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Everything posted by coleroddy
My humble suggestion: just release it as it is. I don't think many people would care that much about a logo. But it's not hard to find someone that could do the art for you though. Thanks anyway for the hard work.
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@Lahma So the issue with the numbers on the title turned out to be a simple issue to solve. That's great. Thanks again for the effort you put on the plugin.
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Thanks so much for looking into the issue.
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Oh you did? Bummer. I thought it could be easier. I was wrong. Sorry. Maybe you need a G27 indeed to fix the issue. But as it is now, it's working even if it's not idealy the best solution. I'm gonna keep this beta on a separate installation while we wait for the propper fix. Thanks again, Jason.
@Jason Carr I don't think you need a G27 for this task. If you can get your hands on any generic DINPUT controller and make it work with the software, I assume G27 will work just fine after it. I'm an average programmer and had made a few things in the past, but nothing on this scope. But I think I'm not far from the truth when I say that you just need a DINPUT device to make it happen. Anyway, I'm avaliable to do any test you need for this. Just gimme a shout. Thanks very much for the fixes. ps.: just to clarify, the issue is just on the remmaping part, but the G27 works on BigBox for everything, even for Automation like "Close Active Window" command combo. I'm using it right now.
Hi Jason. Thank for trying to solve the issue. I tested the new beta with my G27 while on BigBox and it can detect the wheel pretty fine. The default mapping for the wheel was all over the place like pressing gas pedal would make the menus to scroll down, instead of navigating using the d-pad. I then proceeded to try remmaping the controls and I couldn't because BigBox would not detect buttons press for d-pad or any button on the controller mapping menu, even after I selected "Use All Controllers". I hope you can fix it in the next beta. If you need any help like a log or something we could do, please let me know. EDIT: Ok I can use the wheel fine, but only if I map the buttons with the Xbox One controller first. I can't map the G27 by using the wheel only. And because of that, I have to guess which button does what while using the G27 on BigBox (except for the D-pad) because I don't now for example which button is button 9 or button 10 on the wheel due to not been able to remap the wheel controls on the remaping menu. I can however know which button is what by looking at the logitech profiler but not all buttons though (button 9 is 1st gear for example). Also when I enable the "Use all controllers" on controller menu, BigBox hangs and I have no other option besides killing the task on Windows Task Manager. Aside from all that, it works fine and it's possible to use the G27 on BigBox now. It just need to fix the remaping bug issue.
That's great to know, Lordmonkus. I never used a beta version of a frontend, but I'll be very tempted to do so. I never got G27 working with the software. This gonna be the first time if you manages to fixe it. Let's hope for the best. It never worked for me though. Maybe some update broke compatibility.
Thanks for taking the time to look at the issue, @Jason Carr. Just one thing to notice: G29 is Xinput device. G27 is Dinput device. If you could add support for both API's, it would be amazing. That's one of the few missing features that LaunchBox/BigBox doesn't have. Thanks again for the continuous support.
I also have the same issue. G27 is not recognized by bigbox and therefore I can't control BigBox with it, which is kinda silly (for the lack of a better word). Maybe the reason is because G27 uses Dinput and newer wheels and Xbox controller uses Xinput? Is that correct, @Jason Carr ?
WoW. Talk about coincidence. I was just testing exactly some ps3 games, and I came back to report just that I found the same issue on them. But the issue is not as I described earlier. It seems the numbers on names doesn't need necessary to be at the start or at the end of the name. They show a lot of zeroes if there are numbers in the middle of the name too. I tried "Persona 4 Arena Ultimax" and it showed the "4" in the name something like "Persona 0000004". Anyway, let's hope Lahma can solve the issue when he get time to do so.
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Ah I see. Thanks anyway, C-Beats. It's a small issue. Nothing game breaking though. Let's hope everything is ok with Lahma's life, so he could fix the issues when is possible.
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Thanks for the help! In that case, is there anything I can do to remedy the situation? Or is it bound to the plugin software's code?
