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bigbox and rocket launcher


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Hi I thought id try rocket launcher with big box and for some systems it be a help to me. I can get the game to run but when I quit big box gos from full screen to down and to the left of screen if I shrink it then expand it it gos to full screen again. don't know if its lb or rl problem any help please thanks ps have also post in rl forum
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Hi this is a test build just trying it out I recorded for tem mins trying to get it to do it for all three systems(which it was doing a lot last night) no luck but when I stopped recording it did it a few times which I caught with the last 5min shodowplay rec. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEZQeNKuNvY
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So you're using SSF and I'm assuming Daemon to mount? Try this: Open SSF and make sure the emulator is using the same fullscreen resolution as your desktop. (Also if you changed any of the default module settings, put them back) Now go to your Sega Saturn System in RL. Go to the "settings" tab. and make sure that you don't have any of the "Hide" settings set to true. For instance turn off "Hide Taskbar" and "Hide Front End" etc. Report back. So this doesn't happen all the time? What three systems? Are you using the mount feature on all three?
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I will have a go after tea but it was doing it for Atari 2600 using retro arch so I don't think its the mount feature. it is strange as it does not do it every time. I am thinking the same as you I don't know if ssf will work the same res as my desktop will have a look thank you
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Here's what I would do. First I'd make sure that I didn't have any of the "Hide" options selected in RocketLauncher. Also I'd make sure that I didn't have "suspend front end" selected in RL. Turn off Fade In in RL, and especially turn off Fade Out. If the issue persists: I'd set up RA as an emulator in LaunchBox, switch a game or two over to it and see if I could recreate the issue. If the issue persists at this point (without RL) I'd start thinking about Windows itself and other programs that could be running etc trying to steal focus. If you can't recreate the issue without using Rocketlauncher, it has to be an RL setting. (Note, I use RL and I've never seen anything like that, but I never mount any games so thats why my mind went there first.) I saw your post on the RL forum, so if it is an issue with rocketlauncher it would be helpful to me (and anyone else at that forum) to see a troubleshooting log. Post it there. (There probably won't be an "error" in the log, per se, since everything is technically working, but it would give me a lot more information about what you're using etc.) And we can determine if its some kind of bug.
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In RocketlauncherUI: Select Global under Systems, then "Global Settings" Towards the bottom you'll see Logger. Set it to troubleshooting. Launch a game (from whatever system is being the most problematic, although I'd be interested to see the RA log) Exit game normally. Now in RocketlauncherUI go to the LogViewer tab at the top There's a circlular arrow button to refresh the log. Click it. Then near that button, another button to copy the log to your clipboard. Post it inbetween some code tags on the RL forum. (I just don't think this is the place to be filled with enormous RL logs haha) Oh, I forgot to mention, when you're done, go back and turn off "troubleshooting" under logger. It can cause slowdown.
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are you sure the problem is not the emulators ?? I use ssf only if the game is not capable in running yabuse , my tv resolution is a lot larger than the 1200x800 for SSF full-screen mode so i run it in a 2550x1440 window in SSF to make it run correctly . have you try building without RL and just the emulators themselves.?
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shadowfire36 said are you sure the problem is not the emulators ?? I use ssf only if the game is not capable in running yabuse , my tv resolution is a lot larger than the 1200x800 for SSF full-screen mode so i run it in a 2550x1440 window in SSF to make it run correctly . have you try building without RL and just the emulators themselves.?
Hi its not just the emulator ssf but all emulators and can use lb without rl was just trying it out.
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It's probably not bezel support  in RL as I use bezels on NDS and don't have any issues and given the recent popularity of RL and LB mixing things up, I would have expected to have seen more people talking about it.  But it may very well be the unmount when you are shutting down The Saturn Emulator.  Back before I learned about Retroarch and the Mupen Core, I used Project 64 standalone and it caused this same issue. It was how the emulator opened in fullscreen. It opened to non full, then blinked and jumped to full and it totally screwed Big Box up. When you say it happens on other emulators, do those require a mount of an image as well? Also, how are those being mounted, are you using dtools lite and the RL ahk module?

Edit: Apologies I just saw that you were using RA for Atari. That is strange indeed. In that scenario, you are not seeing any artifacts during the transition back to the front end? What version of LB are you running?


Edited by Zeromod
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It's nice to not have to set up your emulators with each front end, Rocketlauncher centralizes it.  Also, you can set up Joy2Key profiles to be launches based on the RL database name, so it takes care of all keymapping launching without having to point to the EXE of the game within the keymapping program itself, but rather RL takes care of it by matching the profile you make to the game's name in the RL database.  Super nice feature.  The Bezels are amazing also, makes things look sooooo nice.  The Fade screens that cover up the emulator launch is another super nice feature, which should be built in to front ends IMO.  The PAUSE feature which puts a menu screen above the emulator that has a save state menu where you can enter the emulator's save state keys in autohotkey format into RL, and it will send those commands to the emulator behind the PAUSE screen, so that you can do savestates just by selecting it from the menu and hitting enter.  Another feature that I think should be standard within frontends.  These are the reason why I use Rocket Launcher.  To me, those features make it an essential part of the frontend experience.  If those features could be integrated into a frontend, then i'd have no reason to use it anymore.  Fade, Pause, Keymaper profile launching based on database names, and Bezels. 

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If different frontends communicate with rocketlauncher, it actually takes out a step since you already have all the emulators setup in rocketlauncher.  I just went from hyperspin to launchbox rather quickly by selecting rocketlauncher  as my emulator and it was already all setup with rocketlauncher so bam no directories to look in for each and every emulator, just point each platform to rocketlauncher and it takes care of the rest, which once you set up the first time it is pretty much done from then on out.

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