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Is there a way to show the video in normal mode instead of still screenshot?

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I love the big bode mode with the movie preview in there, is there a way to also have the video play in normal mode or a way to get a video to play? I checked right click a game and I can pull up the manual and other stuff which is great but cannot find the movie anywhere in normal mode. (My fully regstered Launchbox btw)
IN my game details on the side it shows the crt and a screenshot, but no movie. The movie only play in Big Box Mode. IS there a setting I am missing to get it to play on the right in details?
Either AutoPlay or potentially something is wrong with the Codecs and if the auto play didn't fix it a download of K-Lite Codec Pack Standard will work. Let K-Lite fix any issues it may see.
Auto lay video was not checked, I ticked it on and rebooted the program. I am testing with the legendary axe TG16 because I checked the path and made sure the video is there, also when I goto big box mode the video plays right away. ?!? Maybe I will post a quick youtube video to show what I am seeing. I don't even know where a videooculd be, on my details there is all th text, then below that it says "Screenshots" and screnshots are al down there to bottom.
The video should be below that text, above the images. Go to Tools -> Options then Game Details on the left. There is a big area that says "Show". The first box is Video, is this checked? If not, check it and restart LB again.
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