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Everything posted by Lukeyboy67

  1. Commodore 64 'Logo' Pack (T) View File I have 6000 C64 games and after scraping for game logos from the database and Emumovies I only acquired around 3000. So, as in my other 'unofficial' logo packs here are the missing ones created by myself. This is a big job so I'll release them in alphabetical order as I make them. (T) 219 logos. Submitter Lukeyboy67 Submitted 06/09/2019 Category Game Media Packs  
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  2. Version 1.0.0


    I have 6000 C64 games and after scraping for game logos from the database and Emumovies I only acquired around 3000. So, as in my other 'unofficial' logo packs here are the missing ones created by myself. This is a big job so I'll release them in alphabetical order as I make them. (T) 219 logos.
  3. Commodore 64 'Logo' Pack (S) View File I have 6000 C64 games and after scraping for game logos from the database and Emumovies I only acquired around 3000. So, as in my other 'unofficial' logo packs here are the missing ones created by myself. This is a big job so I'll release them in alphabetical order as I make them. (S) 511 logos. (Phew!) Submitter Lukeyboy67 Submitted 06/05/2019 Category Game Media Packs  
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  4. Version 1.0.0


    I have 6000 C64 games and after scraping for game logos from the database and Emumovies I only acquired around 3000. So, as in my other 'unofficial' logo packs here are the missing ones created by myself. This is a big job so I'll release them in alphabetical order as I make them. (S) 511 logos. (Phew!)
  5. Sussed it. For some reason after moving my LB folder the drive letter has disapeared from all my roms. The thought of deleting then re-importing 26,000 roms doesn't float my boat. Is there a less painfull way to get that drive letter back? anybody?
  6. No drives were added, I used a existing SSD. If I edit a game and point it to the rom drive it works. Weird thing is my Mame games still work! and they are on the same drive, strange.
  7. I've moved my LB folder and my emulators folder to a SSD. I edited all my emultors new location. Now when I try to run a game it shows this. My roms are on a ext drive and I haven't touched them. So I presumed they're would be no probs but here I am....
  8. 'ePSX Pause Works Normally: Forceful Off (must be off, doesn't work with on) ' Noob question - What is Forceful? I don't see it in the options. I really want pause working on ePSXe
  9. Commodore 64 'Logo' Pack (R) View File I have 6000 C64 games and after scraping for game logos from the database and Emumovies I only acquired around 3000. So, as in my other 'unofficial' logo packs here are the missing ones created by myself. This is a big job so I'll release them in alphabetical order as I make them. (R) 148 logos. Submitter Lukeyboy67 Submitted 05/17/2019 Category Game Media Packs  
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  10. Version 1.0.0


    I have 6000 C64 games and after scraping for game logos from the database and Emumovies I only acquired around 3000. So, as in my other 'unofficial' logo packs here are the missing ones created by myself. This is a big job so I'll release them in alphabetical order as I make them. (R) 148 logos.
  11. Commodore 64 'Logo' Pack (P-Q) View File I have 6000 C64 games and after scraping for game logos from the database and Emumovies I only acquired around 3000. So, as in my other 'unofficial' logo packs here are the missing ones created by myself. This is a big job so I'll release them in alphabetical order as I make them. (P-Q) 227 logos. Submitter Lukeyboy67 Submitted 05/10/2019 Category Game Media Packs  
  12. Version 1.0.0


    I have 6000 C64 games and after scraping for game logos from the database and Emumovies I only acquired around 3000. So, as in my other 'unofficial' logo packs here are the missing ones created by myself. This is a big job so I'll release them in alphabetical order as I make them. (P-Q) 227 logos.
  13. Commodore 64 'Logo' Pack (N-O) View File I have 6000 C64 games and after scraping for game logos from the database and Emumovies I only acquired around 3000. So, as in my other 'unofficial' logo packs here are the missing ones created by myself. This is a big job so I'll release them in alphabetical order as I make them. (N-O) 129 logos. Submitter Lukeyboy67 Submitted 05/07/2019 Category Game Media Packs  
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  14. Version 1.0.0


    I have 6000 C64 games and after scraping for game logos from the database and Emumovies I only acquired around 3000. So, as in my other 'unofficial' logo packs here are the missing ones created by myself. This is a big job so I'll release them in alphabetical order as I make them. (N-O) 129 logos.
  15. Commodore 64 'Logo' Pack (L-M) View File I have 6000 C64 games and after scraping for game logos from the database and Emumovies I only acquired around 3000. So, as in my other 'unofficial' logo packs here are the missing ones created by myself. This is a big job so I'll release them in alphabetical order as I make them. (L-M) 384 logos. Submitter Lukeyboy67 Submitted 05/01/2019 Category Game Media Packs  
  16. Version 1.0.0


    I have 6000 C64 games and after scraping for game logos from the database and Emumovies I only acquired around 3000. So, as in my other 'unofficial' logo packs here are the missing ones created by myself. This is a big job so I'll release them in alphabetical order as I make them. (L-M) 384 logos.
  17. Commodore 64 'Logo' Pack (J-K) View File I have 6000 C64 games and after scraping for game logos from the database and Emumovies I only acquired around 3000. So, as in my other 'unofficial' logo packs here are the missing ones created by myself. This is a big job so I'll release them in alphabetical order as I make them. (J-K) 103 logos. Submitter Lukeyboy67 Submitted 04/27/2019 Category Game Media Packs  
  18. Version 1.0.0


    I have 6000 C64 games and after scraping for game logos from the database and Emumovies I only acquired around 3000. So, as in my other 'unofficial' logo packs here are the missing ones created by myself. This is a big job so I'll release them in alphabetical order as I make them. (J-K) 103 logos.
  19. Commodore 64 'Logo' Pack (H-I) View File I have 6000 C64 games and after scraping for game logos from the database and Emumovies I only acquired around 3000. So, as in my other 'unofficial' logo packs here are the missing ones created by myself. This is a big job so I'll release them in alphabetical order as I make them. (H-I) 195 logos. Submitter Lukeyboy67 Submitted 04/25/2019 Category Game Media Packs  
  20. Version 1.0.0


    I have 6000 C64 games and after scraping for game logos from the database and Emumovies I only acquired around 3000. So, as in my other 'unofficial' logo packs here are the missing ones created by myself. This is a big job so I'll release them in alphabetical order as I make them. (H-I) 195 logos.
  21. Commodore 64 'Logo' Pack (G) View File I have 6000 C64 games and after scraping for game logos from the database and Emumovies I only acquired around 3000. So, as in my other 'unofficial' logo packs here are the missing ones created by myself. This is a big job so I'll release them in alphabetical order as I make them. (G) 154 logos. Submitter Lukeyboy67 Submitted 04/23/2019 Category Game Media Packs  
  22. Version 1.0.0


    I have 6000 C64 games and after scraping for game logos from the database and Emumovies I only acquired around 3000. So, as in my other 'unofficial' logo packs here are the missing ones created by myself. This is a big job so I'll release them in alphabetical order as I make them. (G) 154 logos.
  23. Of course I didn't try rebooting, so I tried and it worked! and now I feel like a gobshite! ? Thanks for the swift reply m8
  24. Win 10 did a few updates, after which, this happened.... The text in some of the menus is now tiny! This is on a 4K TV. Any idea how I can resolve this? Cheers
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