Howdy-Howdy everyone!
I have two questions and both are related to LaunchBox (not BigBox) and to using LaunchBox in List View.
First Question: Is it possible to have LaunchBox sort Favorites to the top of the list when I start up LaunchBox? By default simply alphabetizes the entire platform though I have Arrange by "Favorite" chosen in the arrange options. I use LaunchBox for absolutely everything and I use the Favorite tag to show me everything DOS & Windows-based that is installed. It only takes me two clicks of the Favorites column header to sort this so this is nit-pick on my part but I use LaunchBox for absolutely everything gaming-related so I thought I would ask.
Second Question: Can the badges introduced in the 10.11 update be used in List View? It would be great to see those listed on the right side of the filename. I do have "Show Badges" enabled along with a few badge types selected but none of that shows.
Love your frontend and all the people who mod for it.
Keep up the great work and thank you!