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Your Friendly A.I Overlord

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Everything posted by Your Friendly A.I Overlord

  1. Make sure you that in the Associated Platforms tab you also have "Extract ROMs" unchecked.
  2. You are looking for mame_libretro.dll. So in the LaunchBox Associated Platform tab click the dropdown arrow and look for that core.
  3. My guess is that this is correct. If I'm not mistaken LaunchBox is using AutoHotkey internally for launching games. Executing a steam url in a script takes perhaps 10 ms. Maybe you could change or edit the script to display a message box. This gives a visual indication when something is executed. For example: msgbox Closing App
  4. - The CHD's need to be in a folder with the same name as the (Mame) zips. Put the folders with CHD's in the same folder as where your Naomi / Naomi 2 zips are. - Use the latest version of the CHD. - You need the appropriate bios files. (naomi.zip, naomi2.zip, naomigd.zip) You can check which CHD you need on this site. Copy / paste the mame rom name in the search field. > Select the version you have. > Scroll down to "Files". > Expand "Required Files". It will show you which bioses / CHD's you need to run that game.
  5. For exiting out of the emulator paste the following script in the "Running Script" tab: $Esc:: { WinClose, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}} } For fullscreen start your game and press Alt + Enter. If you exit out of the game while in fullscreen, the next time you start the game it will automatically go fullscreen. Happy gaming! 😀
  6. I downloaded the correct rom. Applied both patches. Used the hacked emulator. Runs fine from LaunchBox. (just not wih the command-line parameters shown in your screenhot.)
  7. You have to enabled "Demo Sound" in the games' service menu. I guess this applies to other games as well.
  8. I have the Bioshock trilogy on the Epic Store that launch via the 2K launcher. I use an AutoHotKey script to click Play in the 2K launcher so that once I start the game from LaunchBox it goes into the game without further interaction. Try the following AutoHotKey script. In LaunchBox add it as an additional app to your games. #NoEnv #SingleInstance SetTitleMatchMode, 1 SendMode Input WinWait, 2K Launcher | Sleep 1500 Send {Tab 4} Sleep 200 Send {Space} ExitApp If you don't know how to add a script to your game as an additional app I wrote how to do that here:
  9. RetroArch itself supports HDR with a HDR toggle in its menu. Else you can try changing settings like the render API (Opengl, Directx, Vulkan) or change the fullscreen mode (exclusive fullscreen or windowed fullscreen). But as I said. HDR does not work consistently on windows for every game or program. IMO it's better to set your desktop to SDR and only enable HDR for games that work fine with it.
  10. I do the opposite. I have the windows desktop in SDR and toggle HDR on for games and emulators that natively support HDR or work fine with Windows AutoHDR. You can manually toggle HDR on or off with the keyboard shortcut Win + Alt + b or use this shortcut in an AutoHotKey script. SendInput #!b
  11. Do you also have "Extract ROMs" unchecked?
  12. No. The nightly builds of PCSX2 have built-in per game config support. Not LaunchBox. So this thread is about integrating the nightly builds of PCSX2 into LaunchBox.
  13. Afaik m2emulator doesn't have game .ini's. At least, I don't have them. And if you do have them, maybe they are overriding emulator.ini.
  14. If it's worth starting over again that's up to you. But I have it running at 3840x2160 widescreen so it's not that the emulator isn't capable of it.
  15. In your emulator.ini screenshot you have set the resolution to 3840x2160 and widescreen. Your gameplay screenshot shows a 4:3 ratio. A widescreen resolution in a 4:3 frame would look like if it's quashed. But your screenshot looks proper 4:3 and that makes me believe your settings from your emulator.ini are not being applied. I don't think that that would make a difference as the image is proper fullscreen. Just not 16:9. For further solutions I am all out of ideas I'm afraid.
  16. - Check your emulator.ini file if the following line appear (exactly): ;These options are configured from menus so don't touch FullMode=4 Sound=1 Frameskip=-1 AutoFull=1 - Check if you have m2emulator installed multiple times on your pc. Actually I mean that the emulator path in LaunchBox is the same emulator as you have configured. Sometimes people have multiple installations of the same emulator and point LaunchBox to a different installation as they have configured and wonder why it doesn't work. - Add LUA scripts for proper widescreen support to m2emulator. Somebody posted some recently here:
  17. You must set up m2emulator to actually use the resolution entered in the .ini file. Open m2emulator > Video > Fullscreen Resolution > tick Custom (Set in .ini).
  18. *Edit* In the following comment I assume you already have per game memory cards and want to couple them with the appropriate game. The only way I found so far is to edit the specific games' .ini file found in the PCSX2\gamesettings folder. As I have not found a way to do this via the PCSX2 QT menu (not even via a command-line parameter) this is a per game manual labor. Made extra difficult by the naming scheme of the per game .ini files. The .ini files are named after the games' playstation game serial and it's CRC. But anyway so far the following works for me as I use the game God of War II as an example: Open PCSX2 QT > right click your game > Properties. In the window title bar of the window that opens you see the name of the per game .ini file it uses. Now look in the PCSX2\gamesettings folder if an .ini file with that name exists. If you have not changed any settings for that game from the default settings it doesn't exists and you have to create one your self. Create an empty text file and rename. You can copy/paste the codes from the Serial and CRC fields, separated by an underscore. Don't forget to change the file extension from .txt to .ini. In my case for God of War II I did make some per game changes so I opened SCUS-97481_2F123FD8.ini with a text editor and added: [MemoryCards] Slot1_Filename = God of War II (USA).ps2 Of course replace God of War II (USA).ps2 with the name of your per game memory card.
  19. Try this script: WinWait, gpuDX11oldhw Sleep 1000 Send !{Enter} $Esc:: { WinClose, ahk_exe demul.exe }
  20. Have you told Demul the path to your bios and rom files? Open Demul > Config > Plugins and Paths > Roms and Bioses paths. Then add the folders where your (Gaelco) roms and bioses are.
  21. Sounds like you already have Mame set up in LaunchBox so you can choose "Manually Configure MAME Emulator". The command-line parameters override anything you have in mame.ini, so it should work. In LaunchBox your path to mame.exe is LaunchBox\Emulators\Mame 0,245. Are you sure the no-nag mame.exe and mame.ini are in that folder. I use Mame no-nag myself and like MadK9 says, after replacing the regular mame.exe with the no-nag mame.exe and setting skip_gameinfo to 1 in mame.ini everything worked straight away. *Edit* To make it clear, in LaunchBox the only command-line parameter I use for Mame is: -keyboardprovider dinput. Nothing more. So setting skip_gameinfo to 1 in mame.ini was necessary for me and worked straight away.
  22. Are you sure that in LaunchBox the path to mame.exe (your first screenshot) and the folder where you created mame.ini (your second screenshot) are the same? Importing games has nothing to do with how you set up the emulator.
  23. In Windows make sure you have "show file extensions" enabled. From your second screenshot it looks like you have Mame running so you should have mame.ini. If not, open a command prompt, go to your Mame directory and enter: mame -createconfig Open mame.ini with a text editor and under "Core Misc Options" add: skip_gameinfo 1 This only happens when you run a CPSIII game for the first time. If you run it a second time it should launch in seconds.
  24. If you like you can update your CHD set as well. For updating your Mame romset you need CLRmamepro. Download Mame 246 from the Mame website > Extract > copy over to your current Mame 245 folder. Tutorial here:
  25. Lol. But there could be other factors at play. I've noticed before that some things worked for me and didn't for others. Or vice versa.
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