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Community Answers

  1. I think I solved my own problem, but I have discovered a bug in the process. The plugin is requesting me to have the beta of launchbox. At the time I am on 13.15. It's probably a good idea to do a version check to make sure that older versions are not broken due to an upgrade requirement. I will try and upgrade my version to the most current beta, but just a heads up on what I found.
  2. It has been a week since I launched my launhbox software. Today I was greeted with a plugin update message for retroarch. After updating from 1.1 to 1.2, it no longer is tracking the version number in the mange emulator section. Was this intentional or is there a suggested way I can fix this? Thanks for Any help.
  3. Something that has interested me is the history of a console as much as the excitement on seeing and playing one of it's games. Games have a manual option on them, but by default there is not one for the platform. If I add a console (or platform), is there a way to have a manual associated to it like the games in the platform show? Thanks all. Gaming.Zone
  4. I have not gotten into Switch emulation, however it looks like Yuzu and Citra are both gone from their respective websites. Any thoughts on if Citra will make a return?
  5. Thank you again for this addon! Look forward to your next project or addition.
  6. I am not interested in a huge collection but am interested adding some comics to a build like a highlight/snapshot of the era. Anyways I am curious if CDisplayex has a portable version? If not is there a new cbr/cbz reader that is portable?
  7. Thanks for your help.
  8. Hello, I am looking if there is a pack containing all of these and who the original designer was. I found this in McFly's download back when I was looking at things for a reference. I love the style and I want to see if the author has any others to pick from if they have a template or help inspire my build further. Any idea where the original pack is with these in it? Additionally I am trying to create or find categories for different buckets like "Game Engine" - Where I think ScrummVM, MUGEN, etc. feel separated then Arcade where they seem to default. I appreciate any help.
  9. I just recently found your bezel work but have been using your Launchbox theme since you made it. Thank you for all the work you have put together. Looking forward to applying these bezels in my current build.
  10. Hey all, I have been using Launch Box for awhile now. I recently backed up my old build and started a fresh install that I plan on importing or moving games back when I complete. What I am trying to do with this build is organize and configure platforms that seems to bucket them better. Currently I am looking at adding defunct and un-emulated systems to the list (hiding all the games for when in Big Box) in the hopes I am ready to move to this if they ever release. I am coming at this more as an archivist point of view then a gamer. What I am looking for from other users is what obscure Categories they have created that are outside the normal (Arcade, Computers, Consoles, Handhelds) What reason did you create the category for? I see some users have put in some categories like comics and magazines. (Which might be cool as reference material of a small collection for Nostalgia reasons - Like 80's G.I. Joe or Transformers as well as Nintendo Power). I am thinking of creating sub categories under the main ones to separate Dedicated consoles out from cartridge or disc based systems. Also I was thinking of a separate category for eshops outside of their platforms. Please share your ideas. Thanks all.
  11. No problem. Thanks for the response.
  12. It's nice to see you are growing. Do you ever see the need for an experienced SQA? I realize the beta gets a lot of the testing done at a community level, however if you continue to grow/expand maybe it is worth the thought. Freelance QA is even valuable in some cases.
  13. I wanted to give my input on this as well. It appears that the link to EmuMovies from Lunchbox is extremely slow for me on any update or addition. Eventually I get an error box where all the lines have "The operation timed out." Navigating to their website I can download at normal speeds. The FTP seems to work for downloading but I get a bad certificate when I connect. I realize the issue is not on the Launchbox side in this case, but could it be possible to consider a timeout option with a retry later menu item that re-runs any failed jobs the user said "save for later" to? You could set it up to only look during off-peak hours from the user's time frame or something. Just a thought. Edit: I also posted on the Emumovies forum - not sure how often that gets looked at
    These are probably the crispest logos I have ever had the privilege to lay my eyes on. I look forward to future work by you or inspired by you in the future.
  14. To the best of my knowledge the data updates I submit are done in a few days per upload. However literal name changes like WonderSwan to Bandai WonderSwan sadly I have not seen any changes or impact. (Not sure if there is a hardcoded reason for it or not. But can confirm there is not way for me to change the name in submissions. - Thus the reason I started this thread as well.) I will try to get to a few more submissions this week. I have been rather busy with work to the point I have been wiped when I am done. Thanks again for the reply as it gets me excited to do things again.
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