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  1. Hello Joeviking245, thank you very much for your response. Indeed the process is like this. And the method you suggested with the existing options worked. I didn't realize it could be done like that, so I apologize for that. On the other hand, I am using bezellauncher and it has worked very well for me (in fact I have several of your plugins installed since I consider them very useful). I just also like to try different alternatives and configurations. So I thank you very much for your explanations and I apologize for the delay in responding. Thanks a lot
  2. Hello JoeViking245 Here´s the information with the game "Behind Enemy lines" from Sega Model 2 as an example: Launching: Complementary info: I have created txt files with the rom name fpr each game. Inside the txt files there´s the names of every game . This is for the windowcast core and the way it handles the game or emulator Emulator: Complementary info: I have imported the txt files as roms, selecting Retroach as an emulator with the wgc_libretro core Additional Apps: Named M2 the "app" and selected the "txt rom file" as a rom. And then click on "USe Emulator", select " Sega Model 2" and click in "Run automatically before the main application" . Previously i have configured the emulator With this configuration you can launch the game throgh Launchbox Hope this information is usefull tou you. If you need more info, just tell me Finally i just have to say that i saw this method from a user named p3st in the windowcast thread at Retroarch Forums Thank you very much
  3. Thank you very much for responding. Let me explain why I asked. In Retroarch there is a core called Windowcast. It's not available for automatic download but is downloaded from a thread in the Retroarch forum What this core does is capture a window that can be a windows game (an exe for example) or an emulator and "transmits" it through Retroarch as if it were a core by itself. This, for example, makes emulators such as Sega Model 2, Supermodel (Sega model 3), PCSX2, Demul, etc. or Windows games benefit from the options available in Retroarch. Specifically what I'm trying to do is launch the Sega model 2 games through Launchbox, run sega model 2 as an additional app before the main app, and then retroarch with the windowcast core. I have tried adding the M2 emulator exe in bulk but it doesn't work. Adding it as an emulator (after some configurations) has worked. If it could be added in bulk it will not be necessary to configure the games one by one. I have given Sega Model 2 as an example, but the same would be for the rest of the standalone emulators. I hope I have been able to explain the topic well. Thank you so much
  4. Hello JoeViking245, I just want to ask you if it´s possible to add the option field "Use an emulator" like in the individual edit screen Thank you very much for your time and patience PS: Tested the BezelLauncher beta with shaders and have no problems. Thanks a lot
  5. Hello JoeViking 245 Thanks a lot for your answer and to update your plugin by adding shaders and the "scale factor" (By the way, thank you very much for that) i will try it as soon as possible. I really think that this plugin is the solution to have a "unified" look to the systems emulated in launchbox. Thank you very much and once again, sorry for the delay in my answer (and my english)
  6. Hello JoeViking245, Sorry for the delay. Yes. i had the scale set to 150%. When i change it to 100% it works ok. Thank you so much for your guidance. Just to know. is there any plan to add support for shaders like in early versions? Thanks again
  7. Hi JoeViking245 First of all, thank you for this amazing plugin! I think it´s a must have for launchbox users that like Bezels I just want to comment that i have a problem with this: Fix: Bezel Window Width & Height not properly fitting the screen Because the png doesn´t fit the whole screen. I´m using the Model 2 Emulator, with the suggested parameters and fullscreen disabled This is how it looks in test mode: And here is how it looks with the game running: I´m using a random image just for testing. Note that in test mode, even with the red square being "offset", when the game runs, it fits in the bezel image. The png is 1920*1080 wich is the max resolution of my monitor I´m saying this because i´ve tried with a 3840*2160 image but the result is the same I appreciate that you could help me solve this problem and I apologize for my English since it is not my natural language.
  8. Thank you a lot. That was the solution. Thank you very much
  9. Confirmed. It´s the same in single file mode. Even in title mode as free form: Thanks a lot
  10. Thank you very much for answering. I am using launchbbox mode For example, I want to create missing boxes for Nintendo Game boy. I select Nintendo Gameboy and then Missing Box Front In the screenshot you can see what I mention The font I choose is Lazenby Computer Liquid and I choose "Title" so that it generates the titles of the games. In the sample box it is observed that the font is applied but not in the Preview that is shown as a kind of Arial My system is in Spanish even choosing a different font (in this case, Astron Boy) the result is the same I hope it helps And thank you very much again
  11. Hi Reapman I want to thank you for the fantastic tool you have created, it is really very useful I would like to ask you a question. When adding text, there is a menu that allows you to choose between several fonts, but no matter which one you choose, it always shows the same font. Is there a way to make it possible to choose another font? I hope I was clear. Excuse my English. Thank you very much
  12. Hi eatkinola I would like to ask you a question (Sorry for my english) Is it possible to add the following emulators manually? and if possible, Is there some generic way to add them? Sega Model 2 Emulator Supermodel (for arcade Sega Model 3 Daphne (Laserdisc Games) I am interested in the possibility of using bezels and i would like to get rid of Rocketlauncher i´d like to use your plugin for the Hikaru and Gaelco games too, but i think i could duplicate some Demul configs. Thanks a lot!
  13. I´ve included them but not for Neo Geo, since they work in mame (a least the games i´ve tested) Just for the machines i´ve mentioned above ?
  14. I used the with a Non Merged set. Forgot to clarify ?
  15. Hi! I've been using Launchbox about 2 year ago (maybe less) and whenever I have had any doubts or queries, i´ve have assistance and support of many members of the community. That´s why I would like to make a small contribution with what I've been looking for, and I have not found updated (maybe I failed to look good). Based on the fantastic work of DOS76, Sentaibrad and Lordmonkus, who are the authors of the files that I have used as a basis to make ".bat" files to copy roms from machines not emulated in MAME: Model2 Model3 Hikaru Naomi Naomi2 Atomiswave Gaelco These files are updated to be used with the 207 version of MAME. Simply put the corresponding ".bat" file in the Mame ROMS folder or wherever the fullset of mame 207 is. And what it will do is to create a folder with a copy of all the roms of each machine. It´s one file per machine. I hope they´ll be useful (The are 2 files in each rar indeed. The other one is a "control" file but it has no uso to the process) Sorry for my english and thank you SystemsMAME207.zip
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