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Hi. First of all, thanks very much for the plugin. I'm using this beta version you've uploaded and it works great. But I encountered just two issues that I think it's worth mentioning. The first one is regarding the name of the games that the plugin gets to display as "Now Playing". The issue is: if the name of the game on launchbox/BigBox has a number at the start or at the end of the game's name, it displays with a lot of zeros. An example: "18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker" for Dreamcast is displayed as "0000000018 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (Sega Dreamcast)". Another example: "Bloody Roar 2" for the PSX is displayed as "Bloady Roar 00000000002 (Sony Playstation)". I did some further testing by renaming the games on launchbox and got the following results: If I add an underscore ("_") to the start or the end of the name, then the name is displayed correctly. For example: "_18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker" is displayed as "_18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (Sega Dreamcast)". The same goes for Bloady Roar 2, if I change the name to "Bloady Roar 2_" the name is displayed as "Bloady Roar 2_ (Sony Playstation)". It doesn't need to be an underscore. It can be any letter or character that isn't a number at the start or at the end of the game's name. The second issue is that I can't bring Retroarch's menu up by pressing the guide button or even a button combo on the Xbox controller (L3+RB). I'm forced to press F1 on the keyboard to bring the menu up on screen, and after that I can mess with the retroarch menu using the joystick. With the plugin disabled, I can use the controller to bring up the menu using the guide button or a combo normally. I hope it helps you to fix the issues. And again: thanks very much for the plugin. Is really usefull. I didn't had any crashes or hicups or anything besides the ones that I've mentioned. Really happy with it. ps.:Most people just download it and never give feedback, but sometimes people are just not confortable with english language or they are just shy of posting on forums. But I can bet the ones that use your software are very happy that it works.
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You did not say which emulator you are using. If it is Retroarch, you could try unmapping everything just for this game and core and save it as a unique configuration file, and after that you start to mapping the controller just for that one that is giving you trouble. Maybe an update could have messed up your controller configuration.
If I had some knowledge about what and how to backup and restore your settings and data, I would tell you to do that and do a fresh install of Launchbox. Unfortunely I don't know much about the backup part and had an issue related to that today, and had to go through a trial and error process to resolve the issue because no one replied to my thread asking for help, and it seems the same in your case. If you know how to backup and restore your data, do a fresh install and see if it works. If not, you'll have to open another thread or give more information I think.
OK. After fiddling around with backups and what not, I managed to get my "missing" games and platforms back on bigbox without losing anything. It should be easier if we had more control over what is backed up and how to restore it. But it's been a while since I messed with my Launchbox setup, so a lot of things had changed since the last time (I think it was 1 year ago the last time I used the software). Anyway, thanks for the constant updates. I think I need to read the change logs more often.
Hi. I tried to import Sega Model 2 roms to a Sega Model 2 platform and while importing I left the option to "create playlist based on MAME" checked (I don't remember the exact name) and proceed with the importing. When it finished, all my distinct platforms has gone. I had previously created Capcom Play System, Capcom Play System 2, Capcom Play System 3, NEO GEO, CAVE and so on. And now launch box put everything under one category and named it "Final Burn Alpha", and deleted my previous platforms under settings! When I open BigBox now, a lot of things are missing. I checked my launchbox dedicated folder and the data is still there (at least my roms are, so I hope the metadata is there also). How do I revert to the previouly state that things were? I see a backup folder but I have no idea what to do and I prefer to ask here before I go messing things up even more. Note: some of the platforms were created waaaay back in the day when Mame playlist feature were implemented, like "Capcom Classics" or "Data East Classics" for exemple. It had it's own theme and metadata and everything and now its also gone. EDIT: Somethings are still as playlists in Bigbox, but not as before. I have to choose between viewing the platforms or the playlists, but I could see both at the same wheelspin before this. Is there any way to view both playlists AND platforms in the same wheel spin instead of having to go back to the start menu of bigbox and opting to view just one or another?
I know this is a old thread, but I had the same issue with RA Snes9x and none of the above worked for me. What I had to to was put out an Auto Hot Key script. I'm gonna post it below, in case someone else needs it. What it does is just wait 5 seconds after the emulator started running and after that it sends "Alt" key, wait 1 second and sends "V" key, wait 0.3 seconds and sends "Enter" key. It basically does what a person would do to enter the proper menu using the keyboard and activate the "Hide Menu Bar" option. "Esc" key still closes the emulator. I'm on windows 10 by the way and I play on the hardcore mode. I hope this helps. Sleep, 5000 Send {Alt} Sleep, 1000 Send {v} Sleep 300 Send {Enter} ; This section closes Snes9x when pressing Escape $Esc:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} }
Hi, I just would like like to give some feedback about the issue. I tried to connect to Launchbox servers using a VPN and tested the connection with different origins. No matter which country the VPN was running from, the download speeds were above 10mbps (around 1 megabyte per second) at least. The only exception is Brazil which is capped somehow at half megabit (bit, not byte) per second. So I hope I'm not bothering you @Jason Carr, but I was wondering if you could just give a shout to the people responsible for your server maintenence because maybe they can do something about the issue. There is clearly something wrong with the route from Launchbox server to Brazil. Again, thanks for the support @ckp I did a traceroute command with the VPN turned on, and the results were basically the same if not worst compared to that direct one from Brazil that you suggested. And still I could download anything at least 20 times faster. It's strange.
