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Posts posted by drewjbx

  1. 8 minutes ago, Retro808 said:

    @drewjbx Do me a favor and will you right click and edit that xaml I gave you. Look for a line that say Stretch="Uniform" and change it so it state Stretch="Fill" and show me those same 2 marquees.

    We will also need to adjust the layout but I want to see this first. Unfortunately since marquee images are not made to the same dimensions some compensation will have to be made.

    Changed to 'Fill'... no changes. For the SF Alpha I simply resized the image to same size as SF CE. As you know the MAME marquess out there are all kinds of different sizes and resolutions so that will take some time to sort out but hoping LB can get by for now with marquee image display. 



  2. 7 hours ago, Retro808 said:

    Try this version and see how it looks. Yeah those lcd's are pretty much just a chopped 1080 screen. I have a couple so you would need to modiy the code as well. Your code looks different as the one I posted is my own custom theme.

    So try this one and share a pic of how it looks if it is not right so I can see how we need to adjust.


    Ok getting closer, as you can see in the pics the bottom is slightly cut off. Then also the SF Alpha marque isn't filled in horizontally like the SF CE one. 



  3. On 3/29/2020 at 4:10 AM, Retro808 said:

    In both GameMarqueeView.xaml and PlatformMargueeView.xaml edit the canvas width and height to match your screen. By default it is set to 1000x562.

    You default xaml will look similar to the one below. Look for the highlighted section in the image below and change that.

    d:DesignHeight="562" d:DesignWidth="1000"  Change to d:DesignHeight="390" d:DesignWidth="1280"


    Screen Shot 2020-03-29 at 7.08.30 AM.png

    Hi Retro, was hoping there was some recent marquee support threads... so I'm finally getting around to getting marquees on my cab, I changed values on in the xaml but still same results. (1920 x 540). Win10's recommended resolution is 1920 x 1080.  I did notice my Xaml file looks different, could you share xaml or anyone as the file link takkett posted isn't working. Not sure what I am doing wrong... I really should confirm my stretched LCD resolution as there are quite a few different sizes. The one I'm using I imported from China couple years back.



  4. On 8/22/2019 at 4:08 AM, davodeaks said:

    Hey guys, I know this is an old post, but I managed to get my DFend config working if your interested.  You can setup DFend in the launchbox and select 'Use filenames without extension'  What you do is create a series of dummy files from you prof files without the extension and use the command Dfend "Filename"  that way you trick dfend into thinkings its launching the programme rather than the file.  So copy your prof files to a 'dummy directory' bulk remove the .prof extension then use those files as the files you import into Launchbox... done!

    Hi, I have interested in using my Dfend setup and import into LB.... could you elaborate more on the steps you did to do this?

  5. 14 hours ago, Retro808 said:

    Run a game and hit F11 to send to Fullscreen. Then exit the game. Next time you launch it should remember that and go fullscreen. If not follow the steps below.

    In >Tools>Manage Emulators edit Xenia. Then in the Running AutoHotKey tab paste the following code. The sleep portion is just to delay the code from entering F11 to fast.

    Sleep, 2500
     SetKeyDelay, -1, 110
     Send {F11}


    Xenia not remembering fullscreen from F11... (Feb 20 2020 build)

    The AHK code works though, thanks!

  6. $75 seems fair as the software does have regular updates... that being said that price takes things to another level and maybe expectations as well. I really hope we get true dynamic marquee support, bulk editing of additional apps, hiding platforms, adding additional apps to a platform rather than individual games (PC executables) and so on... Keep up the great work.

  7. On 10/21/2019 at 3:53 AM, Retro808 said:

    I use the following without issue, but I know TP can be a pain so it may need more. 

        WinClose, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}}  

    If that does not work alone try also adding something like this under the code above. I am not an expert in AHK. These are just some things I have pieced together over the years. I am sure there is better or alternate way to code it. 

    If GetKeyState("Joy8")
       SetKeyDelay, -1, 110
    Send {Esc}


    Yah TP is a pain... code wont work, I did however got JoytoKey to work mapping ESC to control panel. So far working with  Aliens, transformers, operation ghost, hotd4... but if launching the game with Gameloader all RH, it seems to block the JoytoKey mapping.... more to investigate. Thanks for your suggestions!

  8. To close TeknoParrot games seems to be little more tricky.... I tried  these with no luck.

    WinClose, ahk_exe TeknoparrotUI.exe
    WinClose, ahk_exe OpenParrotLoader.exe
    WinClose, ahk_exe BudgieLoader.exe


    As with supermodel.... all teknoparrot games exit ok with keyboard ESC, do you have ringwide/edge games on your system, how are you exiting?

  9. Since the latest update with the expanded controller support.. I can't seem to exit with the mapped 'exit emulator' command... (use to be 'close active window'). This only seems to effect Supermodel and TeknoParrot.

