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Importing Mame


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I had previously imported all my Mame games. 

This weekend I finally updated all my mame roms to the latest version (0.176). Now how do I import version 0.176 into Launchbox? I don't want to import everything again. it took forever and I added a lot of metadata to my current setup that I don't want to loose.

Edited by Styphelus
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Yes, the file names should be the same, but there may be some new ROMs in the latest MAME release. You should be able to just re-import them all though and it will skip the existing games. However, we haven't updated the MAME metadata that comes with LaunchBox, so the very newest added ROMs might not be picked up.

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Right. Obviously any new games will have to be imported since they were never there in the first place, but for old games you shouldn't have to do anything - your old LB entries will be directed to the same file name so it will still work. You can specifically tell the importer to allow duplicates if you so choose but it's not checked by default, so anything you import that has the same file name as what's in your current library will be skipped (which is what you want in your case).

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