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Nintendo DS HELP!!!!!


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I'm not sure of the extent of the functionality, honestly, as I've never needed the feature, and my RL Hayday was about a year ago. Also, since I never used the feature, and I've only really tested a few DS games, I'm hesitant to speak further on it. I figured there would be something about it on the wiki, but there isn't. However, if you give me an example of a game that requires a different orientation, when I get home from work, I can test it out and report the steps back. I'm pretty confident though that its possible to automate it, and I know the AHK script it uses to launch Desmume lets you launch it directly into fullscreen. I'm not sure what method it uses, but I could also read the module and figure that out if there's interest.
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Alright. Firstly, I can read AHK about as well as I can read Latin, which is to say, alright but not that well. It looks to me like the module (AHK Script) RL uses to make Desmume go fullscreen is a send keypress. The module also does some sleep stuff so that you can't see the emu going fullscreen, it just pops up like that. If you really want, you can download RL and the AHK script is located in RocketLauncher/Modules/Desmume. I just tested it though, I can say for certain that it works right out the box. Setting a game to verticle is almost just as easy, and you can do it one of two ways. The first is by populating a ini with a list of the games you want to be verticle. (This ini also comes installed with rocketlauncher, same folder as the module, however the name has (example) amended on the back of it, so it won't be used until you delete that. An easier way is just a few clicks in the UI. Example below: New-Bitmap-Image-2.png
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I've worked with Macros before, and that is essentially all this is just done automatically. If "Send {Alt}{Enter}" doesn't work then try "Send {RAlt Down}{Enter}". The website states that you need to also close out {RAlt Down} with {RAlt Up}, so you may need to include that. I don't have AHK set up to test.
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You know, I did this one for BizHawk a long time ago, before it supported autofullscreen. The Send keypress wouldn't work until I had it WAIT for a while. I can't remember exactly how I did it, but I figured out that the keypress was happening too quick, before the emu was ready for the command. I don't remember how, but you could try having the script wait for a moment before sending the keypress. Also do forgive me for not being more helpful, the only reason I'm here right now is that work sent me home with a 102 fever. I"m pretty loopy.
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So I've been trying to work on this since my last post, and I think the reason why it isn't working is because the latest Desmume launches a console first then the emulator. I've been trying to work on a script that delays the key presses, but I'm having no luck. I can't spend any more time on this right now, so I am letting you guys know what I've found so far.
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  • 1 year later...
On 21/2/2016 at 3:00 AM, dudechester said:

Is there really no way to get Desmume running in full screen...? Seems such a simple thing to do. (Well it is for every other emulator) Is there not something we can add into the command line to replicate Alt+Enter upon loading a rom through launchbox please? I tried running NoGba emulator, but the sound emulation was not accurate, and there is very little in the way of configuration. Desmume has everything dammit, except auto full screen. So please can someone help with a solution to auto fullscreen Desmume on startup, and ill be forever grateful, Thanks.

For no debug console and full screen use this.  Open desmume.ini (in your emulator folder) search [Console] and arrange like this


For full screen use this on AUTOHOTKEY OPTIONS (In emulator configurator on launchbox)

WinWaitActive , DeSmuME ;
Send !{Enter}

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