    I have my system in a cab and have two buttons mapped for exiting -  button 7 + button 8

    It worked before the update. Most all other emulators the button combo works fine. Anyone else have issues exiting these 2 emulators?

    Is there some way to use an AHK script to map the keyboard ESC key to --> Joy1 button 7 + button 8?

  10. Hey there, Can anyone tell me how I can exit out of a Teknoparrot game. Esc on the keyboard works obviously but while in BigBox on an arcade cabinet my mapped button for 'close active window' will not work. Works for everything else. I tried to use a running AHK for an esc command but still no luck. Is there a working AHK for ESC that I can map to Joy1 Button 9 ?

  11. 19 hours ago, ninja2bceen said:

    Thanks for replying. The structure is the following for art, themes, videos, letters and genre art. Imagine doing this for 100+ systems to convert over....

    One comment on the themes bit. I’d like to challenge you to understand the theme system as a whole in hyperspin. It’s just a flash reader basically and I think it would be worth your time considering there are literally 1000s of themes already made. Remember hyperspin has been around for more than a decade. It’s ignorant to think they wouldn’t be used and I’m sure if I had to mess with the settings to carry it over, I would literally have to do it 100 plus times since hyperspin has a folder for each system. Imo I think the only reason this hasn’t happened yet is either you are t sure how to make it happen or it is too incompatible with the current architecture that you don’t want to break anything. I’m not sure what problems there are with themes you are referring to though. I’ll be honest, losing the theming in my set up is the single reason why I’ve not jumped. Mind you I’m a full member and I could use launchbox prem features at any time. I want you to succeed, I just can’t make a rational decision to make the cut over without the themes and leveraging the assets I have. Maybe I’m the only one in the room that can say this but launchbox does a real good job to try and replicate all of hyperspins features. There are a few additional features that hyperspin doesn’t have like achievements, ratings and game text. Imo opinion that would be the main additional draw for those that have a working hyperspin. My suggestions are to maintain status quote in order to get the additional features. Hope this helps, I’ll continue to watch on the sidelines until then though ?

    Keep doing your thing, good work

    hyperspin/media/*system name*/Images

    this has Artwork 1-4 folders which almost always Artwork 3 is box art and Artwork 4 is cart art

    in the wheel folder it holds game logos


    hyperspin/media/*system name*/Themes

    this is where the themes are. They are zip files and in it are png files and an xml file that’s it.


    hyperspin/media/*system name*/Images/Letters

    houses the letter png files


    hyperspin/media/*system name*/Images/Genre

    has a background folder and wheel folder for png art


    hyperspin/media/*system name*/Video

    stores the video snaps which play during the themes.

    Hey just wanted to chime in, I been with Hyperspin for many years now, your points are valid with flash themes, and not to mention the transition animations and sound effects add to the overall effect. Spending endless hours with HyperMarquee and LED BLinky and so on... I decided to dive into LB and I'm loving it so far. No its not as flashy but it is clean and of course is actively being improved. I think I gave up on BadBoyBill with a new Hyperspin but ya never know. I installed LB with my existing Hyperspin setup. So folder structure is intact but yes it does take some to remap all your media folders but really isn't that bad if you are efficient at the keyboard. I use the Unified theme which comes with ALOT of pre-defined artwork for collections (pointer, background,  video border, etc... ) which makes it a lot easier to make your favorites collections. Also you can map your cabinet to different 'views' with a touch of a button.. platform view, platform categories, and playlists is what I have. In HS we all know we have to have multiple HyperSpins running to get a nested and non nested view, also creating playlists is very cumbersome compared to LB. Marquee support does work as well but is being expanded upon for game images overlaying a default image background (hopefully). All that said my cabinet has both HS and LB... I tend to use BigBox more than HS but honestly spend most time tweaking and adding stuff rather than actually playingk. I'm not quite ready to let Hyperspin go but might happen soon, cool thing is you can have both, give it a try!


    • Like 1
  12. On 7/13/2019 at 3:17 AM, darreldearth said:

    Xpadder support would be great to see so I can use different profiles per system/game for platforms which are difficult to setup a controller

    For my cab I use additional apps to load profile needed and load a blank profile after game closes. This is where bulk edit additional apps should be a standard feature IMO. For example MUGEN launches per EXE so does not use an emulator. Would be nice to add additional apps per system as well. But having to add yer xpadder profile per game is very tedious. Bulk edit or add additional apps to a ‘system’ would solve this. 

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  13. 22 hours ago, Retro808 said:

    I have it working with just static images and clear logos. Trying to figure out prioritization to see if I can get it to first show the marquee image if one exists in the marquee folder and then if not, fallback to the static image and clear logo.


