a backup dir in the platform dir. To enable fuzzy matching set the variable to 'yes' and set the lowest score that counts as a match (from 0.1 to 1.0). Best if L is not running when using the script - if it is you'll need to restart it. After running the script select all games in the 'All' platform and hit F5 to refresh the info. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import shutil import sys import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from difflib import SequenceMatcher as SM reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') lb_dir = 'd:/emulation/LaunchBox/Data/Platforms' use_fuzzy_matching = 'no' #change to 'yes' to enable fuzzy matching - not recommended match_score = 0.5 ### lb_dir_backup = os.path.join(lb_dir, 'backup') for system in os.listdir(lb_dir): if system.endswith(".xml"): system_name = system[:-4] print(system_name) xml_lb = os.path.join(lb_dir, system) if os.path.exists(xml_lb): if not os.path.exists(lb_dir_backup): os.makedirs(lb_dir_backup) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(lb_dir_backup, system)): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(lb_dir_backup, system_name+'.xml.old')): os.remove(os.path.join(lb_dir_backup, system_name+'.xml.old')) shutil.move(os.path.join(lb_dir_backup, system_name+'.xml'), os.path.join(lb_dir_backup, system_name+'.xml.old')) shutil.move(xml_lb, lb_dir_backup) tree = ET.parse(os.path.join(lb_dir_backup, system)) root = tree.getroot() for game in root.findall('Game'): v = game.find('Version') vt = game.find('Version').text t = game.find('Title') tt = game.find('Title').text if v != None and vt: if use_fuzzy_matching == 'yes': m = SM(None, vt.lower(), tt.lower()).ratio() if m > match_score: print('*** "'+tt+'" *** "'+vt+'" *** with a match of: '+str(m)) game.find('Version').text = '' if use_fuzzy_matching == 'no': if not vt.startswith('(') and not vt.endswith(')'): print('*** "'+tt+'" *** "'+vt+'" ***') game.find('Version').text = '' tree.write(os.path.join(lb_dir, system_name+'.xml'), encoding='utf-8')
  20. So would you say its safe to assume that any 'version' info enclosed in round brackets is legit?
  21. I am parsing the xml, and if 'Title' info matches 'Version' info I am clearing the 'Version' info. In alot of instances where the 'Version' info equals the 'Title' I am seeing slight variances which throw out straight string matching (ie lower/upercase, missing/added/different punctuation, whole 'title' not used in 'version' etc). Yeah I know they shoud reigion and version tags, but the sets I'm having trouble with are generally put together myself or are sets when for newer systems that are not complete and thorough. But OTOH LB shouldnt be using the game name for version info if it doesnt exist.
  22. Brad, Would you say that legitimate version info always is enclosed in brackets? Im currently using fuzzy name matching but when I set the match ratio too low I get some undesirable results (eg 'OutRun Europe' is matched with '(USA, Europe'), while still getting proper matches.
  23. OK. I'm putting tpgether a python script to search for games with matching title and version and if so, remove the version from xml. Though from what Ive seen it wont get all of them (for some reason the title 'Def Jam: Fight for NY' has the version 'Def Jam- Fight for NY'. Not sure if ':' might not be allowed in the version field?)
  24. Thanks Brad, that did the trick. Do you know of an easy way to fix this for platforms that have roms that have a mix of version and no version in their names? Bitbucket issue: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/2898/if-version-info-is-not-present-in-rom-file
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