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Hello - For some reason RetroArch immediately closes when I load it for Arcade (MAME core) from LaunchBox. When I open RA solo, load the core and then load the rom it works perfectly. So definitely an issue on the LB end. I have the path to the core correct. Definitely not a BIOS or rom issue because as mentioned the exact game works perfectly when trying in RetroArch outside of LB. Any tips? Seems odd.
OK I figured it out - for some reason the "extract ROM archives before running" box was checked for RA in the manage emulators. I never manually checked it, so not sure what happened - maybe when it updated to a new BETA today?
  • Thanks 1
Ah, good catch! Thank you Angelo. Retroarch is complicated because it makes sense to extract archives for most platforms, but obviously not for MAME. I'll change the default on that so it's not checked by default for Retroarch going forward. Thanks!
I know the check box is per emulator, I wonder if it should also be per system. RetroArch for example that emulates multiple systems may need it to work with one core but not another. Just a thought. Thanks for everything.
If that is the case go to manage emulators add a new emulator named Retroarch1 (or what ever you prefer) and point it to your same RA.exe you are already using but check the extract ROM before running. In another post one of the users was having the same issue with the Neo Geo core of RA not working in LB I wonder if the box is checked to unpack the file and that why it won't work for him.
  • 1 year later...

you need to have LB point to RetroArch twice one with the checkbox checked and one without it checked and then have all the systems that need to unzip files use the one that has it checked.

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