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Everything posted by Mr.Laor

  1. Hi Folks, I'm working on a new Launchbox library and I would love to copy all my genre metadata to the new library. I spend a lot of time developing this field with multiple entries - for instance - Mario Kart - is listed as Racing, Kart Racing, Mario Game, and Vehicular Combat. Note- the new library does not contain all the same games. I've weeded out and replaced a bunch. Any way to make this happen? Help much appreciated.
  2. Conflicted. Overall I really like the illustrated and vibrant style, but I agree w/ CBeats, the bottoms throw me off a little too much. Nice work though.
  3. The ram and motherboard are fairly recent. I'm not worried about that. Thoughts ?
  4. Just graphics card and cpu. 7-850$
  5. I'm currently running an older i500 and a 1050 TI. I'd like to upgrade both by CPU and graphics card. I'm hoping the helpful community can give me some suggestions. Here are my guidelines. 1) I need a graphics card that is useful for a variety of purposes. I do not need a 4k top of the line card, but I do like to play some newer PC games on my 1080P projector. I also use newer emulators (Yuzu / RCPC3) quite often. Finally, I even hook up my Oculus 2 to stream PC VR games as well. Hoping to spend up to $500 for a card. My old 1050TI has been so steady, I wouldn't mind staying with a TI card - Any thoughts on these? PNY RTX 3060 Ti XLR8 Gaming REVEL EPIC-X RGB LHR Graphics Card / or MSI GeForce RTX 3060 Ti VENTUS 3X OC LHR Graphics Card? Other ideas? I don't think I want to switch to AMD. 2) Same requirements for my CPU - hopefully not more than 300-400$ Any guidance or suggestions would be very much appreciated. Thanks Derek
  6. Patiently waiting
  7. No. It's not difficult. It's just time-consuming.
  8. You can do it but it will be a bunch of work. You need to make a category for the genre. Then within the category you will make a custom auto-generated playlist for each platform.
  9. Here is a platform if needed - unified style 1248711230_N-GageThemeVideo.mp4
  10. Could you help explain how to set this up? Thanks.
  11. I'm a little confused. I thought the Steam Deck could run Windows as well (if installed)? Would Launchbox/Bigbox work on that version of Windows?
  12. A zipped file would be superb!
  13. I've begged for this so many times...I love Launchbox, so I try to toe the line between whining about this incessantly and just being appreciative for all the awesome stuff we have.
  14. Exactly. It is way too time consuming to go through a dump of games and hand edit all the different series that games might belong to (example - kingdom hearts alone would go in my Disney, Mickey, and cartoon collections. I'm spoiled and used to the more complex auto Playlist from most music platforms (media monkey/ itunes) that allow boolean logic to help the process. Again, we can drop it if its just me. Like I said - a pet peeve.
  15. I get it. I appreciate everyone's suggestions. I think we are at an impasse. Ultimately, Sonic is just one example of where the current automated Playlist fall a bit short. Same problems with a pac-man list, Mario or Nintendo mascots, Capcom fighters, etc) It is not unusual to import a collection of over 30 games (hacks, translations, pc games) and i cant hand-tag all of them. I long for a " or - but not - and" option. LAUNCHBOX rocks. Just one of my pet peeves.
  16. Thanks. I've done all this. I was really hoping to automate the process. Sometimes i get a big dump of games and I don't want to individually edit all the metadata for the +100 collection play lists I have.
  17. Funny thing. This still won't work - I just have too many games (77K) on too many platforms - so relying on genres to be right is troublesome. BUT - you gave me a great idea. I could never figure out how to do a James Bond Collection - I kept using titles - contains - James Bond & title - contains - 007 - but that gave me any game with 2007 in the title. Now I tried - Genre - not equal to - Sports - and it seems to have solved the problem.
  18. Nice but this still won't work. It still captures console games like - Aerobiz Supersonic - SNES or Sonic Boom for C64 (for examples) and then it will leave out games like Sonic and Sega All-star Racing (Arcade-Sega Ringwide). Other ideas?
  19. I tried. No. Then it includes Every game that "doesn't contain" . It looks and includes both search terms (the Contains the doesn't). that's why we need an and/or/but not option in between the tags.
  20. Hey folks, This will sound pretty silly. I'm trying to make an Auto-playlist for every game that includes Sonic (the hedgehog). I can't use - title - contains - sonic - because then I get games like - Sonic Boom, Sonic Wings, etc. (here is where I wish there was a BUT NOT option). I can't use - title - contains - Sonic the hedgehog - because there are a bunch of sonic games that don't use "the hedgehog" like - Sonic Colors, Mario & Sonic I can't use Publisher - contains - Sega - because then I don't include all the Sonic Hacks I have. Any ideas? Sounds like it should be simple - except - there is no way to include a BUT NOT - option for auto-playlists and it's driving me nuts.
  21. Bumping. Any ideas? Or can this still not be done?
  22. Hey Folks, I'm seeing some changes to the auto-playlist function - which is great. Maybe someone can help me figure out how to make a "James Bond - 007" Playlist. I need it to include any game that has "James Bond" in the title. It also needs to include any game that has "007" in the title. BUT IT SHOULD NOT INCLUDE any games with "2007" in the title. Thoughts?
  23. I tried this. Unfortunately, it didn't work great at scale. Even more frustrating, I can't seem to find any feature-packed and attractive comic book manager. Decided to go with Yac Reader Library. It has built-in meta data search through comic vine(this is a killer feature), looks pretty good, and still being worked on. Anyone have other suggestions? I don't want to use Comic Rack- no active development for a number of years.
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