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Everything posted by PhillsDoodles

  1. I'm glad you decided to make it, a lot of people have been asking bout it, but i don't have enough free time. Hope you have fun
  2. here: https://github.com/lipebello/retrorama-overlay-pack
  3. Yeah, i've changed from Selected to Active because Selected can drag the performance when you're switching between platforms. For me it didn't affect at all, but i don't have many systems on my launchbox.
  4. Sure thing, i just started to learn about how to make themes for LB and don't know all the things that can be done.
  5. it returns the platform name. So, if i'm on Arcade platform, it will return Arcade.jpg and show the image as background.
  6. Thanks @Kevin_Flynn. What scroll you're referring? i'm pretty noob on LB and still learning what things i can make to make the theme looks better.
  7. @Jason Carr, these lines will work only on the beta version, or can i add them to the ThemeSettings.xml ? Thanks a lot ! i'm really loving LaunchBox!
  8. Hahaha, crap! i've upload the file again. forgot to add the font on the font folder.
  9. New update. I've also include the comic book font on the theme file.
  10. Yup, i need to include it on the theme download file. But you can download it here: https://www.dafont.com/pt/comic-book.font
  11. I like the star ratings, but the community ratings, because when i found some game that i didn't play yet, i like to see how much stars people gave to it. /i'm all hyped for this feature to be on the stable version!
  12. Finished Music and Options. Now i'm adding more systems to upload a new version.
  13. Thanks a lot, i'm glad you like it!
  14. @wallmachine, you mean these? https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3jp1HiPnkS-U3VhZVJSRDBzZFU i think that they're too simple to use as a bezel. But i made they in vector format, it can be scaled. Feel free to use it.
  15. Yup, a lot of themes was inspired on this one. Awesome!
  16. @harryoke - Cool, you did it with after effects? @ALIE - thanks! and of course!
  17. Yeah, i have StationEmulation and ComixBox from Grilla and both criticalZone themes. They're awesome!
  18. Here you go, @dmjohn0x https://drive.google.com/open?id=1m4054Fi5Uwt6yOFat7UowSwWKcbE-fC8
  19. Yeah, actually i'm drawing it right now, so i can use it to make the options screen to looks like the back of a comic book, when i finish it, i'll share it with you
  20. Thanks! i probably will, but i want to work more on the rock theme first and add some new covers for retrorama too
  21. Yeah, i remember. I was receiving requests from people asking to make systems to windows emulationstation and attract mode, then you asked to port it from launchbox, but i didn't had a license. I remember saying in facebook when someone asked about it, that i didn't want to be in the way of other people creativity, so i always shared my google drive folder for anyone that wants to port the theme to other FEs. Only problem was that people asked for PSDs and i did all the art on Illustrator and Sai tools, so i didn't had (i only use photoshop for 3D texture and photos, don't know why, but my wacoms never worked well with Photoshop). But i'm glad you like it and i hope that everything is well. Thanks a lot for the kind words!
  22. @bundangdon, sorry if i don't understood, i'm still learning about all those views that LB offers... you mean a second platform view with the list arranged like your sketch? if so, i don't think that would be a problem to do, because the layout it's pretty much done and i can make one of the platforms that way. @wallmachine i agree, but i always likes simple things, i think that if a theme has too much information, it will end up like an website or a newspaper. I know a lot of people thinks in the opposite way and love to see every details of a game, plus some screens, video and fan art popping out, but i tend to make things more visual and simplier than informative and with too much itens to see because the whole purpouse is just choose the games to play. I've tried to make themes with lots of stuff for hyperspin on the past and they all looked like crap because i didn't know where to put the stuff, lol
  23. Thanks for the feedback. i may had screwed it when i was looking at the codes
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