    Nice work, that's perfect. Like you mentioned the prioritization if no marquee image existing and having it load logo and static image....  I think would mostly be needed for MAME or arcade systems. IMO the console/handhelds/PC are good with logo and static image... Although some PC games might deserve their own marquee like Tekken 7, SFV, etc...


  14. On 6/25/2019 at 5:34 PM, JoeViking245 said:

    start /w "" "D:\<path_to>\xpadder.exe" "D:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\Xpadder\Daphne\_Default\p1.xpadderprofile" /M

    start /w "" Daphne.exe %1 vldp -fullscreen -x 1920 -y 1080 -framefile "D:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Daphne\framefile\%1.txt"

    start "" "D:\<path_to>\xpadder.exe" "D:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\Xpadder\Daphne\_Default\blank.xpadderprofile" /M

    Ok so I did try this and at first got an error saying couldn't find Daphne, so I put the full path.


    start /w "" "D:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\Xpadder\Daphne\_Default\p1.xpadderprofile" /M
    start /w "" D:\Hyperspin\Roms\Daphne\Daphne.exe %1 vldp -fullscreen -x 1920 -y 1080 -framefile "D:\Hyperspin\Roms\Daphne\framefile\%1.txt"
    start "" "D:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\Xpadder\_Default\blank.xpadderprofile" /M


    Got an syntax error from Daphne. Want to thankyou thus far but I should have used the emulator AAE as a better example. I tried the following it looks like the games load but just loses focus to command window and when try to bring game up its blank screen. I think I am getting close. If you have suggestions for the one I'm trying below I would appreciate it. Perhaps AHK works better then batch files? or works the same?

    AAE doesn't require any command lines to launch... I just need to load a controller profile as the emulator has only default keyboard inputs. 

    start /w "" "D:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\Xpadder\AAE\_Default\p1.xpadderprofile" /M
    start /w "" D:\Hyperspin\Emulators\AAE\aae.exe %1 "D:\Hyperspin\Roms\AAE\%1.zip"
    start "" "D:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\Xpadder\_Default\blank.xpadderprofile" /M


    Default emulator 


    Batch file emulator


  15. 4 hours ago, JoeViking245 said:

    Run, xpadder-load-commandline

    RunWait, "path_to_Daphne.exe" %1

    Run, blank-load-commandline

    Ok so for the script is this the correct syntax for pointing to the profiles needed?

    Run, D:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\Xpadder\Daphne\_Default\p1.xpadderprofile
    RunWait, D:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Daphne\Daphne.exe %1
    Run, D:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\Xpadder\_Default\blank.xpadderprofile

    Not at my cabinet at the moment so cant test. Also I have Daphne as an emulator using a Batch file method to launch games. Not sure how this will jive with another script...

    Daphne.exe %1 vldp -fullscreen -x 1920 -y 1080 -framefile "D:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Daphne\framefile\%1.txt"


  16. 1 hour ago, JoeViking245 said:

    The only way I've found to do what you're asking to create a new 'emulator' based off a script.  Something like:

    Run, xpadder-load-commandline
    RunWait, "path_to_Daphne.exe" %1
    Run, blank-load-commandline

    And have that Platforms default emulator be the script.

    I've only tried something to that affect with Mame and it worked great.  'Worked' (past tense)... actually it still does, but with Mame I can't seem to properly pass "-keyboardprovider" to get the LB Pause Screen to work via the scripted-emu. I think LB need to get that argument 1st hand and it (sorta) can't through a script in this manner.  I have not tested this with any other emulator.  

    Not sure if I follow create new emulator based off script. Are you putting this script under the emulator auto hotkey option. So in this case wouldn't I need to point to the specific xpadder profile. Also I have profiles associated with the xpadder program (p1.xpadderprofile). So essentially I am not launching xpadder.exe directly.... I'm pointing to the profile, which obviously opens xpadder. In the emulator options there is a tab for 'Running AutoHotKey Script' and 'Exit AutoHotKey Script'

  17. Anyone know how I can use a script to load a default xpadder profile for Daphne for example, then once exiting the game load a blank xpadder profile. This does work with the 'add application' feature on a per game basis like in the pic below. But obviously wanted to see if I can save some time here as there are a couple other situations like this that will take a lot of time doing per game...




  18. 4 hours ago, Retro808 said:

    Can you share a few images. 

    1: In Launchbox >Tools >Options and show an image of the Input-Gamepad/Joystick tab and the Automation tab.

    2: >Tools >Manage Emulators and edit Demul show an image of the Running AHK and and Exit AHK tabs. 

    Thanks for quick reply, I got it sorted out. I had wrong button mapped. Now I wish there was a way to add application to a platform that doesn't use an emulator. For example adding a xpadder profile to PopCap games... Load the profile with a mapped Alt-F4 or an escape, then load a blank profile upon quitting the game. I can do this on a per game basis but its time consuming, will do if need to. 

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