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Everything posted by wemr97dl

  1. I’ve had the same thing with my OpebBOR submissions. It takes a lot of time to gather resources and create new content, then someone thinks they have a better idea and uses the image you submitted to crate new, no big deal, it’s there for everyone, but the they remove yours?? Just ignorant.
    They look fantastic great job
  2. @zugswang Let me know if you need anything else
  3. @zugswang Here are my Ini's for Rocket Launcher, There are only 3 games and I use the PC Launcher Module. they would not work with Arcade Cabinet view they are to old. All the rest I use Arcade Cabinet view much easier to set up. Demon Sluga and Rage of the Dragon I had to set Fixed Resolution Mode to true under System specific module settings to get them to work. Note: I had to add Sleep 1000 line to the PClauncher module before the BezelDraw() should be around line 206 without it I had problems with the bezel being drawn behind the game. If (DXWndGame = "true" and (DXWndMaximizeWindow = "aspect" or DXWndMaximizeWindow = "stretch")) appPrimaryWindow.Maximize(If (DXWndMaximizeWindow="aspect") ? "true" : "false") Sleep 1000 BezelDraw() TimerUtils.Sleep(FadeInExitSleep) ; PCLauncher setting for some stubborn games that keeps the fadeIn screen up a little longer FadeInExit() If you noticed the top and bottom boarders on them are not even, I could not get the centered correctly using the bezel offset settings in rocketlauncher. Hatchet Ninjaz.ini Rage of the Dragon.ini Demon Sluga.ini
  4. I’ll try later sorry for the late reply
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Some Game Bezels I created, using a mix of Arcade Cabinet View(reshade version) and Rocketlauncher to display. Note: If you use arcade Cabinet view or reshade, I hade to set up each game individually inside the game folder reshade mixes up the games?? Probably from so many using the orginal BOR game to start.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    255 Custom Arcade Marques, use them on your dynamic marque or as banners, enjoy
  7. Version 1.0.0


    3d Box set made from my set of Box fronts
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Large set of 243 Box fronts, many made completely from scratch, unpacked the pak files to better use and search out the original images from the games, all formatted for full cover without the openBOR header. Enjoy
  9. You would have to install reshade yourself this might work for you http://www.emuline.org/topic/2598-arccabview-display-your-arcade-games-just-as-you-want/
  10. Thanks for the info much appreciated
  11. I have been using the reshade manager plugin for awhile and it is working well, was going to set up a new system and all the posts are gone. I was wondering if anyone had any documentation from the first post just to keep as reference, and wondering why the developer pulled it??
    Very Nice, Thanks
  12. if you want to keep each games inside its own package like this you can run additional apps per game just compile your ahk to an exe openBORremap ahk n::a o::s r::z s::x m::d q::f a::n d::m x::o z::r f::q Esc::ExitApp ; Exit script with Escape key close openBorremap ahk Process, Close, openBORremap.exe This works for me and took awhile to get it all figured out, hope it helps
  13. Another thread with more info
  14. @brgruett50 , @railch My solution was to set all the newer openbor builds up like this (build 6330 and up) I also set up the older builds the same way but you don't have to it do any remap they seem to work fine, just keeps you from setting configs for every game one at a time. Then when you launch your first game do not remap any of the player 1 controls except for start and screenshot. Compare the mapping of your keyboard encoder and remap using running script of your emulator This is the default except for start and screenshot, I use my start and coin buttons from MAME n::a o::s r::z s::x m::d q::f a::n d::m x::o z::r f::q Esc::ExitApp ; Exit script with Escape key Then I just swapped any of the controls I needed to keep player 1 set to default. I don't know if you really need the "Esc::ExitApp ; Exit script with Escape key", but its working for me through launchbox, I use escape to exit games and my buttons are always returned to what they were.
  15. I am having the same issue. I believe that the player 1 controls are hardcoded if using a keyboard https://www.chronocrash.com/forum/index.php?threads/openbor-v3-0-build-6330-android-psp-wii-windows.3520/
  16. Thanks I did get it to work @echo off del "E:\LaunchBox\Emulators\OpenBOR 6391\Paks\*" /Q copy %1 "E:\LaunchBox\Emulators\OpenBOR 6391\Paks\ OpenBOR.exe exit had to add the quotes
  17. I'm trying to use this script, its copying the pak file but not deleting the old one??
  18. CP wizard was able to something similar with Mame and per game for other emulators, you can still use it to batch export controls but it’s no longer supported. Will tryout when I can
  19. Yeah lots of missing files, i believe hard drive is toast, Going to order a new one, I did exactly what you thought i did first and found it on my own after posting. Then started getting drive flag from windows, tried Scan and Fix, Not the thing to do, A lot of misc. files missing , HBMame install almost completely gone, not sure why Windows would dump them during the "FIX" had the entire drive as an exception in Defender. Thanks for the advice though.
  20. Well it starts after another install however now missing a ton of my media??? redownloading 6749 images. Not sure what happened?? Had a lot of homemade stuff very disappointing☹️
  21. Updated last night to 12.3 seemed fine, today launchbox would not open. tried using backup xml still the same. Tried reinstalling 12.2 Have nothing no games nothing, Put backup xml in now launchbox wont start again. Tried an older backup with same results??? Really dont want to start over again
  22. My Aimtraks are useless with my 2nd monitor in windows 10, can you clarify what all you did to get them to keep calibration with 2nd monitor enabled??
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