Thanks for taking the time to answer, @Jason Carr. About the issue, that's OK. I accept the fact that you cannot afford many servers due to the size of your business, and I'm sure you would do something if you could. Just keep updating LaunchBox please. It's really an awesome piece of software you got there, and also the community is one of the best. Anyway, thanks again.
I just called my ISP and told them all the story. They couldn't stress enough telling me that there was nothing wrong with my internet link and because it's an issue with just ONE server in the whole world, there is nothing they can do on our side. And I agree with them because I don't have this issue with any other server connection I do. They told me they could do something if the issue was with a lot of different sites or servers or a whole country or an especific area. But the case here is just the LaunchBox-app.com domain. And I searched through the web for other people with the same issue related to Launchbox connection speeds, and I found some on reddit, on this very forum and other not so populated sites. Nobody has a solution. As I already switched from one ISP to another and the issue persists, I can't just blame two completly distinct ISP's for this. Everything is pointing to Launchbox servers having an speed issue with some countries. I just can't do nothing about it. Only @Jason Carr can, I think. It's sunday today, so he is probably taking the day off. But I would really like a word of wisdom from him regarding this matter. The only thing that I know is that I love Launchbox software, and also that the software does NOT accept multiples connections and it1s limited to just one per request.
Yeah, it's really strange for me that this is happening. What I can see clearly is that LaunchBox servers does not accept more then one connection per file when updating the software, and it seems that it does the same for connections to the Game Database. In other words, the thing is not multithreaded (not sure if thats the proper word, english is not my main language so I'm trying to explain the best that can). I really would like a word about this matter from @Jason Carr . Again, I'm not complaining. I just want to understand what is going on and if something can be done to improve. I really love the software. It's very usefull. I just wish that I could download the data faster. For now I'm using only EmuMovies to get my metadata from and not using LaunchBox Game Database at all. That way is much faster though.
I ran the traceroute command at launchbox-app.com domain. Here is what it looks like: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rastreando a rota para launchbox-app.com [76.164.xxx.xxx] com no máximo 30 saltos: 1 4 ms 1 ms 3 ms 2 16 ms 12 ms 12 ms 10.xxx.xxx.xxx 3 18 ms 44 ms 19 ms c9118014.virtua.com.br [xxx] 4 14 ms 14 ms 14 ms c91180fe.virtua.com.br [xxx] 5 12 ms 17 ms 12 ms c91180fd.virtua.com.br [xxx] 6 17 ms 14 ms 17 ms embratel-T0-1-2-0-tacc01.bhe.embratel.net.br [xxx] 7 137 ms 141 ms 134 ms ebt-H0-10-0-0-tcore01.bhe.embratel.net.br [xxx] 8 134 ms 126 ms 139 ms ebt-B13151-intl01.atl.embratel.net.br [xxx] 9 148 ms 132 ms 136 ms 7-2-4.ear3.Atlanta2.Level3.net [xxx] 10 189 ms 196 ms 189 ms ae-1-6.bar2.LasVegas1.Level3.net [xxx] 11 199 ms 196 ms 199 ms GIGLINX-INC.bar2.LasVegas1.Level3.net [xxx] 12 194 ms 189 ms 199 ms 192.xxx.xxx.xxx (this is the last ip address) 13 * * * Esgotado o tempo limite do pedido. (it runs up to 30 steps from here) 30 * * * Esgotado o tempo limite do pedido. (it means timeout). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Do you see something wrong? I have no idea if something is really off in those results. Thanks again for all the help
I already did the tracert command before you asked for it, but I don't know much about networks, so I don't know what should I expecting to see on the command prompt screen to blame my ISP for the issue. Could you be more specific please? Which info should I look for on the results to confirm what is going wrong with my connection? Also, I called my ISP support and they can't do much right now because their support system is offline. It's gonna be back online in 3 hours from now. I would like to have the proper info so I can pass it to them. Thanks again for the support, sir.